Causally Inspired Regularization Enables Domain General Representations






Published 4/26/2024 by Olawale Salaudeen, Sanmi Koyejo



Given a causal graph representing the data-generating process shared across different domains/distributions, enforcing sufficient graph-implied conditional independencies can identify domain-general (non-spurious) feature representations. For the standard input-output predictive setting, we categorize the set of graphs considered in the literature into two distinct groups: (i) those in which the empirical risk minimizer across training domains gives domain-general representations and (ii) those where it does not. For the latter case (ii), we propose a novel framework with regularizations, which we demonstrate are sufficient for identifying domain-general feature representations without a priori knowledge (or proxies) of the spurious features. Empirically, our proposed method is effective for both (semi) synthetic and real-world data, outperforming other state-of-the-art methods in average and worst-domain transfer accuracy.

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  • The paper explores how enforcing sufficient graph-implied conditional independencies can identify domain-general (non-spurious) feature representations from a causal graph representing the data-generating process.
  • It categorizes the set of graphs considered in the literature into two distinct groups: (i) those where the empirical risk minimizer across training domains gives domain-general representations, and (ii) those where it does not.
  • For the latter case (ii), the paper proposes a novel framework with regularizations that can identify domain-general feature representations without a priori knowledge (or proxies) of the spurious features.

Plain English Explanation

The paper is about a technique for learning useful features from data that can work well across different situations or "domains." The key idea is to use a diagram, called a causal graph, that shows how the different factors in the data are related to each other.

By enforcing certain independence relationships in this causal graph, the researchers show that you can find features that are truly useful for the task at hand, rather than features that are just coincidentally correlated with the target in the training data (known as "spurious" features).

The paper categorizes different types of causal graphs into two groups: those where the standard machine learning approach of minimizing the training error will give you these useful, domain-general features, and those where it won't. For the latter case, the researchers propose a new method that can still find the good features without needing to know ahead of time which features are the spurious ones.

This is important because real-world data often contains many spurious correlations, and models that rely on these can perform poorly when deployed in new situations. The new method proposed in the paper aims to overcome this issue and learn representations that generalize better.

Technical Explanation

The paper considers a setting where the data-generating process is shared across different domains/distributions, and is represented by a causal graph. The key insight is that by enforcing sufficient graph-implied conditional independencies, one can identify domain-general (non-spurious) feature representations.

For the standard input-output predictive setting, the authors categorize the set of causal graphs considered in prior work into two groups:

  1. Those where the empirical risk minimizer across training domains gives domain-general representations.
  2. Those where the empirical risk minimizer does not give domain-general representations.

For the latter case (ii), the authors propose a novel framework that uses specific regularizations. These regularizations are shown to be sufficient for identifying domain-general feature representations, without requiring a priori knowledge (or proxies) of the spurious features.

Empirically, the proposed method is demonstrated to be effective on both (semi) synthetic and real-world datasets, outperforming other state-of-the-art methods in terms of average and worst-domain transfer accuracy.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a valuable contribution by providing a principled framework for learning domain-general representations from causal graphs. However, a few potential limitations and areas for further research are worth noting:

  1. The proposed method relies on having access to the causal graph structure, which may not always be available in practice. Extensions that can learn the graph structure from data would be desirable.

  2. The theoretical analysis focuses on the sufficiency of the proposed regularizations, but does not provide tight guarantees on the convergence rate or sample complexity. Tighter analysis could strengthen the theoretical foundations.

  3. The empirical evaluation, while promising, is primarily focused on semi-synthetic and controlled datasets. Further testing on diverse real-world applications would help validate the broader applicability of the approach.

  4. The paper does not discuss potential issues related to distributional shift or the stability of the learned representations across different domains. Exploring these aspects could provide important insights.

Overall, the paper presents a compelling approach for tackling the challenge of learning domain-general representations, but there are opportunities to build upon this work and address some of the remaining challenges.


This paper makes an important contribution to the field of causal representation learning by showing how enforcing sufficient graph-implied conditional independencies can identify domain-general feature representations. The proposed framework is particularly useful for cases where the standard empirical risk minimization approach does not yield such generalizable features.

By leveraging the structure of the causal graph, the new method can learn representations that are robust to spurious correlations and perform well across diverse domains. This is a significant step forward in addressing the common problem of poor generalization in real-world machine learning applications.

The insights and techniques presented in this paper have the potential to inspire further advancements in causal reasoning and domain-general learning, ultimately leading to more reliable and trustworthy AI systems.

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