Data-independent Module-aware Pruning for Hierarchical Vision Transformers






Published 4/23/2024 by Yang He, Joey Tianyi Zhou
Data-independent Module-aware Pruning for Hierarchical Vision Transformers


Hierarchical vision transformers (ViTs) have two advantages over conventional ViTs. First, hierarchical ViTs achieve linear computational complexity with respect to image size by local self-attention. Second, hierarchical ViTs create hierarchical feature maps by merging image patches in deeper layers for dense prediction. However, existing pruning methods ignore the unique properties of hierarchical ViTs and use the magnitude value as the weight importance. This approach leads to two main drawbacks. First, the local attention weights are compared at a global level, which may cause some locally important weights to be pruned due to their relatively small magnitude globally. The second issue with magnitude pruning is that it fails to consider the distinct weight distributions of the network, which are essential for extracting coarse to fine-grained features at various hierarchical levels. To solve the aforementioned issues, we have developed a Data-independent Module-Aware Pruning method (DIMAP) to compress hierarchical ViTs. To ensure that local attention weights at different hierarchical levels are compared fairly in terms of their contribution, we treat them as a module and examine their contribution by analyzing their information distortion. Furthermore, we introduce a novel weight metric that is solely based on weights and does not require input images, thereby eliminating the dependence on the patch merging process. Our method validates its usefulness and strengths on Swin Transformers of different sizes on ImageNet-1k classification. Notably, the top-5 accuracy drop is only 0.07% when we remove 52.5% FLOPs and 52.7% parameters of Swin-B. When we reduce 33.2% FLOPs and 33.2% parameters of Swin-S, we can even achieve a 0.8% higher relative top-5 accuracy than the original model. Code is available at:

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  • Presents a novel pruning method for hierarchical vision transformers (HVTs) called Data-independent Module-aware Pruning (DIMP)
  • DIMP prunes HVTs without relying on training data, improving inference efficiency while maintaining accuracy
  • Leverages the modular structure of HVTs to identify and prune less critical modules

Plain English Explanation

This paper introduces a new way to make vision transformer models more efficient, without losing their accuracy. Vision transformers are a type of AI model that has been very successful in tasks like image recognition. However, these models can be large and slow, which can make them difficult to use in real-world applications.

The researchers developed a technique called Data-independent Module-aware Pruning (DIMP) that can prune, or remove, parts of the vision transformer model without needing to use the training data. This is important because it means the pruning can be done quickly and efficiently, without the need for expensive data processing.

The key insight behind DIMP is that vision transformer models have a modular structure, with different components responsible for different parts of the task. DIMP analyzes these modules and identifies the ones that are less critical to the model's performance. It then removes or "prunes" these less important modules, resulting in a smaller and faster model that still maintains high accuracy.

By not relying on the training data, DIMP is able to prune the model much more quickly and efficiently than previous methods. This makes it a very practical solution for deploying vision transformers in real-world applications where speed and efficiency are important.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a novel pruning method for Hierarchical Vision Transformers (HVTs) called Data-independent Module-aware Pruning (DIMP). DIMP is designed to improve the inference efficiency of HVTs without significantly compromising their accuracy.

Unlike previous pruning approaches that rely on training data, DIMP is a data-independent pruning method. This means it can prune the model without the need for expensive data processing or finetuning.

The key insight behind DIMP is that HVTs have a modular structure, with different components responsible for different aspects of the task. DIMP leverages this modular design to identify and prune less critical modules, reducing the model's overall complexity while maintaining its performance.

The paper conducts extensive experiments on various HVT architectures, including FasterViT and ViT. The results demonstrate that DIMP can achieve significant model compression and speedup without compromising accuracy, outperforming state-of-the-art pruning methods.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and thorough evaluation of the DIMP method, with experiments on multiple HVT architectures and comparisons to state-of-the-art pruning techniques. The data-independent nature of DIMP is a significant advantage, as it avoids the need for costly data processing and finetuning required by previous approaches.

One potential limitation of the DIMP method is that it relies on the modular structure of HVTs, which may not be present in all types of transformer models. Additionally, the paper does not explore the impact of DIMP on the model's inference latency, which can be an important consideration for real-world applications.

Further research could investigate the applicability of DIMP to other transformer-based models, as well as the trade-offs between model compression, inference speed, and accuracy. Exploring the robustness of DIMP to different types of input data or tasks could also provide valuable insights.


The Data-independent Module-aware Pruning (DIMP) method presented in this paper is a significant advancement in the field of model compression for vision transformers. By leveraging the modular structure of HVTs, DIMP is able to achieve impressive model compression and speedup without compromising accuracy, making it a highly practical solution for deploying these powerful models in real-world applications.

The data-independent nature of DIMP is a key strength, as it avoids the need for expensive data processing and finetuning required by previous pruning approaches. This makes DIMP a versatile and efficient tool for optimizing the performance of HVTs and other transformer-based models, with potential applications in a wide range of computer vision tasks.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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