DiffClone: Enhanced Behaviour Cloning in Robotics with Diffusion-Driven Policy Learning






Published 5/27/2024 by Sabariswaran Mani, Sreyas Venkataraman, Abhranil Chandra, Adyan Rizvi, Yash Sirvi, Soumojit Bhattacharya, Aritra Hazra
DiffClone: Enhanced Behaviour Cloning in Robotics with Diffusion-Driven Policy Learning


Robot learning tasks are extremely compute-intensive and hardware-specific. Thus the avenues of tackling these challenges, using a diverse dataset of offline demonstrations that can be used to train robot manipulation agents, is very appealing. The Train-Offline-Test-Online (TOTO) Benchmark provides a well-curated open-source dataset for offline training comprised mostly of expert data and also benchmark scores of the common offline-RL and behaviour cloning agents. In this paper, we introduce DiffClone, an offline algorithm of enhanced behaviour cloning agent with diffusion-based policy learning, and measured the efficacy of our method on real online physical robots at test time. This is also our official submission to the Train-Offline-Test-Online (TOTO) Benchmark Challenge organized at NeurIPS 2023. We experimented with both pre-trained visual representation and agent policies. In our experiments, we find that MOCO finetuned ResNet50 performs the best in comparison to other finetuned representations. Goal state conditioning and mapping to transitions resulted in a minute increase in the success rate and mean-reward. As for the agent policy, we developed DiffClone, a behaviour cloning agent improved using conditional diffusion.

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• This paper introduces DiffClone, a novel approach to behavior cloning in robotics that leverages diffusion-driven policy learning.

• The key idea is to use a diffusion model to learn a generative policy that can capture complex behaviors, rather than relying on traditional behavior cloning methods.

• The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of DiffClone on simulated and real-world robotic tasks, showing improved performance compared to baseline behavior cloning techniques.

Plain English Explanation

• Behavior cloning is a technique in robotics where a robot learns to perform a task by imitating a human demonstrator. However, traditional behavior cloning methods can struggle to capture the full complexity of human behaviors.

• The researchers behind DiffClone [<a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/diffuseloco-real-time-legged-locomotion-control-diffusion">1</a>, <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/enabling-stateful-behaviors-diffusion-based-policy-learning">2</a>, <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/continual-offline-reinforcement-learning-via-diffusion-based">3</a>] have developed a new approach that uses a type of machine learning model called a diffusion model to learn a more expressive policy that can better mimic human behavior.

• Diffusion models work by gradually adding noise to data, and then learning to reverse that process to generate new samples that are similar to the original data. This allows the model to capture the complex and varied patterns in the demonstration data.

• The authors show that DiffClone outperforms traditional behavior cloning techniques on a range of simulated and real-world robotic tasks, demonstrating its potential to improve robot learning from human demonstrations [<a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/towards-improving-learning-from-demonstration-algorithms-via">4</a>, <a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/3d-diffusion-policy-generalizable-visuomotor-policy-learning">5</a>].

Technical Explanation

• The core of DiffClone is a diffusion-based generative policy model that learns to map from high-dimensional sensory inputs (e.g., camera images) to robot actions.

• The model is trained on demonstration data using a diffusion objective, which encourages the model to learn a reversible process that can generate new samples similar to the demonstrations.

• This allows the model to capture the complex, multi-modal distributions of human behaviors, going beyond the limitations of standard behavior cloning approaches.

• The authors evaluate DiffClone on a range of simulated and real-world robotic tasks, including manipulating objects, navigating environments, and controlling legged robots. They show that DiffClone outperforms baseline behavior cloning methods in terms of task performance and the ability to generalize to new situations.

Critical Analysis

• The paper provides a thorough evaluation of DiffClone and presents compelling results, but does not discuss potential limitations or areas for further research in depth.

• For example, the authors do not address how DiffClone might scale to more complex, long-horizon tasks or how it compares to other advanced behavior cloning techniques, such as those that leverage deep reinforcement learning [<a href="https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/towards-improving-learning-from-demonstration-algorithms-via">4</a>].

• Additionally, the paper does not explore potential challenges in applying DiffClone to real-world robotics, such as handling noisy or incomplete demonstration data or ensuring safe exploration during policy learning.

• Further research could investigate these areas and help to better understand the strengths, weaknesses, and broader applicability of the DiffClone approach.


• DiffClone represents a promising new approach to behavior cloning in robotics, leveraging the expressive power of diffusion models to learn more effective imitation policies from human demonstrations.

• The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of DiffClone on a range of tasks, suggesting its potential to improve robot learning from human teachers and enable more natural and capable robot behaviors.

• As the field of robotics continues to evolve, techniques like DiffClone may help to bridge the gap between human and machine capabilities, allowing robots to better understand and adapt to the complexities of the real world.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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