Derivatives of Stochastic Gradient Descent






Published 5/28/2024 by Franck Iutzeler, Edouard Pauwels, Samuel Vaiter
Derivatives of Stochastic Gradient Descent


We consider stochastic optimization problems where the objective depends on some parameter, as commonly found in hyperparameter optimization for instance. We investigate the behavior of the derivatives of the iterates of Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) with respect to that parameter and show that they are driven by an inexact SGD recursion on a different objective function, perturbed by the convergence of the original SGD. This enables us to establish that the derivatives of SGD converge to the derivative of the solution mapping in terms of mean squared error whenever the objective is strongly convex. Specifically, we demonstrate that with constant step-sizes, these derivatives stabilize within a noise ball centered at the solution derivative, and that with vanishing step-sizes they exhibit $O(log(k)^2 / k)$ convergence rates. Additionally, we prove exponential convergence in the interpolation regime. Our theoretical findings are illustrated by numerical experiments on synthetic tasks.

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  • This paper investigates the derivatives of Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), a widely used optimization algorithm in machine learning.
  • The authors analyze the properties of the gradients computed by SGD and derive new theoretical results on their convergence rates.
  • The research aims to provide a deeper understanding of the dynamics of SGD and guide the development of more efficient optimization methods.

Plain English Explanation

Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is a fundamental algorithm used in machine learning to train models and optimize their performance. It works by iteratively adjusting the model's parameters based on small, randomly selected subsets of the training data, rather than using the entire dataset at once. This makes SGD computationally efficient and well-suited for large-scale problems.

The key idea behind this paper is to study the mathematical properties of the gradients computed by SGD. Gradients are the rates of change of the model's objective function with respect to its parameters, and they guide the optimization process. By analyzing the behavior of these gradients, the researchers aim to gain a deeper understanding of how SGD works and how it can be improved.

The paper provides new theoretical results on the convergence rates of SGD gradients, which describe how quickly the gradients approach their optimal values. These insights can help machine learning practitioners design more efficient optimization algorithms and potentially lead to faster and more reliable model training.

While the technical details may be complex, the overarching goal of this research is to enhance our understanding of a widely used optimization technique, with the potential to impact a broad range of machine learning applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper investigates the properties of the gradients computed by Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), a popular optimization algorithm used in machine learning. The authors derive new theoretical results on the convergence rates of the gradients, which provide insights into the dynamics of the SGD optimization process.

Specifically, the paper analyzes the behavior of the SGD gradients under various assumptions, such as the presence of stochastic noise or constraints on the problem domain. The researchers establish bounds on the convergence rates of the gradients, which describe how quickly they approach their optimal values. These theoretical results help to characterize the behavior of SGD and guide the development of more efficient optimization methods.

The technical analysis includes a detailed study of the gradient estimation error, which measures the difference between the true gradient and the gradient computed by SGD. The authors show that under certain conditions, this error converges to zero at a specific rate, providing guarantees on the quality of the gradients used in the optimization.

Furthermore, the paper explores the connection between the gradients computed by SGD and those obtained from deterministic gradient descent. The researchers establish relationships between these two types of gradients, which can help practitioners choose the most appropriate optimization algorithm for their specific problem.

Overall, the technical contributions of this paper aim to deepen our understanding of the inner workings of Stochastic Gradient Descent and pave the way for the design of improved optimization techniques in machine learning.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous theoretical analysis of the gradients computed by Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), which is a valuable contribution to the field of optimization in machine learning. The authors have carefully considered various assumptions and scenarios to derive their convergence rate results, demonstrating the depth and breadth of their analysis.

One potential limitation of the research is the reliance on certain assumptions, such as the presence of stochastic noise or constraints on the problem domain. While these assumptions are common in the optimization literature, they may not always hold true in real-world applications. It would be interesting to see the researchers extend their analysis to more general settings or explore the sensitivity of their results to deviations from these assumptions.

Additionally, the paper focuses primarily on the theoretical aspects of SGD gradients and their convergence rates. While these insights are undoubtedly valuable, it would be informative to see how they translate into practical improvements in machine learning tasks. A comparative study of SGD with other optimization algorithms, or an exploration of the impact of these theoretical findings on real-world model performance, could further strengthen the paper's impact.

Overall, the technical rigor and the potential implications of this research are commendable. The authors have made a significant contribution to our understanding of Stochastic Gradient Descent, which can pave the way for the development of more efficient and reliable optimization methods in the future.


This paper presents a detailed analysis of the gradients computed by Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), a widely used optimization algorithm in machine learning. The researchers have derived new theoretical results on the convergence rates of these gradients, providing insights into the dynamics of the SGD optimization process.

The key takeaways from this research include a deeper understanding of the behavior of SGD gradients, the relationship between gradients computed by SGD and deterministic gradient descent, and the potential for designing more efficient optimization algorithms based on these insights.

The technical depth and rigor of this work are impressive, and the findings have the potential to impact a broad range of machine learning applications. By enhancing our understanding of a fundamental optimization technique, this research paves the way for the development of more robust and reliable models, ultimately contributing to the advancement of the field of artificial intelligence.

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