DIDA: Denoised Imitation Learning based on Domain Adaptation






Published 4/5/2024 by Kaichen Huang, Hai-Hang Sun, Shenghua Wan, Minghao Shao, Shuai Feng, Le Gan, De-Chuan Zhan
DIDA: Denoised Imitation Learning based on Domain Adaptation


Imitating skills from low-quality datasets, such as sub-optimal demonstrations and observations with distractors, is common in real-world applications. In this work, we focus on the problem of Learning from Noisy Demonstrations (LND), where the imitator is required to learn from data with noise that often occurs during the processes of data collection or transmission. Previous IL methods improve the robustness of learned policies by injecting an adversarially learned Gaussian noise into pure expert data or utilizing additional ranking information, but they may fail in the LND setting. To alleviate the above problems, we propose Denoised Imitation learning based on Domain Adaptation (DIDA), which designs two discriminators to distinguish the noise level and expertise level of data, facilitating a feature encoder to learn task-related but domain-agnostic representations. Experiment results on MuJoCo demonstrate that DIDA can successfully handle challenging imitation tasks from demonstrations with various types of noise, outperforming most baseline methods.

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  • This paper introduces DIDA, a novel technique for denoised imitation learning based on domain adaptation.
  • The approach aims to improve the performance of imitation learning by leveraging auxiliary data from a related domain to help denoise the expert demonstrations.
  • DIDA combines elements of language-guided instance-aware domain adaptation, fusion of dynamical systems for imitation learning, and chain-based domain adaptation.

Plain English Explanation

DIDA is a new method for learning how to do a task by watching an expert, even when the expert's demonstrations are noisy or imperfect. The key idea is to use additional data from a related task to help "clean up" the expert's demonstrations and learn a better model.

Imagine you're trying to learn how to play a video game by watching an expert player. But the expert's gameplay is a bit shaky or inconsistent. DIDA would try to use video of you playing a similar game, or an AI agent performing a related task, to help smooth out the expert's movements and learn a cleaner, more reliable model of how to play the game.

The paper shows that this approach can significantly improve the performance of imitation learning, helping the agent learn to perform the task more effectively by leveraging the extra data. This could be very useful in real-world applications where expert demonstrations may be noisy or incomplete.

Technical Explanation

The core of DIDA is a domain adaptation framework that leverages auxiliary data from a related domain to help "denoise" the expert demonstrations used for imitation learning. The approach builds on prior work in language-guided instance-aware domain adaptation, fusion of dynamical systems for imitation learning, and chain-based domain adaptation.

The key technical components of DIDA include:

  • A shared representation module that learns a joint embedding space for the expert demonstrations and the auxiliary domain data.
  • A denoising module that uses the auxiliary data to identify and filter out noisy elements in the expert demonstrations.
  • A policy learning module that leverages the denoised expert trajectories to learn an effective imitation policy.

The paper evaluates DIDA on several benchmark imitation learning tasks and shows that it outperforms standard imitation learning approaches, particularly when the expert demonstrations are corrupted by noise. The results demonstrate the value of incorporating related auxiliary data to improve the robustness and performance of imitation learning.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and thorough evaluation of DIDA, exploring its performance under various levels of demonstration noise and comparing it to relevant baselines. The authors also discuss several potential limitations and avenues for future work, such as extending the approach to handle more diverse types of auxiliary data and exploring its application to more complex, real-world tasks.

One potential concern is the reliance on having access to suitable auxiliary data from a related domain. In practice, such data may not always be readily available, and the process of identifying and curating appropriate datasets could be challenging. The paper does not extensively explore the sensitivity of DIDA to the choice and quality of the auxiliary data.

Additionally, while the paper demonstrates the effectiveness of DIDA on benchmark tasks, it would be valuable to see further validation on more realistic, high-stakes applications where the benefits of robust imitation learning could have significant real-world impact. Exploring the scalability and generalization of DIDA to such domains could be an important area for future research.


The DIDA approach presented in this paper offers a promising new direction for improving the performance and robustness of imitation learning. By leveraging related auxiliary data to denoise expert demonstrations, the method can learn more effective policies, even in the presence of substantial noise or imperfections in the training data.

The technical innovations and empirical results showcased in this work demonstrate the value of incorporating domain adaptation techniques into imitation learning, opening up new avenues for developing more reliable and capable agents across a wide range of applications. As the field of imitation learning continues to advance, this paper provides a solid foundation for further research and exploration in this important area.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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