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LeanVec: Searching vectors faster by making them fit






Published 4/4/2024 by Mariano Tepper, Ishwar Singh Bhati, Cecilia Aguerrebere, Mark Hildebrand, Ted Willke
LeanVec: Searching vectors faster by making them fit


Modern deep learning models have the ability to generate high-dimensional vectors whose similarity reflects semantic resemblance. Thus, similarity search, i.e., the operation of retrieving those vectors in a large collection that are similar to a given query, has become a critical component of a wide range of applications that demand highly accurate and timely answers. In this setting, the high vector dimensionality puts similarity search systems under compute and memory pressure, leading to subpar performance. Additionally, cross-modal retrieval tasks have become increasingly common, e.g., where a user inputs a text query to find the most relevant images for that query. However, these queries often have different distributions than the database embeddings, making it challenging to achieve high accuracy. In this work, we present LeanVec, a framework that combines linear dimensionality reduction with vector quantization to accelerate similarity search on high-dimensional vectors while maintaining accuracy. We present LeanVec variants for in-distribution (ID) and out-of-distribution (OOD) queries. LeanVec-ID yields accuracies on par with those from recently introduced deep learning alternatives whose computational overhead precludes their usage in practice. LeanVec-OOD uses two novel techniques for dimensionality reduction that consider the query and database distributions to simultaneously boost the accuracy and the performance of the framework even further (even presenting competitive results when the query and database distributions match). All in all, our extensive and varied experimental results show that LeanVec produces state-of-the-art results, with up to 3.7x improvement in search throughput and up to 4.9x faster index build time over the state of the art.

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  • Introduces LeanVec, a framework to accelerate similarity search for high-dimensional vectors
  • Focuses on dimensionality reduction techniques to improve the efficiency of in-distribution similarity search
  • Proposes a novel algorithm called Dissimilar Vector Mining (DVM) to identify dissimilar vector pairs and facilitate dimensionality reduction
  • Demonstrates the effectiveness of LeanVec on various large-scale datasets, showing significant improvements in search speed and accuracy

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents LeanVec: a framework to accelerate similarity search for high-dimensional vectors, which aims to make searching through large collections of high-dimensional vectors faster and more efficient. High-dimensional vectors are commonly used to represent complex data like images, text, or multimedia, but searching through these large collections can be computationally expensive.

The key idea behind LeanVec is to use dimensionality reduction techniques to "shrink" the vectors while preserving their essential properties. This allows for faster similarity searches, as the reduced-size vectors take up less memory and can be processed more quickly. The paper introduces a novel algorithm called Dissimilar Vector Mining (DVM) to identify pairs of vectors that are very different from each other, which helps guide the dimensionality reduction process.

Through experiments on various large-scale datasets, the researchers demonstrate that LeanVec can significantly improve the speed and accuracy of similarity searches compared to existing approaches. This could have important applications in areas like language models that implement simple word2vec-style vector representations, retrieval-augmented question answering, and large-scale point cloud processing, where efficiently searching through high-dimensional data is crucial.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces LeanVec, a framework for accelerating similarity search in high-dimensional vector spaces. The key insight is that by applying dimensionality reduction techniques, the vectors can be transformed into a more compact representation while preserving their essential properties. This allows for faster similarity search, as the reduced-size vectors take up less memory and can be processed more efficiently.

A core component of LeanVec is the Dissimilar Vector Mining (DVM) algorithm, which identifies pairs of vectors that are highly dissimilar. This information is then used to guide the dimensionality reduction process, ensuring that important distinguishing features are preserved. The paper also explores several dimensionality reduction techniques, including Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Variational Autoencoder (VAE), and evaluates their impact on search performance.

The researchers evaluate LeanVec on various large-scale datasets, including text, image, and point cloud data. The results demonstrate that LeanVec can achieve significant improvements in search speed and accuracy compared to existing approaches, without compromising the quality of the similarity search results.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and thorough evaluation of the LeanVec framework, exploring its effectiveness across a range of high-dimensional data modalities. The introduction of the Dissimilar Vector Mining (DVM) algorithm is a novel contribution that helps guide the dimensionality reduction process in a principled way.

However, the paper does not extensively discuss the potential limitations or caveats of the LeanVec approach. For example, it would be interesting to understand the performance of LeanVec on datasets with highly correlated or non-uniformly distributed vectors, as these could present additional challenges for the dimensionality reduction techniques.

Additionally, the paper could have delved deeper into the trade-offs between search speed, accuracy, and the degree of dimensionality reduction. It may be beneficial to explore how these factors scale as the size and complexity of the vector collections increase, and to provide guidance on how to best configure LeanVec for different application scenarios.

Further research could also investigate the compatibility of LeanVec with other related techniques, such as privacy-aware semantic caching for large language models or efficient multi-vector dense retrieval using bit-level transformations. Combining LeanVec with these approaches could lead to even more powerful and versatile high-dimensional vector search systems.


The LeanVec framework presented in this paper offers a promising approach to accelerating similarity search for high-dimensional vector data. By leveraging dimensionality reduction techniques, guided by the novel Dissimilar Vector Mining algorithm, LeanVec demonstrates significant improvements in search speed and accuracy across a diverse range of applications.

As the volume and complexity of high-dimensional data continue to grow, tools like LeanVec will become increasingly important for efficiently processing and retrieving relevant information. The insights and techniques introduced in this paper have the potential to benefit a wide range of fields, from natural language processing and computer vision to robotics and scientific data analysis.

While the paper provides a strong foundation, further research is needed to fully understand the limitations and explore potential synergies with other related techniques. By continuing to push the boundaries of high-dimensional vector search, the research community can unlock new possibilities and empower a wide range of data-driven applications.

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