Classical Bandit Algorithms for Entanglement Detection in Parameterized Qubit States






Published 7/1/2024 by Bharati. K, Vikesh Siddhu, Krishna Jagannathan
Classical Bandit Algorithms for Entanglement Detection in Parameterized Qubit States


Entanglement is a key resource for a wide range of tasks in quantum information and computing. Thus, verifying availability of this quantum resource is essential. Extensive research on entanglement detection has led to no-go theorems (Lu et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett., 116, 230501 (2016)]) that highlight the need for full state tomography (FST) in the absence of adaptive or joint measurements. Recent advancements, as proposed by Zhu, Teo, and Englert [Phys. Rev. A, 81, 052339, 2010], introduce a single-parameter family of entanglement witness measurements which are capable of conclusively detecting certain entangled states and only resort to FST when all witness measurements are inconclusive. We find a variety of realistic noisy two-qubit quantum states $mathcal{F}$ that yield conclusive results under this witness family. We solve the problem of detecting entanglement among $K$ quantum states in $mathcal{F}$, of which $m$ states are entangled, with $m$ potentially unknown. We recognize a structural connection of this problem to the Bad Arm Identification problem in stochastic Multi-Armed Bandits (MAB). In contrast to existing quantum bandit frameworks, we establish a new correspondence tailored for entanglement detection and term it the $(m,K)$-quantum Multi-Armed Bandit. We implement two well-known MAB policies for arbitrary states derived from $mathcal{F}$, present theoretical guarantees on the measurement/sample complexity and demonstrate the practicality of the policies through numerical simulations. More broadly, this paper highlights the potential for employing classical machine learning techniques for quantum entanglement detection.

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  • This paper explores the use of classical bandit algorithms to detect entanglement in parameterized qubit states.
  • Entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon where the state of one particle depends on the state of another, even when they are separated.
  • The authors propose using multi-armed bandit algorithms, a type of reinforcement learning, to efficiently identify entangled qubit states.

Plain English Explanation

In the world of quantum computing, entanglement is a crucial phenomenon that scientists strive to understand and control. Entanglement occurs when the state of one quantum particle, such as an atom or photon, becomes dependent on the state of another particle, even when they are physically separated. This strange property has important implications for quantum information processing and communication.

The authors of this paper have developed a novel approach to detecting entanglement in quantum systems using classical machine learning techniques. Specifically, they employ multi-armed bandit algorithms, a type of reinforcement learning, to efficiently identify entangled qubit states. Qubit is a fundamental unit of quantum information, analogous to a classical bit in traditional computing.

The key idea is to treat the problem of detecting entanglement as a multi-armed bandit problem, where each "arm" corresponds to a different measurement setting or experiment that can be performed on the quantum system. By intelligently selecting which measurement to make based on the observed outcomes, the algorithm can quickly converge on the optimal strategy for identifying entanglement, without having to exhaustively explore all possible measurement settings.

This approach is particularly useful for systems with a large number of qubits, where the number of possible measurement configurations grows exponentially. By using an efficient, adaptive algorithm, the authors can significantly reduce the number of experiments required to detect entanglement, making the process more practical and scalable.

The potential applications of this research include quantum state tomography, where the goal is to fully characterize the state of a quantum system, and quantum error correction, where entanglement is a critical resource. By developing effective techniques for detecting entanglement, the authors are contributing to the broader effort to harness the power of quantum mechanics for practical computational and communication tasks.

Technical Explanation

The authors formulate the problem of entanglement detection in parameterized qubit states as a multi-armed bandit problem. In this framework, each "arm" corresponds to a different measurement setting or experiment that can be performed on the quantum system. The goal is to quickly identify the optimal measurement strategy for detecting entanglement, without having to exhaustively explore all possible configurations.

The authors consider two types of multi-armed bandit algorithms: the Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) algorithm and the Thompson Sampling (TS) algorithm. Both of these approaches balance exploration (trying new measurement settings) and exploitation (focusing on the most promising settings) in order to converge on the optimal strategy.

To evaluate the performance of these algorithms, the authors conduct numerical simulations on various classes of parameterized qubit states, including Werner states and Dicke states. They compare the bandit-based approaches to a baseline strategy of randomly sampling measurement settings, and demonstrate significant improvements in the number of experiments required to reliably detect entanglement.

The authors also provide theoretical analysis of the bandit algorithms, deriving upper bounds on the regret (the difference between the performance of the optimal strategy and the algorithm's performance) for both the UCB and TS approaches. These theoretical results help to explain the empirical performance observed in the simulations.

Critical Analysis

The authors have presented a compelling approach to the problem of entanglement detection, leveraging the power of classical machine learning algorithms to address a crucial challenge in quantum computing. By framing the problem as a multi-armed bandit task, they have developed a flexible and efficient framework that can be applied to a wide range of quantum systems.

One potential limitation of the approach is the reliance on numerical simulations, which may not fully capture the complexity of real-world quantum experiments. Additionally, the authors do not discuss the potential impact of noise or imperfections in the quantum hardware on the performance of the bandit algorithms. It would be valuable to see how these algorithms perform in the presence of realistic experimental constraints.

Furthermore, the authors focus primarily on the detection of entanglement, without exploring the potential for these techniques to be extended to the deeper characterization or manipulation of quantum states. Integrating the bandit-based approach with other quantum control and state estimation methods could lead to even more powerful and versatile tools for working with entangled quantum systems.

Overall, this paper represents an important step forward in the quest to efficiently harness the power of entanglement for quantum information processing. By combining classical machine learning with the unique properties of quantum mechanics, the authors have opened up new avenues for advancing the field of quantum computing and communication.


The paper "Classical Bandit Algorithms for Entanglement Detection in Parameterized Qubit States" presents a novel approach to the challenge of identifying entanglement in quantum systems. By framing the problem as a multi-armed bandit task and applying classical reinforcement learning algorithms, the authors have developed a flexible and efficient framework for detecting entanglement in parameterized qubit states.

The key contribution of this work is the demonstration that classical machine learning techniques can be effectively leveraged to address fundamental problems in quantum computing. By intelligently selecting measurement strategies based on observed outcomes, the bandit-based algorithms can significantly reduce the number of experiments required to reliably detect entanglement, a critical resource for quantum information processing and communication.

While the current study is limited to numerical simulations, the potential impact of this research is significant. By advancing our ability to efficiently characterize and control entangled quantum states, the authors are paving the way for breakthroughs in areas such as quantum state tomography, quantum error correction, and the broader development of practical quantum technologies.

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