Deep ReLU networks and high-order finite element methods II: Chebyshev emulation

Read original: arXiv:2310.07261 - Published 6/5/2024 by Joost A. A. Opschoor, Christoph Schwab
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  • The paper investigates the expression rates and stability of deep feedforward ReLU neural networks (NNs) in approximating continuous, piecewise polynomial functions.
  • Novel constructions of ReLU NN surrogates are developed that encode function approximations using Chebyshev polynomial expansion coefficients, requiring fewer neurons than previous approaches.
  • The paper provides bounds on expression rates and stability that are superior to previous constructions based on ReLU NN emulations of monomials.
  • The emulation error estimates are provided for various function classes and norms commonly used in numerical analysis.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on understanding how well deep neural networks with rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation functions can approximate certain types of mathematical functions. The researchers developed new ways to build these neural networks that require fewer components (called "neurons") to achieve the same level of accuracy in approximating the target functions.

The target functions are continuous, piecewise polynomial functions, which are mathematical functions that are made up of different polynomial pieces stitched together over a bounded interval. These types of functions are commonly used in various fields, such as numerical analysis.

The key innovation in the paper is a new way to construct the neural network surrogates, which encode the function approximations using Chebyshev polynomial coefficients. Chebyshev polynomials are a special type of mathematical function that can be efficiently computed and used to represent other functions. By using this approach, the researchers were able to achieve better performance in terms of the number of neurons required and the stability of the approximations, compared to previous methods that tried to emulate individual polynomial terms (called "monomials").

The paper also provides detailed error estimates for how well these neural network approximations work for different classes of functions and mathematical norms (ways of measuring the "size" of a function). This includes showing that the neural networks can achieve exponential rates of approximation for analytic functions with isolated singularities, which are functions that have some points where they behave in a complex way.

Overall, the paper advances the understanding of how deep neural networks with ReLU activations can be used to efficiently approximate important types of mathematical functions, which has applications in areas like numerical analysis and scientific computing.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents novel constructions of rectified linear unit (ReLU) neural network (NN) surrogates that encode function approximations using Chebyshev polynomial expansion coefficients. These constructions require fewer neurons than previous approaches based on ReLU NN emulations of monomials.

The researchers analyze the expression rates and stability in Sobolev norms of these deep feedforward ReLU NNs for approximating continuous, piecewise polynomial functions on arbitrary, finite partitions of a bounded interval. They obtain bounds on the expression rates and stability that are superior to the previous monomial-based constructions.

The paper also provides ReLU NN emulation error estimates for various classes of functions and norms commonly encountered in numerical analysis, including exponential ReLU emulation rate bounds for analytic functions with point singularities. An interface between Chebfun approximations and constructive ReLU NN emulations is developed.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thorough theoretical analysis of the approximation capabilities of deep ReLU neural networks for a specific class of functions, namely continuous, piecewise polynomial functions. The novel constructions of Chebyshev-based NN surrogates are a notable contribution, as they outperform previous monomial-based approaches in terms of the required number of neurons and the approximation stability.

However, the paper does not address the practical implementation and training of these Chebyshev-based NN surrogates. The analysis is primarily focused on the theoretical bounds and does not include empirical evaluations or comparisons to other NN architectures or approximation methods. Additionally, the paper does not discuss the potential challenges or limitations of the proposed constructions, such as the sensitivity to the choice of partition or the scalability to higher-dimensional functions.

Further research could investigate the practical applicability of the Chebyshev-based NN surrogates, including their performance on real-world datasets, the impact of hyperparameter tuning, and the comparison to other NN architectures or approximation techniques. Exploring the extension of these results to more general function classes or higher-dimensional settings would also be valuable for expanding the scope and impact of the research.


This paper presents novel constructions of ReLU neural network surrogates that can efficiently approximate continuous, piecewise polynomial functions. The key innovation is the use of Chebyshev polynomial expansion coefficients to encode the function approximations, which requires fewer neurons than previous approaches based on emulating individual polynomial terms.

The paper provides rigorous theoretical analysis of the expression rates and stability of these Chebyshev-based NN surrogates, demonstrating superior performance compared to monomial-based constructions. The researchers also develop error estimates for various function classes and norms, including exponential ReLU emulation rates for analytic functions with point singularities.

While the theoretical results are promising, the practical implementation and training of these Chebyshev-based NN surrogates, as well as their performance on real-world applications, are yet to be explored. Further research in these directions could lead to broader applications of the proposed techniques in fields such as numerical analysis and scientific computing.

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