A Case Study of Large Language Models (ChatGPT and CodeBERT) for Security-Oriented Code Analysis






Published 5/3/2024 by Zhilong Wang, Lan Zhang, Chen Cao, Nanqing Luo, Peng Liu



LLMs can be used on code analysis tasks like code review, vulnerabilities analysis and etc. However, the strengths and limitations of adopting these LLMs to the code analysis are still unclear. In this paper, we delve into LLMs' capabilities in security-oriented program analysis, considering perspectives from both attackers and security analysts. We focus on two representative LLMs, ChatGPT and CodeBert, and evaluate their performance in solving typical analytic tasks with varying levels of difficulty. Our study demonstrates the LLM's efficiency in learning high-level semantics from code, positioning ChatGPT as a potential asset in security-oriented contexts. However, it is essential to acknowledge certain limitations, such as the heavy reliance on well-defined variable and function names, making them unable to learn from anonymized code. For example, the performance of these LLMs heavily relies on the well-defined variable and function names, therefore, will not be able to learn anonymized code. We believe that the concerns raised in this case study deserve in-depth investigation in the future.

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  • Evaluates the capabilities and limitations of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and CodeBERT in security-oriented program analysis tasks
  • Focuses on how these models perform on tasks like code review, vulnerability analysis, and other security-related code analysis
  • Examines the models' strengths in learning high-level code semantics as well as their weaknesses, such as reliance on well-defined variable and function names

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and CodeBERT have shown promise in code analysis tasks, but their specific strengths and limitations in the security domain are not yet fully understood. This paper delves into how these LLMs perform on typical security-focused code analysis tasks, such as reviewing code for vulnerabilities or identifying security issues.

The researchers found that the LLMs are quite effective at understanding the high-level meaning and semantics of code, making them potentially useful tools for security analysts. For example, ChatGPT was able to efficiently identify and explain security-related problems in code.

However, the models also have significant limitations. They rely heavily on the quality of variable and function names in the code, and struggle to learn from code that has been anonymized or obfuscated. This means the models may not be able to effectively analyze code that has been intentionally obscured, as is common in malicious software.

Overall, the paper suggests that LLMs can be valuable assets in security-oriented code analysis, but also highlights important areas for further research and development to address the current limitations.

Technical Explanation

The researchers evaluated the performance of two representative LLMs, ChatGPT and CodeBERT, on a variety of security-focused code analysis tasks. These tasks ranged in difficulty and were designed to assess the models' capabilities from the perspectives of both attackers and security analysts.

The results showed that the LLMs were quite effective at learning high-level semantic information from the code, allowing them to efficiently identify and explain security-related issues. For example, ChatGPT was able to accurately detect common vulnerabilities like SQL injection and buffer overflow, and provide detailed explanations of the problems.

However, the models' performance was heavily dependent on the quality of the variable and function names in the code. When the code was anonymized or obfuscated, the LLMs struggled to learn the necessary information, limiting their effectiveness. This is a significant limitation, as code obfuscation is a common technique used by malicious actors to evade detection.

The researchers also found that the LLMs performed better on tasks that required high-level understanding of code semantics, rather than low-level, detailed analysis. This suggests that the models may be more useful for tasks like code review and vulnerability identification, rather than more complex security analysis.

Critical Analysis

The paper highlights important strengths and limitations of using LLMs for security-oriented code analysis, and raises several critical questions for further research.

One key limitation is the models' heavy reliance on well-defined variable and function names. This makes them vulnerable to techniques like code obfuscation, which are commonly used by malicious actors to evade detection. Addressing this limitation would be crucial for the effective deployment of LLMs in security-critical applications.

Additionally, the paper notes that the LLMs performed better on tasks requiring high-level understanding of code semantics, rather than low-level, detailed analysis. This suggests that the models may have limitations in more complex security analysis tasks, and raises questions about their suitability for certain security-critical applications.

The researchers also acknowledge the need for further investigation into the safety and generalization challenges of using LLMs in security-oriented contexts. As these models become more widely adopted, it will be crucial to carefully evaluate their robustness and reliability in the face of adversarial attacks or unexpected inputs.

Overall, the paper provides a valuable starting point for understanding the potential and limitations of LLMs in security-oriented code analysis. However, the concerns raised deserve in-depth investigation to ensure the responsible and effective deployment of these models in security-critical applications.


This study offers important insights into the capabilities and limitations of using large language models like ChatGPT and CodeBERT for security-oriented code analysis. While the LLMs demonstrate efficiency in learning high-level code semantics, their heavy reliance on well-defined variable and function names poses a significant limitation, particularly in the face of common obfuscation techniques used by malicious actors.

The findings suggest that these LLMs may be valuable assets in certain security-focused tasks, such as code review and vulnerability identification. However, their suitability for more complex security analysis remains an open question that requires further investigation. As the use of LLMs in security-critical applications continues to grow, it will be crucial to address the concerns raised in this study to ensure the responsible and effective deployment of these powerful models.

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