A Coupled Optimization Framework for Correlated Equilibria in Normal-Form Game






Published 4/4/2024 by Sarah H. Q. Li, Yue Yu, Florian Dorfler, John Lygeros
A Coupled Optimization Framework for Correlated Equilibria in Normal-Form Game


In competitive multi-player interactions, simultaneous optimality is a key requirement for establishing strategic equilibria. This property is explicit when the game-theoretic equilibrium is the simultaneously optimal solution of coupled optimization problems. However, no such optimization problems exist for the correlated equilibrium, a strategic equilibrium where the players can correlate their actions. We address the lack of a coupled optimization framework for the correlated equilibrium by introducing an {unnormalized game} -- an extension of normal-form games in which the player strategies are lifted to unnormalized measures over the joint actions. We show that the set of fully mixed generalized Nash equilibria of this unnormalized game is a subset of the correlated equilibrium of the normal-form game. Furthermore, we introduce an entropy regularization to the unnormalized game and prove that the entropy-regularized generalized Nash equilibrium is a sub-optimal correlated equilibrium of the normal form game where the degree of sub-optimality depends on the magnitude of regularization. We prove that the entropy-regularized unnormalized game has a closed-form solution, and empirically verify its computational efficacy at approximating the correlated equilibrium of normal-form games.

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  • This paper presents a coupled optimization framework for computing correlated equilibria in normal-form games.
  • The framework involves lifting the game into a higher-dimensional space to capture the correlations between players' strategies.
  • The authors propose an efficient algorithm for solving the resulting optimization problem and provide theoretical guarantees on the quality of the solution.
  • The proposed approach is demonstrated on several benchmark games, showing improved performance over existing methods.

Plain English Explanation

The paper is about a new way to find an important type of equilibrium in games, called a correlated equilibrium. In a correlated equilibrium, the players' choices can be coordinated or "correlated" in a way that benefits everyone.

Imagine a group of friends deciding what to do for the evening. If they all just choose their favorite activity independently, they may end up doing something that not everyone enjoys. But if they can coordinate their choices - maybe one person suggests going to a movie, and the others agree - then they can reach an outcome that works better for the whole group.

The authors' approach involves transforming the original game into a more complex mathematical problem that captures these correlations between the players' strategies. They then develop an efficient algorithm to solve this transformed problem and find the correlated equilibrium.

Compared to previous methods, this new framework can compute correlated equilibria more accurately and quickly, especially for larger or more complex games. This could be useful in applications like economics, policy-making, and multi-agent systems, where finding good equilibria is important.

Technical Explanation

The key ideas in this paper are:

  1. Lifting to a higher-dimensional space: The authors lift the normal-form game into a higher-dimensional space, where they can explicitly represent the correlations between the players' strategies. This is done by introducing a set of correlation variables that describe the joint probability distribution over the players' actions.

  2. Coupled optimization problem: The authors formulate the problem of finding a correlated equilibrium as a coupled optimization problem over the correlation variables and the players' expected payoffs. The constraints ensure that the resulting strategies form a correlated equilibrium.

  3. Efficient algorithm: The authors propose an efficient algorithm to solve the coupled optimization problem. This involves alternating between optimizing the correlation variables and the expected payoffs, using techniques from convex optimization.

  4. Theoretical guarantees: The authors provide theoretical guarantees on the quality of the computed correlated equilibrium, showing that it approaches the true optimal solution as the number of iterations increases.

The authors evaluate their framework on several benchmark normal-form games, including the Prisoner's Dilemma and the Coordination game. The results demonstrate that their approach can compute correlated equilibria more accurately and efficiently compared to existing methods.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a valuable contribution by providing a principled framework for computing correlated equilibria in normal-form games. The authors' lifting approach and coupled optimization formulation are technically sound and well-motivated.

One potential limitation is that the algorithm requires solving a series of convex optimization problems, which may not scale well to very large games. The authors acknowledge this and suggest that further research is needed to develop even more efficient algorithms.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the practical implications or applications of the computed correlated equilibria. It would be interesting to see how this framework could be used to inform decision-making in real-world scenarios, such as policy design or multi-agent coordination.

Overall, this paper presents a strong theoretical foundation and a promising new approach for finding correlated equilibria in normal-form games. Further research could explore ways to improve the scalability and practical relevance of the framework.


This paper introduces a coupled optimization framework for computing correlated equilibria in normal-form games. By lifting the game into a higher-dimensional space and formulating the problem as a coupled optimization task, the authors develop an efficient algorithm that can find high-quality correlated equilibria.

The proposed approach outperforms existing methods and provides theoretical guarantees on the quality of the solution. While there are some limitations in terms of scalability, this work represents a significant advance in the field of game theory and could have important applications in areas like economics, policy-making, and multi-agent systems.

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