Description-Based Text Similarity






Published 4/29/2024 by Shauli Ravfogel, Valentina Pyatkin, Amir DN Cohen, Avshalom Manevich, Yoav Goldberg



Identifying texts with a given semantics is central for many information seeking scenarios. Similarity search over vector embeddings appear to be central to this ability, yet the similarity reflected in current text embeddings is corpus-driven, and is inconsistent and sub-optimal for many use cases. What, then, is a good notion of similarity for effective retrieval of text? We identify the need to search for texts based on abstract descriptions of their content, and the corresponding notion of emph{description based similarity}. We demonstrate the inadequacy of current text embeddings and propose an alternative model that significantly improves when used in standard nearest neighbor search. The model is trained using positive and negative pairs sourced through prompting a LLM, demonstrating how data from LLMs can be used for creating new capabilities not immediately possible using the original model.

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  • Identifying texts with specific semantics is crucial for many information-seeking tasks
  • Current text embedding models use corpus-driven similarity, which can be inconsistent and suboptimal for many use cases
  • The paper proposes a new notion of "description-based similarity" to enable effective retrieval of texts based on abstract content descriptions
  • The authors demonstrate the inadequacy of current embeddings and introduce an alternative model that significantly improves performance in standard nearest-neighbor search
  • The new model is trained using positive and negative pairs from prompting a large language model (LLM), showing how LLM data can create new capabilities

Plain English Explanation

Searching for and retrieving relevant texts is a fundamental task in many information-seeking scenarios, such as searching for banking transaction descriptions or analyzing the similarity of song lyrics. Current text embedding models, which convert text into numerical vectors, rely on a "corpus-driven" notion of similarity - how close two pieces of text are based on their overall usage in a large dataset.

However, this corpus-driven similarity doesn't always match what humans would consider similar in terms of the actual content and meaning of the text. For example, two texts might be considered very similar by the embedding model, but a human reader would see them as quite different in their underlying subject matter or semantics.

To address this, the researchers propose a new idea called "description-based similarity." The goal is to enable searching for texts based on abstract, high-level descriptions of their content, rather than just their superficial word-level similarity. The authors demonstrate that current text embedding models are inadequate for this task and introduce a new model that performs much better.

Interestingly, the new model was trained using data from prompting a large language model (LLM) - a powerful AI system capable of generating human-like text. By providing the LLM with specific prompts and recording the responses, the researchers were able to generate positive and negative example pairs that could be used to train their new embedding model. This shows how data from LLMs can be leveraged to create new AI capabilities that go beyond the original intended use of the LLM.

Technical Explanation

The paper identifies the need for a notion of "description-based similarity" to enable effective retrieval of texts based on abstract content descriptions, rather than just corpus-driven similarity. The authors demonstrate the inadequacy of current text embedding models for this task and propose an alternative model that significantly improves performance.

The new model is trained using positive and negative example pairs generated by prompting a large language model (LLM). Specifically, the researchers created prompts that elicited responses from the LLM corresponding to texts with similar or dissimilar semantic content. By recording these prompt-response pairs, they were able to create a dataset that could be used to train a text embedding model focused on description-based similarity.

Experiments show that this new model substantially outperforms standard text embedding approaches, such as BERT and InferSent, when used for nearest-neighbor search tasks that require retrieving texts based on their underlying semantics, rather than just lexical similarity.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to addressing the limitations of current text embedding models for tasks that require semantic-level similarity, rather than just superficial lexical similarity. The use of LLM-generated data to train the new embedding model is an interesting and novel technique that demonstrates the potential for LLMs to enable the creation of new AI capabilities.

However, the paper does not delve deeply into the potential limitations or caveats of this approach. For example, it's unclear how the performance of the new model would scale to larger datasets or more diverse text domains, or how sensitive the model is to the specific prompts used to generate the training data. Additionally, the paper does not compare the new model to more recent advances in text representation learning, such as LeanVec, which may also offer improvements in semantic-level similarity.

Further research and experimentation would be needed to fully understand the strengths, weaknesses, and broader applicability of the proposed approach. Nonetheless, the core idea of leveraging LLM-generated data to create new AI capabilities is a promising direction that merits further exploration.


This paper presents a novel approach to improving text retrieval by introducing the concept of "description-based similarity," which aims to capture the semantic content of texts rather than just their lexical similarity. The authors demonstrate the limitations of current text embedding models and propose a new model trained on data generated by prompting a large language model.

The results show a significant performance improvement over standard text embedding techniques, suggesting that this approach could be valuable for a wide range of information-seeking applications where retrieving texts based on their underlying meaning is critical. The use of LLM-generated data to train the new model also highlights the potential for large language models to enable the development of new AI capabilities beyond their original intended use.

Overall, this research represents an important step forward in improving the semantic understanding and retrieval of textual information, with promising implications for a variety of real-world tasks and applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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