The Death of Feature Engineering? BERT with Linguistic Features on SQuAD 2.0






Published 4/5/2024 by Jiawei Li, Yue Zhang
The Death of Feature Engineering? BERT with Linguistic Features on SQuAD 2.0


Machine reading comprehension is an essential natural language processing task, which takes into a pair of context and query and predicts the corresponding answer to query. In this project, we developed an end-to-end question answering model incorporating BERT and additional linguistic features. We conclude that the BERT base model will be improved by incorporating the features. The EM score and F1 score are improved 2.17 and 2.14 compared with BERT(base). Our best single model reaches EM score 76.55 and F1 score 79.97 in the hidden test set. Our error analysis also shows that the linguistic architecture can help model understand the context better in that it can locate answers that BERT only model predicted No Answer wrongly.

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  • The paper explores using BERT, a powerful language model, along with additional linguistic features to improve performance on the SQuAD 2.0 question-answering dataset.
  • The authors investigate whether feature engineering is still necessary in the age of large language models, or if the models can learn the relevant features on their own.
  • The results show that incorporating linguistic features like part-of-speech tags and named entities can provide a small but meaningful boost in performance over using BERT alone.

Plain English Explanation

The paper looks at a common task in natural language processing called question answering. The goal is to build a system that can read a passage of text and then answer questions about the content. This is a challenging task because it requires understanding the meaning of the text, not just identifying keywords.

The researchers used a powerful language model called BERT as the foundation for their question-answering system. BERT is trained on a huge amount of text data and can understand the semantics and context of language very well.

However, the researchers wanted to see if they could improve BERT's performance even further by adding additional "linguistic features" to the system. Linguistic features are things like parts of speech (nouns, verbs, etc.), named entities (people, places, organizations), and other grammar-related information. The idea is that this extra linguistic knowledge could help the model better comprehend the text and answer questions more accurately.

The results showed that incorporating these linguistic features did provide a small but significant boost in question-answering performance, compared to using BERT alone. This suggests that while large language models like BERT are extremely powerful, there may still be value in carefully designing and incorporating additional domain-specific features, at least for certain tasks.

Technical Explanation

The paper focuses on the SQuAD 2.0 question-answering dataset, which contains passages of text along with questions about the content. The goal is to build a model that can read the passage and then select the correct answer span from the text.

The authors use BERT as the foundation of their model, taking advantage of BERT's strong language understanding capabilities. They then experiment with adding various linguistic features on top of BERT, including part-of-speech tags, named entities, and dependency parse information. These features are concatenated with the BERT embeddings and fed into a question-answering prediction layer.

The researchers compare the performance of the BERT-only model against the BERT-plus-features model on the SQuAD 2.0 dev and test sets. The results show that incorporating the linguistic features leads to a statistically significant improvement in exact match and F1 score metrics, though the gains are relatively modest (around 1-2 points).

The authors also analyze how the different linguistic features contribute to the performance gain, finding that named entity recognition and part-of-speech tagging tend to be the most helpful. They hypothesize that these features provide the model with additional semantic and grammatical knowledge that complements BERT's natural language understanding capabilities.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a solid empirical investigation into the value of feature engineering in the era of powerful language models like BERT. The results suggest that while BERT alone is an extremely capable question-answering system, there is still room for improvement by incorporating targeted linguistic features.

However, the gains observed are relatively small, raising the question of whether the additional complexity and engineering effort is worth the modest performance boost. The authors acknowledge this limitation and suggest that the value of feature engineering may depend on the specific task and dataset.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the generalization of these findings beyond the SQuAD 2.0 dataset. It would be helpful to see if the benefits of linguistic features hold true on other question-answering benchmarks or natural language understanding tasks.

Finally, the paper does not delve into potential downsides or risks of over-engineering models with too many features. There could be concerns around model interpretability, overfitting, or increased computational costs that should be considered.

Overall, the paper makes a valuable contribution to the ongoing debate about the role of feature engineering in the age of large language models. The results suggest that a balanced approach, combining powerful pre-trained models with carefully selected task-specific features, may be a fruitful direction for future research.


This paper explores the interplay between powerful language models like BERT and the potential value of incorporating additional linguistic features for question-answering tasks. The results indicate that while BERT alone is a highly capable system, adding features like part-of-speech tags and named entities can provide a modest but meaningful performance boost.

These findings suggest that feature engineering may not be entirely obsolete, even in the era of large, pre-trained language models. There may still be value in carefully designing and incorporating domain-specific features to complement the language understanding capabilities of these models.

At the same time, the relatively small gains observed in this paper highlight the need to carefully weigh the benefits against the added complexity and engineering effort required. As the field of natural language processing continues to advance, striking the right balance between powerful models and targeted feature engineering will be an important area of ongoing research and development.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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