Diffusion based Zero-shot Medical Image-to-Image Translation for Cross Modality Segmentation






Published 4/11/2024 by Zihao Wang, Yingyu Yang, Yuzhou Chen, Tingting Yuan, Maxime Sermesant, Herve Delingette, Ona Wu
Diffusion based Zero-shot Medical Image-to-Image Translation for Cross Modality Segmentation


Cross-modality image segmentation aims to segment the target modalities using a method designed in the source modality. Deep generative models can translate the target modality images into the source modality, thus enabling cross-modality segmentation. However, a vast body of existing cross-modality image translation methods relies on supervised learning. In this work, we aim to address the challenge of zero-shot learning-based image translation tasks (extreme scenarios in the target modality is unseen in the training phase). To leverage generative learning for zero-shot cross-modality image segmentation, we propose a novel unsupervised image translation method. The framework learns to translate the unseen source image to the target modality for image segmentation by leveraging the inherent statistical consistency between different modalities for diffusion guidance. Our framework captures identical cross-modality features in the statistical domain, offering diffusion guidance without relying on direct mappings between the source and target domains. This advantage allows our method to adapt to changing source domains without the need for retraining, making it highly practical when sufficient labeled source domain data is not available. The proposed framework is validated in zero-shot cross-modality image segmentation tasks through empirical comparisons with influential generative models, including adversarial-based and diffusion-based models.

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  • This paper presents a diffusion-based approach for zero-shot medical image-to-image translation, enabling cross-modality segmentation without the need for paired training data.
  • The model can translate between different medical imaging modalities, such as MRI and CT scans, and use the translated images for segmentation tasks.
  • This is a significant advancement as it removes the requirement for expensive and time-consuming data collection and annotation, which has been a major bottleneck in medical image analysis.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new method for translating medical images from one type, like an MRI scan, to another type, like a CT scan, without any paired training data. This is called "zero-shot" translation, meaning the model can do this task without being explicitly trained on matched image pairs.

The key innovation is using a diffusion model, which is a type of machine learning model that works by gradually adding noise to an image and then learning how to reverse that process to generate new images. By training the diffusion model on unpaired images from different modalities, it can learn to translate between them.

This is an important advancement because collecting large datasets of matched medical images, where the same patient has been scanned using multiple imaging techniques, is extremely challenging and costly. The zero-shot translation approach sidesteps this requirement, potentially making medical image analysis more accessible and scalable.

Once the model can translate between modalities, it can then use the translated images for downstream tasks like segmentation, where the goal is to identify and outline specific anatomical structures or lesions in the image. This cross-modality segmentation is valuable because different imaging techniques may be better suited for visualizing different medical conditions.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a diffusion-based zero-shot medical image-to-image translation model for enabling cross-modality segmentation. The model learns to translate between different medical imaging modalities, such as MRI and CT scans, without requiring paired training data.

The core of the approach is a diffusion model that is trained on unpaired images from the source and target modalities. The diffusion model learns to gradually add noise to the input image and then reverse that process to generate a translated image in the target modality. This allows the model to learn the underlying mapping between the modalities without needing explicit paired examples.

The translated images can then be used for cross-modal segmentation, where the goal is to outline specific anatomical structures or lesions. The paper demonstrates how this zero-shot cross-modality segmentation approach can achieve performance comparable to supervised methods that require paired training data.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to the challenging problem of cross-modality medical image analysis. By leveraging diffusion models for zero-shot translation, the method effectively sidesteps the need for expensive and time-consuming data collection and annotation.

However, the paper does acknowledge some limitations. The translation quality may be affected by domain shift, where the source and target modalities have significant differences in their underlying distributions. Additionally, the segmentation performance is still lower than that of supervised methods, even if the zero-shot approach is a significant advancement.

Further research could explore ways to improve the cross-modal conditioning and reconstruction to better handle domain shift, as well as investigate the potential of using language-guided medical image segmentation to further enhance the zero-shot capabilities.


This paper presents a novel diffusion-based approach for zero-shot medical image-to-image translation, enabling cross-modality segmentation without the need for paired training data. This is a significant advancement, as it removes a major bottleneck in medical image analysis and could potentially make these powerful techniques more accessible to a wider range of healthcare providers and researchers.

The ability to translate between modalities and leverage the strengths of different imaging techniques for segmentation tasks has valuable applications in areas like disease diagnosis, treatment planning, and monitoring. While the method still has room for improvement, this work represents an important step forward in the field of medical image analysis.

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