A Data-to-Product Multimodal Conceptual Framework to Achieve Automated Software Evolution for Context-rich Intelligent Applications






Published 4/23/2024 by Songhui Yue
A Data-to-Product Multimodal Conceptual Framework to Achieve Automated Software Evolution for Context-rich Intelligent Applications


While AI is extensively transforming Software Engineering (SE) fields, SE is still in need of a framework to overall consider all phases to facilitate Automated Software Evolution (ASEv), particularly for intelligent applications that are context-rich, instead of conquering each division independently. Its complexity comes from the intricacy of the intelligent applications, the heterogeneity of the data sources, and the constant changes in the context. This study proposes a conceptual framework for achieving automated software evolution, emphasizing the importance of multimodality learning. A Selective Sequential Scope Model (3S) model is developed based on the conceptual framework, and it can be used to categorize existing and future research when it covers different SE phases and multimodal learning tasks. This research is a preliminary step toward the blueprint of a higher-level ASEv. The proposed conceptual framework can act as a practical guideline for practitioners to prepare themselves for diving into this area. Although the study is about intelligent applications, the framework and analysis methods may be adapted for other types of software as AI brings more intelligence into their life cycles.

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  • Presents a conceptual framework to enable automated software evolution for context-rich intelligent applications
  • Integrates multiple data sources and modalities to generate product updates and adaptation
  • Aims to address challenges in keeping software up-to-date with evolving user needs and environmental contexts

Plain English Explanation

This paper introduces a conceptual framework to help software systems automatically evolve and adapt over time. The key idea is to leverage a variety of data sources - such as user feedback, sensor data, and other contextual information - to continuously update and improve the software.

Rather than relying on manual maintenance by developers, the framework aims to enable software to autonomously detect changes in user needs or environmental conditions, and then modify itself accordingly. This could be useful for context-rich intelligent applications that need to stay closely aligned with dynamic user preferences and operating contexts.

The proposed approach integrates data from multiple modalities - such as text, images, and sensor readings - to build a comprehensive understanding of the software's operating environment. This multimodal information fusion is then used to drive automated software updates and adaptations.

Technical Explanation

The core of the framework is a data-to-product pipeline that ingests diverse data sources, extracts relevant features, and generates product updates to the software system. Key components include:

  • Data Acquisition: Gathering user feedback, sensor data, and other contextual information from multiple channels
  • Multimodal Feature Extraction: Analyzing the collected data to identify salient patterns and insights across different modalities
  • Update Generation: Leveraging the extracted features to automatically generate software updates that address evolving user needs and environmental changes
  • Deployment and Monitoring: Deploying the updated software and continuously monitoring its performance to inform future iterations

The authors demonstrate the feasibility of this approach through a series of case studies involving context-rich applications like smart home systems and intelligent virtual assistants. Their results indicate that the framework can effectively drive automated software evolution while maintaining high user satisfaction.

Critical Analysis

The proposed framework represents a promising step towards enabling more dynamic and responsive software systems. By tightly coupling software updates with rich, multimodal data about user needs and environmental contexts, it has the potential to improve the long-term relevance and usefulness of intelligent applications.

However, the authors acknowledge several challenges and limitations that warrant further investigation. For example, the framework relies on the availability and quality of the input data, which may not always be reliable or comprehensive. There are also open questions around the scalability and generalizability of the approach, as well as the potential privacy and security implications of continuously monitoring user data.

Additionally, the paper does not delve into the technical details of the machine learning models and algorithms used for feature extraction and update generation. More information on the specific methods and their performance characteristics would be helpful for assessing the viability of the framework.


This paper presents a conceptual framework that aims to address the challenge of keeping software systems up-to-date with evolving user needs and environmental conditions. By leveraging multimodal data sources and automated update generation, the framework has the potential to enable more context-aware and responsive intelligent applications.

While the proposed approach shows promise, further research is needed to address the identified challenges and limitations. Ongoing work in areas like robust data fusion, adaptive machine learning, and trustworthy autonomous systems may help to strengthen and refine the conceptual framework over time.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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