Cross-modal tumor segmentation using generative blending augmentation and self training






Published 4/1/2024 by Guillaume Sall'e, Pierre-Henri Conze, Julien Bert, Nicolas Boussion, Dimitris Visvikis, Vincent Jaouen



textit{Objectives}: Data scarcity and domain shifts lead to biased training sets that do not accurately represent deployment conditions. A related practical problem is cross-modal image segmentation, where the objective is to segment unlabelled images using previously labelled datasets from other imaging modalities. textit{Methods}: We propose a cross-modal segmentation method based on conventional image synthesis boosted by a new data augmentation technique called Generative Blending Augmentation (GBA). GBA leverages a SinGAN model to learn representative generative features from a single training image to diversify realistically tumor appearances. This way, we compensate for image synthesis errors, subsequently improving the generalization power of a downstream segmentation model. The proposed augmentation is further combined to an iterative self-training procedure leveraging pseudo labels at each pass. textit{Results}: The proposed solution ranked first for vestibular schwannoma (VS) segmentation during the validation and test phases of the MICCAI CrossMoDA 2022 challenge, with best mean Dice similarity and average symmetric surface distance measures. textit{Conclusion and significance}: Local contrast alteration of tumor appearances and iterative self-training with pseudo labels are likely to lead to performance improvements in a variety of segmentation contexts.

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  • Data scarcity and domain shifts can lead to biased training sets that don't accurately represent real-world conditions
  • The researchers address the practical problem of cross-modal image segmentation, where the goal is to segment unlabelled images using previously labelled datasets from other imaging modalities
  • The researchers propose a cross-modal segmentation method that uses a new data augmentation technique called Generative Blending Augmentation (GBA) to improve the generalization of the segmentation model

Plain English Explanation

Training machine learning models often relies on large, high-quality datasets. However, in many real-world scenarios, these datasets may be scarce or come from conditions that differ from the actual deployment environment. This can cause the models to learn biases and fail to perform well when faced with new, unfamiliar data.

The researchers tackle this challenge in the context of medical image segmentation, where the goal is to identify and outline specific structures (like tumors) in images. They explore the scenario where you have labelled images from one type of medical imaging (like MRI), but you want to use that information to segment images from a different type of imaging (like CT scans). This "cross-modal" segmentation task is difficult because the appearance of the structures can vary significantly between imaging modalities.

To address this, the researchers developed a new data augmentation technique called Generative Blending Augmentation (GBA). GBA uses a machine learning model called SinGAN to learn the visual features of a single training image and then generate new, realistic-looking variations of that image. This helps compensate for errors that can occur when synthesizing images, and ultimately improves the performance of the segmentation model.

The researchers also combine GBA with an iterative self-training approach, where the segmentation model is repeatedly fine-tuned using its own predictions on new unlabelled images. This helps the model continuously learn and adapt to the target domain.

Technical Explanation

The researchers propose a cross-modal segmentation method that leverages a new data augmentation technique called Generative Blending Augmentation (GBA). GBA uses a SinGAN model to learn representative generative features from a single training image, which are then used to create realistic variations of that image. This helps compensate for potential errors in the image synthesis process and improves the generalization of the downstream segmentation model.

The proposed method starts by training a SinGAN model on a single annotated training image from the source modality (e.g., MRI). This allows the model to learn the inherent visual features and structure of the target object (e.g., a tumor). The SinGAN model is then used to generate new, diverse synthetic images that maintain the overall characteristics of the original training image but exhibit variations in appearance, texture, and contrast.

These synthetic images are blended with the original training image using a weighted combination, creating the GBA augmented dataset. This augmented dataset is used to train the segmentation model, which is further fine-tuned through an iterative self-training process. In each iteration, the segmentation model is used to generate pseudo-labels for unlabelled target domain images, and these pseudo-labels are then used to update the model.

The researchers evaluated their method on the task of vestibular schwannoma (VS) segmentation as part of the MICCAI CrossMoDA 2022 challenge. Their solution ranked first in both the validation and test phases, achieving the best mean Dice similarity and average symmetric surface distance measures.

Critical Analysis

The researchers' approach of using GBA and iterative self-training shows promising results for cross-modal image segmentation, particularly in the context of medical imaging. By compensating for image synthesis errors and continuously adapting the model to the target domain, the method appears to overcome some of the challenges posed by data scarcity and domain shifts.

However, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the method's limitations or potential failure cases. It would be valuable to understand how the performance of the approach might degrade with larger domain shifts, more complex target structures, or limited availability of source domain data. Additionally, the paper does not discuss potential biases that could be introduced by the SinGAN model or the self-training process, which could be an important consideration for sensitive applications like medical diagnostics.

Further research could explore the generalizability of the GBA and self-training approach to other cross-modal segmentation tasks, as well as investigate ways to make the method more robust and transparent. Incorporating techniques for detecting and mitigating biases in the generated data and model outputs could also enhance the reliability and trustworthiness of the system.


The researchers have developed an innovative cross-modal segmentation method that leverages Generative Blending Augmentation and iterative self-training to address the challenges of data scarcity and domain shifts. By compensating for image synthesis errors and continuously adapting the model to the target domain, their approach has demonstrated strong performance on the task of vestibular schwannoma segmentation.

While the results are promising, further research is needed to fully understand the limitations and potential biases of the method. Exploring its generalizability to other cross-modal tasks and incorporating bias detection and mitigation techniques could help unlock the broader applicability of this approach in real-world medical imaging and beyond.

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