Controllable Longer Image Animation with Diffusion Models






Published 5/29/2024 by Qiang Wang, Minghua Liu, Junjun Hu, Fan Jiang, Mu Xu
Controllable Longer Image Animation with Diffusion Models


Generating realistic animated videos from static images is an important area of research in computer vision. Methods based on physical simulation and motion prediction have achieved notable advances, but they are often limited to specific object textures and motion trajectories, failing to exhibit highly complex environments and physical dynamics. In this paper, we introduce an open-domain controllable image animation method using motion priors with video diffusion models. Our method achieves precise control over the direction and speed of motion in the movable region by extracting the motion field information from videos and learning moving trajectories and strengths. Current pretrained video generation models are typically limited to producing very short videos, typically less than 30 frames. In contrast, we propose an efficient long-duration video generation method based on noise reschedule specifically tailored for image animation tasks, facilitating the creation of videos over 100 frames in length while maintaining consistency in content scenery and motion coordination. Specifically, we decompose the denoise process into two distinct phases: the shaping of scene contours and the refining of motion details. Then we reschedule the noise to control the generated frame sequences maintaining long-distance noise correlation. We conducted extensive experiments with 10 baselines, encompassing both commercial tools and academic methodologies, which demonstrate the superiority of our method. Our project page:

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  • This paper presents a new method for generating long, controllable image animations using diffusion models.
  • The approach allows users to specify high-level keyframes and other controls to guide the animation process, resulting in coherent and realistic-looking videos.
  • The authors demonstrate the capabilities of their method on a variety of tasks, including loopable animations, multi-video generation, and video diffusion models.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way to create long, animated videos using a type of AI model called a "diffusion model." Diffusion models are good at generating images, but until now, it's been difficult to use them to create videos that are both long and controllable.

The key idea in this paper is to give the diffusion model some high-level instructions or "keyframes" that guide the animation process. For example, you could tell the model to start with a certain image, then have an object in the scene move in a particular way, and end up in a different position. The model then fills in all the intermediate frames to create a smooth, coherent animation.

This approach allows for a lot of creative control over the video generation process. You can specify exactly what should happen, and the model will fill in the details to bring your vision to life. The authors show how this can be used for all sorts of tasks, from creating looping animations to generating multiple videos that are consistent with each other.

Overall, this research represents an important step forward in making AI-powered video generation more accessible and controllable for a wide range of applications, from visual effects to creative storytelling.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new method for generating long, controllable image animations using diffusion models. Diffusion models are a type of generative AI model that have shown great success in generating high-quality static images. However, extending these models to the video domain has proven challenging, as it requires capturing long-range temporal dependencies and maintaining visual coherence over extended sequences.

To address these challenges, the authors propose a framework that allows users to specify high-level keyframes and other controls to guide the animation process. This is achieved by incorporating a novel self-attention mechanism that captures long-range dependencies, as well as a consistency loss function that encourages the generated frames to adhere to the provided controls.

The authors demonstrate the capabilities of their method on a variety of tasks, including loopable animations, multi-video generation, and video diffusion models. In these experiments, they show that their approach can generate coherent and realistic-looking videos that faithfully follow the user's input controls.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to long-form, controllable image animation using diffusion models. The authors have clearly put a lot of thought into the technical challenges involved and have developed novel solutions to address them.

That said, the paper does not delve deeply into the limitations of the proposed method. For example, it's unclear how the approach scales to very long videos or highly complex scene dynamics. Additionally, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the computational and memory requirements of the model, which could be an important consideration for real-world applications.

Furthermore, the authors do not discuss potential biases or artifacts that could arise in the generated videos, nor do they address potential ethical concerns around the use of such technology. As AI-powered video generation becomes more advanced, these are important issues that will need to be carefully considered.

Overall, the research presented in this paper is a significant contribution to the field of generative AI, and the authors have demonstrated a promising approach to long-form, controllable image animation. However, there are still important questions and challenges that will need to be addressed in future work.


This paper introduces a new method for generating long, controllable image animations using diffusion models. By incorporating a novel self-attention mechanism and a consistency loss function, the authors have developed a framework that allows users to specify high-level keyframes and other controls to guide the animation process.

The authors demonstrate the capabilities of their approach on a variety of tasks, including loopable animations, multi-video generation, and video diffusion models. The results show that their method can produce coherent and realistic-looking videos that faithfully follow the user's input controls.

While the paper represents an important step forward in making AI-powered video generation more accessible and controllable, there are still important questions and challenges that will need to be addressed in future work. As this technology continues to evolve, it will be crucial to carefully consider the potential implications and ensure that it is developed and deployed in a responsible and ethical manner.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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