Dealing with Missing Modalities in Multimodal Recommendation: a Feature Propagation-based Approach






Published 4/1/2024 by Daniele Malitesta, Emanuele Rossi, Claudio Pomo, Fragkiskos D. Malliaros, Tommaso Di Noia


Multimodal recommender systems work by augmenting the representation of the products in the catalogue through multimodal features extracted from images, textual descriptions, or audio tracks characterising such products. Nevertheless, in real-world applications, only a limited percentage of products come with multimodal content to extract meaningful features from, making it hard to provide accurate recommendations. To the best of our knowledge, very few attention has been put into the problem of missing modalities in multimodal recommendation so far. To this end, our paper comes as a preliminary attempt to formalise and address such an issue. Inspired by the recent advances in graph representation learning, we propose to re-sketch the missing modalities problem as a problem of missing graph node features to apply the state-of-the-art feature propagation algorithm eventually. Technically, we first project the user-item graph into an item-item one based on co-interactions. Then, leveraging the multimodal similarities among co-interacted items, we apply a modified version of the feature propagation technique to impute the missing multimodal features. Adopted as a pre-processing stage for two recent multimodal recommender systems, our simple approach performs better than other shallower solutions on three popular datasets.

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  • Multimodal recommender systems use multiple types of data (e.g., images, text, audio) to make product recommendations
  • In real-world applications, many products lack this multimodal data, making it difficult to provide accurate recommendations
  • The paper proposes a method to address the problem of missing modalities in multimodal recommendation systems

Plain English Explanation

Recommendation systems are tools that suggest products or content that users might like, based on their past behavior and preferences. Multimodal recommender systems take this a step further by using different types of data about the products, such as images, text descriptions, and audio, to make more informed recommendations.

However, in real life, many products don't have all this extra data available. This can make it challenging for the recommendation system to provide accurate suggestions. The paper discusses a new approach to address this issue of "missing modalities" - when some of the expected data about a product is unavailable.

The key idea is to use the relationships between products that have been purchased together to infer the missing data. By looking at the similarities between co-purchased items, the system can estimate the missing information and use it to improve the recommendations.

This is a clever solution that leverages the power of graph-based machine learning techniques. It allows the recommendation system to work effectively even when the full set of product data is not available, which is a common problem in real-world applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a method to address the problem of missing modalities (e.g., images, text, audio) in multimodal recommender systems. First, the user-item interaction graph is transformed into an item-item graph based on co-purchases. Then, the multimodal similarities between co-purchased items are used to apply a modified feature propagation technique, which can impute the missing multimodal features.

This approach is evaluated as a pre-processing step for two recent multimodal recommender systems, and is shown to outperform other simpler solutions on three popular datasets. The key innovation is reframing the missing modalities problem as one of missing graph node features, which allows the researchers to leverage advances in graph representation learning.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to address a important real-world challenge in multimodal recommender systems. By using graph-based techniques to impute missing modalities, the method can potentially improve recommendation accuracy in settings where product data is incomplete.

However, the paper does not provide a thorough analysis of the limitations or potential downsides of the proposed solution. For example, it's unclear how the method would perform in scenarios with sparser item-item graphs, or how sensitive it is to the quality of the multimodal similarity measures used.

Additionally, the paper does not discuss potential biases or fairness concerns that could arise from this type of imputation approach. There may be cases where the inferred features do not accurately represent the true characteristics of certain products or user preferences.

Further research is needed to better understand the robustness and broader implications of this technique. Exploring these areas could help strengthen the practical applicability and trustworthiness of the proposed solution.


This paper introduces a novel way to handle the common problem of missing modalities in multimodal recommender systems. By reframing the issue as one of missing graph node features, the researchers developed a feature propagation-based approach that can effectively impute the missing data.

The proposed method shows promising results when used as a pre-processing step for existing multimodal recommendation algorithms. This innovative solution has the potential to improve the performance and applicability of recommendation systems in real-world scenarios where complete product data is often unavailable.

While further research is needed to fully understand the limitations and broader implications of this technique, the paper represents an important step forward in addressing a significant challenge in the field of recommender systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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