Causal Representation Learning from Multiple Distributions: A General Setting






Published 4/11/2024 by Kun Zhang, Shaoan Xie, Ignavier Ng, Yujia Zheng
Causal Representation Learning from Multiple Distributions: A General Setting


In many problems, the measured variables (e.g., image pixels) are just mathematical functions of the hidden causal variables (e.g., the underlying concepts or objects). For the purpose of making predictions in changing environments or making proper changes to the system, it is helpful to recover the hidden causal variables $Z_i$ and their causal relations represented by graph $mathcal{G}_Z$. This problem has recently been known as causal representation learning. This paper is concerned with a general, completely nonparametric setting of causal representation learning from multiple distributions (arising from heterogeneous data or nonstationary time series), without assuming hard interventions behind distribution changes. We aim to develop general solutions in this fundamental case; as a by product, this helps see the unique benefit offered by other assumptions such as parametric causal models or hard interventions. We show that under the sparsity constraint on the recovered graph over the latent variables and suitable sufficient change conditions on the causal influences, interestingly, one can recover the moralized graph of the underlying directed acyclic graph, and the recovered latent variables and their relations are related to the underlying causal model in a specific, nontrivial way. In some cases, each latent variable can even be recovered up to component-wise transformations. Experimental results verify our theoretical claims.

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  • This paper proposes a general framework for causal representation learning from multiple distributions.
  • It aims to learn a representation that captures the underlying causal structure of the data, which can be useful for tasks like transfer learning, robustness, and interpretability.
  • The framework leverages sparsity constraints to encourage the learned representations to align with the true causal structure.

Plain English Explanation

The paper is about a way to learn representations of data that capture the underlying causal relationships in the data, using information from multiple different datasets.

Causal relationships are the real-world connections between different variables - for example, the amount of rain causing the growth of plants. Learning representations that reflect these causal connections can be very useful, as it allows us to better understand the data, make more robust predictions, and transfer knowledge to new situations.

The key idea of the paper is to learn representations that are "sparse" - meaning they only capture the most important causal connections, and discard irrelevant information. This is done by adding special constraints during the representation learning process. The authors show that this approach can successfully recover the true causal structure of the data, even when the data comes from different distributions (i.e. different settings or environments).

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a general framework for learning causal representations from multiple distributions. The core idea is to learn a low-dimensional representation of the data that captures the underlying causal structure, by incorporating sparsity constraints during the representation learning process.

Specifically, the framework assumes access to data from multiple different distributions (e.g. different environments or settings). The goal is to learn a representation that is (1) predictive of the target variable in each distribution, and (2) has a sparse dependence structure that aligns with the true causal structure.

To achieve this, the authors introduce a regularized optimization objective that encourages the learned representation to satisfy these two properties. The sparsity constraint is crucial, as it helps the model focus on extracting the most relevant causal features while discarding irrelevant information.

The authors provide theoretical analysis to show that under certain assumptions, the learned representation will converge to the true causal representation as the number of environments increases. They also demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets.

Critical Analysis

The proposed framework is a promising approach for learning causal representations from diverse data sources. By leveraging sparsity constraints, it can extract the underlying causal structure in a robust and interpretable way.

However, the paper does make some assumptions that limit the generality of the approach. For example, it assumes the data-generating process is linear and additive, and that the causal graph is acyclic. Real-world data may not always satisfy these assumptions, so further research is needed to relax these constraints.

Additionally, the theoretical analysis relies on strong assumptions, such as the existence of a unique sparse representation that aligns with the true causal structure. In practice, this may not always be the case, and the algorithm may converge to local optima or fail to identify the true causal structure.

Future work could explore ways to make the framework more robust to violations of the assumptions, or to incorporate additional prior knowledge about the causal structure to guide the representation learning process. Investigating the performance of this approach on a wider range of real-world applications would also be valuable.


This paper presents a general framework for learning causal representations from multiple distributions, leveraging sparsity constraints to capture the underlying causal structure of the data. By learning representations that align with the true causal relationships, this approach can enable more robust, interpretable, and transferable machine learning models.

While the proposed method has some limitations, it represents an important step towards developing machine learning systems that can better understand and reason about the causal mechanisms generating the data they are trained on. As the field of causal representation learning continues to evolve, this work could have significant implications for a wide range of applications, from transfer learning to causal discovery and beyond.

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