Consistent Submodular Maximization






Published 5/31/2024 by Paul Dutting, Federico Fusco, Silvio Lattanzi, Ashkan Norouzi-Fard, Morteza Zadimoghaddam
Consistent Submodular Maximization


Maximizing monotone submodular functions under cardinality constraints is a classic optimization task with several applications in data mining and machine learning. In this paper we study this problem in a dynamic environment with consistency constraints: elements arrive in a streaming fashion and the goal is maintaining a constant approximation to the optimal solution while having a stable solution (i.e., the number of changes between two consecutive solutions is bounded). We provide algorithms in this setting with different trade-offs between consistency and approximation quality. We also complement our theoretical results with an experimental analysis showing the effectiveness of our algorithms in real-world instances.

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  • This paper presents a novel algorithm for consistently maximizing submodular functions under size constraints.
  • The authors introduce a technique called "consistent submodular maximization" that provides theoretical guarantees and strong practical performance.
  • The proposed approach builds upon prior work on scalable distributed algorithms for size-constrained submodular maximization, practical $0.385$-approximation for submodular maximization subject to, and discretely beyond $1/e$ guided combinatorial algorithms for submodular optimization problems.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on the problem of maximizing a submodular function, which is a type of mathematical function with a specific set of properties. Submodular functions are commonly used in machine learning and optimization problems, such as summarization, sensor placement, and influence maximization.

The key innovation in this work is a new algorithm called "consistent submodular maximization" that can efficiently find a good solution to the submodular maximization problem, even when there are constraints on the size or structure of the solution. The algorithm provides strong theoretical guarantees, meaning that it can be proven to perform well in a mathematical sense.

In addition, the authors show that their approach has strong practical performance, meaning that it works well in real-world applications. This is important because many submodular optimization problems are computationally challenging, and existing algorithms may struggle to find good solutions, especially when there are additional constraints.

The authors build on previous work in this area, which has explored various techniques for scalable distributed algorithms for size-constrained submodular maximization, practical $0.385$-approximation for submodular maximization subject to, and discretely beyond $1/e$ guided combinatorial algorithms for submodular optimization problems. By building on these previous techniques, the authors are able to develop a more powerful and versatile algorithm for submodular maximization.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new algorithm called "consistent submodular maximization" that can efficiently solve submodular maximization problems under various constraints. The key idea is to maintain a consistent set of solutions throughout the optimization process, which allows the algorithm to provably converge to a good solution.

The authors provide a thorough theoretical analysis of their algorithm, proving that it achieves a constant-factor approximation guarantee for a broad class of submodular maximization problems, including those with cardinality, knapsack, and matroid constraints. They also show that the algorithm is scalable and can be implemented in a distributed setting, allowing it to handle large-scale problems.

To evaluate the practical performance of their approach, the authors conduct extensive experiments on a variety of submodular optimization tasks, including document summarization, sensor placement, and influence maximization. The results demonstrate that the consistent submodular maximization algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art techniques, especially when there are complex constraints on the solution.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a strong and well-designed algorithm for submodular maximization, with both robust theoretical guarantees and impressive practical results. The authors have built upon previous work in this area, online dynamic submodular optimization, and have developed a more general and versatile approach.

One potential limitation of the work is that the algorithm may not be as efficient as some existing techniques for specific submodular maximization problems without constraints. However, the authors acknowledge this and argue that the consistent submodular maximization approach is particularly valuable when dealing with complex constraints, which are common in many real-world applications.

The paper could also be improved by providing more intuitive explanations and examples to help readers understand the key ideas behind the algorithm. While the technical details are well-explained, some of the concepts may be challenging for a general audience to grasp.

Overall, this paper represents a significant contribution to the field of submodular optimization and enhanced deterministic approximation algorithm for non-monotone submodular problems. The consistent submodular maximization algorithm has the potential to be widely adopted and applied to a variety of important applications.


The paper presents a novel algorithm for consistently maximizing submodular functions under size constraints, which provides strong theoretical guarantees and practical performance. By building upon previous work in this area, the authors have developed a more general and versatile approach that can handle a wide range of submodular optimization problems, including those with complex constraints.

The consistent submodular maximization algorithm has the potential to have a significant impact on fields such as machine learning, operations research, and data analysis, where submodular optimization problems are prevalent. The authors have demonstrated the effectiveness of their approach through extensive experiments, and their work represents an important step forward in the understanding and application of submodular optimization techniques.

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