What is the long-run distribution of stochastic gradient descent? A large deviations analysis






Published 6/14/2024 by Waiss Azizian, Franck Iutzeler, J'er^ome Malick, Panayotis Mertikopoulos



In this paper, we examine the long-run distribution of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) in general, non-convex problems. Specifically, we seek to understand which regions of the problem's state space are more likely to be visited by SGD, and by how much. Using an approach based on the theory of large deviations and randomly perturbed dynamical systems, we show that the long-run distribution of SGD resembles the Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution of equilibrium thermodynamics with temperature equal to the method's step-size and energy levels determined by the problem's objective and the statistics of the noise. In particular, we show that, in the long run, (a) the problem's critical region is visited exponentially more often than any non-critical region; (b) the iterates of SGD are exponentially concentrated around the problem's minimum energy state (which does not always coincide with the global minimum of the objective); (c) all other connected components of critical points are visited with frequency that is exponentially proportional to their energy level; and, finally (d) any component of local maximizers or saddle points is dominated by a component of local minimizers which is visited exponentially more often.

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  • This paper examines the long-term behavior of stochastic gradient descent (SGD), a popular optimization algorithm used in machine learning, for general non-convex problems.
  • The researchers aim to understand which regions of the problem's state space are more likely to be visited by SGD and to what extent.
  • Using an approach based on the theory of large deviations and randomly perturbed dynamical systems, they show that the long-run distribution of SGD resembles the Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution from equilibrium thermodynamics.

Plain English Explanation

Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is a widely used optimization algorithm in machine learning, used to train models like neural networks. In this paper, the researchers explored the long-term behavior of SGD when applied to general non-convex optimization problems, which are common in real-world machine learning tasks.

The key insights are:

  1. Critical Regions are Visited More Often: In the long run, the problem's critical regions (i.e., regions where the gradient is zero) are visited exponentially more often than any non-critical region.

  2. Iterates Concentrate Around Minimum Energy State: The iterates of SGD tend to be exponentially concentrated around the problem's "minimum energy state," which does not always coincide with the global minimum of the objective function.

  3. Other Critical Points are Visited Proportionally to Energy Level: All other connected components of critical points (e.g., local maximizers or saddle points) are visited with a frequency that is exponentially proportional to their energy level.

  4. Local Minimizers Dominate Local Maximizers: Any component of local maximizers or saddle points is dominated by a component of local minimizers, which is visited exponentially more often.

These findings provide a better understanding of how SGD navigates non-convex optimization problems, which is essential for improving machine learning models and algorithms.

Technical Explanation

The researchers used an approach based on the theory of large deviations and randomly perturbed dynamical systems to analyze the long-run distribution of SGD in general, non-convex optimization problems.

They showed that the long-run distribution of SGD resembles the Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution from equilibrium thermodynamics, where the "temperature" is equal to the step-size of the SGD method, and the "energy levels" are determined by the problem's objective function and the statistics of the noise.

Specifically, the researchers proved the following key results:

  1. Critical Regions are Visited More Often: In the long run, the problem's critical region (where the gradient is zero) is visited exponentially more often than any non-critical region.

  2. Iterates Concentrate Around Minimum Energy State: The iterates of SGD are exponentially concentrated around the problem's "minimum energy state," which may not coincide with the global minimum of the objective function.

  3. Other Critical Points are Visited Proportionally to Energy Level: All other connected components of critical points (e.g., local maximizers or saddle points) are visited with a frequency that is exponentially proportional to their energy level.

  4. Local Minimizers Dominate Local Maximizers: Any component of local maximizers or saddle points is dominated by a component of local minimizers, which is visited exponentially more often.

These theoretical insights shed light on the long-term behavior of SGD and how it navigates non-convex optimization problems, which is essential for understanding and improving machine learning algorithms.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous theoretical analysis of the long-run behavior of SGD in general, non-convex optimization problems. The researchers' approach based on large deviations theory and randomly perturbed dynamical systems offers a novel perspective on understanding the algorithm's convergence properties.

One potential limitation of the research is that the analysis assumes the optimization problem satisfies certain technical conditions, such as the existence of a well-defined Markov process and the ability to apply large deviations results. In practice, these conditions may not always be met, and it would be interesting to see the researchers extend their analysis to more general settings.

Additionally, the paper does not provide any experimental validation of the theoretical results. While the theoretical insights are compelling, it would be valuable to see how well the predicted behavior of SGD aligns with its empirical performance on real-world machine learning tasks.

Finally, the researchers note that their results do not directly address the important practical question of how to efficiently find the global minimum of the objective function. Exploring strategies to leverage the insights from this paper to develop more effective optimization algorithms could be a fruitful area for future research.


This paper provides a rigorous theoretical analysis of the long-term behavior of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) in general, non-convex optimization problems. The researchers show that the long-run distribution of SGD resembles the Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution from equilibrium thermodynamics, leading to several key insights about the algorithm's convergence properties.

These findings offer a better understanding of how SGD navigates non-convex optimization landscapes, which is critical for improving machine learning models and algorithms. While the paper presents compelling theoretical results, further research is needed to validate the findings experimentally and explore how to leverage these insights to develop more effective optimization techniques.

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