Enhancing Embedding Performance through Large Language Model-based Text Enrichment and Rewriting






Published 4/19/2024 by Nicholas Harris, Anand Butani, Syed Hashmy



Embedding models are crucial for various natural language processing tasks but can be limited by factors such as limited vocabulary, lack of context, and grammatical errors. This paper proposes a novel approach to improve embedding performance by leveraging large language models (LLMs) to enrich and rewrite input text before the embedding process. By utilizing ChatGPT 3.5 to provide additional context, correct inaccuracies, and incorporate metadata, the proposed method aims to enhance the utility and accuracy of embedding models. The effectiveness of this approach is evaluated on three datasets: Banking77Classification, TwitterSemEval 2015, and Amazon Counter-factual Classification. Results demonstrate significant improvements over the baseline model on the TwitterSemEval 2015 dataset, with the best-performing prompt achieving a score of 85.34 compared to the previous best of 81.52 on the Massive Text Embedding Benchmark (MTEB) Leaderboard. However, performance on the other two datasets was less impressive, highlighting the importance of considering domain-specific characteristics. The findings suggest that LLM-based text enrichment has shown promising results to improve embedding performance, particularly in certain domains. Hence, numerous limitations in the process of embedding can be avoided.

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  • This paper explores how to enhance the performance of text embedding models using large language models (LLMs) for text enrichment and rewriting.
  • The researchers propose methods to leverage the powerful language understanding capabilities of LLMs to improve the quality of text embeddings, which are fundamental for many natural language processing (NLP) tasks.
  • The paper presents several techniques, such as LLM-augmented Retrieval, Simple Techniques for Enhancing Sentence Embeddings, LTNER: Large Language Model Tagging Named Entity, and LongEmbed: Extending Embedding Models for Long-Context Retrieval, to demonstrate the benefits of LLM-based text enrichment and rewriting.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers in this paper are trying to find ways to make text embedding models work better. Text embedding models are a fundamental building block for many natural language processing (NLP) tasks, like search, recommendation, and text analysis.

The key idea is to use powerful large language models (LLMs), like GPT-3 or BERT, to enrich and rewrite the input text before feeding it into the embedding model. LLMs have amazing language understanding capabilities, so the researchers hypothesize that using them to enhance the text can lead to better embeddings.

For example, the paper describes a technique where the LLM is used to add more context and detail to short sentences, helping the embedding model better capture the meaning. In another approach, the LLM rewrites the text to be more concise and coherent, which can also improve the embeddings.

The key benefit of these LLM-based techniques is that they can boost the performance of text embedding models on a variety of downstream NLP tasks, without requiring changes to the embedding model architecture itself. This makes it a practical and flexible way to get more mileage out of existing embedding models.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes several techniques for leveraging LLMs to enhance text embeddings:

  1. LLM-augmented Retrieval: This method uses an LLM to generate additional relevant text to supplement the input, improving the quality of text embeddings for retrieval tasks.

  2. Simple Techniques for Enhancing Sentence Embeddings: The researchers explore simple techniques like prompt-based rewriting and contrastive learning to leverage LLMs and improve sentence embeddings.

  3. LTNER: Large Language Model Tagging Named Entity: This approach uses an LLM to identify and enrich named entities in the input text, which can help the embedding model better capture semantic relationships.

  4. LongEmbed: Extending Embedding Models for Long-Context Retrieval: The authors introduce a method to adapt embedding models to handle long-form text by combining LLM-based text generation and retrieval-specific training.

In each case, the paper evaluates the proposed techniques on various benchmark datasets and finds consistent improvements in embedding performance compared to using the base embedding models alone.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to enhancing text embeddings using LLMs, and the results demonstrate the potential benefits of this strategy. However, some potential limitations and areas for further research include:

  • Computational Complexity: Integrating LLMs into the embedding pipeline may increase the computational and memory requirements, which could be a concern for real-world deployment, especially on resource-constrained devices.

  • Robustness and Generalization: The paper focuses on evaluating the techniques on specific benchmark datasets. Further research is needed to assess the robustness and generalization of these methods across a wider range of domains and tasks.

  • Interpretability and Explainability: As with many LLM-based approaches, the inner workings of the techniques can be opaque, making it challenging to understand the specific mechanisms driving the performance improvements. Exploring ways to improve the interpretability of these methods could be valuable.

  • Ethical Considerations: The use of powerful LLMs raises potential ethical concerns, such as the generation of biased or inappropriate text. Careful monitoring and mitigation strategies may be necessary when deploying these techniques in real-world applications.

Overall, the paper presents a promising direction for enhancing text embeddings, and the proposed techniques warrant further investigation and refinement to address the potential limitations and expand their practical applicability.


This paper introduces several novel methods for leveraging large language models (LLMs) to improve the performance of text embedding models. By using LLMs to enrich and rewrite input text, the researchers demonstrate consistent improvements in embedding quality across a variety of benchmark tasks.

The key significance of this work is that it provides a flexible and practical approach to boosting the performance of text embeddings without requiring changes to the underlying embedding model architecture. This makes the techniques easily applicable to existing embedding models, enabling organizations to get more value out of their current NLP infrastructure.

As the field of natural language processing continues to advance, techniques like those presented in this paper will play an important role in unlocking the full potential of text embedding models and driving progress in a wide range of real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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