On-Demand Sampling: Learning Optimally from Multiple Distributions






Published 4/4/2024 by Nika Haghtalab, Michael I. Jordan, Eric Zhao



Social and real-world considerations such as robustness, fairness, social welfare and multi-agent tradeoffs have given rise to multi-distribution learning paradigms, such as collaborative learning, group distributionally robust optimization, and fair federated learning. In each of these settings, a learner seeks to uniformly minimize its expected loss over $n$ predefined data distributions, while using as few samples as possible. In this paper, we establish the optimal sample complexity of these learning paradigms and give algorithms that meet this sample complexity. Importantly, our sample complexity bounds for multi-distribution learning exceed that of learning a single distribution by only an additive factor of $n log(n) / epsilon^2$. This improves upon the best known sample complexity bounds for fair federated learning by Mohri et al. and collaborative learning by Nguyen and Zakynthinou by multiplicative factors of $n$ and $log(n)/epsilon^3$, respectively. We also provide the first sample complexity bounds for the group DRO objective of Sagawa et al. To guarantee these optimal sample complexity bounds, our algorithms learn to sample from data distributions on demand. Our algorithm design and analysis are enabled by our extensions of online learning techniques for solving stochastic zero-sum games. In particular, we contribute stochastic variants of no-regret dynamics that can trade off between players' differing sampling costs.

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  • This paper explores learning algorithms that can perform well across multiple data distributions, rather than just optimizing for a single distribution.
  • The authors establish the optimal sample complexity for these multi-distribution learning paradigms and provide algorithms that achieve this optimal complexity.
  • The sample complexity of the new algorithms only slightly exceeds that of learning a single distribution, improving upon previous state-of-the-art results.
  • The algorithms rely on techniques from online learning and stochastic zero-sum games to trade off between different distributions' sampling costs.

Plain English Explanation

Machine learning models are often trained on a single dataset, optimizing their performance on that specific data. However, in many real-world scenarios, we need models that can perform well across a variety of data distributions. For example, a lending algorithm should work fairly for applicants from different demographic groups, not just optimize for the majority group.

The learning paradigms explored in this paper, such as collaborative learning and fair federated learning, aim to create models that minimize their expected loss across multiple pre-defined data distributions. This is challenging because the model needs to generalize well while using as few training samples as possible from each distribution.

The key innovation of this work is establishing the optimal sample complexity, or the minimum number of training examples required, for these multi-distribution learning problems. The authors show that their new algorithms can achieve this optimal complexity, only slightly exceeding what would be needed to learn a single distribution. This represents a significant improvement over prior state-of-the-art approaches.

Importantly, the algorithms are designed to intelligently sample from the different data distributions, trading off their varying costs. This is enabled by techniques from online learning and game theory, allowing the model to efficiently learn across the multiple distributions.

Technical Explanation

The paper focuses on three multi-distribution learning paradigms: collaborative learning, group distributionally robust optimization (group DRO), and fair federated learning. In each case, the goal is to train a model that minimizes its expected loss across a set of n predefined data distributions, using as few samples as possible.

The authors establish the optimal sample complexity for these problems, showing it only exceeds the complexity of learning a single distribution by an additive factor of n log(n) / ε^2, where ε is the desired accuracy level. This improves upon previous state-of-the-art results by multiplicative factors of n and log(n)/ε^3.

To achieve this optimal complexity, the authors develop algorithms that learn to intelligently sample from the different data distributions. This is enabled by extending online learning techniques for solving stochastic zero-sum games. Specifically, the authors contribute stochastic variants of no-regret dynamics that can balance the varying sampling costs across the distributions.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a strong theoretical foundation for multi-distribution learning problems, establishing tight sample complexity bounds and designing algorithms to match this optimality. However, the analysis is largely focused on the sample efficiency aspect, without extensive empirical validation of the algorithms' practical performance.

While the theoretical results are compelling, it would be valuable to see experiments comparing the new algorithms to prior state-of-the-art approaches on real-world benchmarks. This could reveal additional insights into the tradeoffs and practical considerations of deploying these methods.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the sensitivity of the algorithms to factors like the specific choice of data distributions or the degree of distributional shift between them. Investigating these aspects could provide a more holistic understanding of the strengths and limitations of the proposed techniques.


This research advances the state of the art in multi-distribution learning, providing optimal sample complexity results and algorithms to achieve this efficiency. By developing techniques to intelligently sample from diverse data sources, the authors enable the creation of models that are more robust, fair, and socially beneficial than those trained on a single distribution.

These findings have important implications for real-world applications where fairness, robustness, and generalization across sub-populations are crucial, such as in healthcare, finance, and public policy. The theoretical insights and algorithmic innovations presented in this paper lay the groundwork for further advancements in this important area of machine learning.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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