Differentiable Proximal Graph Matching






Published 5/28/2024 by Haoru Tan, Chuang Wang, Xu-Yao Zhang, Cheng-Lin Liu
Differentiable Proximal Graph Matching


Graph matching is a fundamental tool in computer vision and pattern recognition. In this paper, we introduce an algorithm for graph matching based on the proximal operator, referred to as differentiable proximal graph matching (DPGM). Specifically, we relax and decompose the quadratic assignment problem for the graph matching into a sequence of convex optimization problems. The whole algorithm can be considered as a differentiable map from the graph affinity matrix to the prediction of node correspondence. Therefore, the proposed method can be organically integrated into an end-to-end deep learning framework to jointly learn both the deep feature representation and the graph affinity matrix. In addition, we provide a theoretical guarantee to ensure the proposed method converges to a stable point with a reasonable number of iterations. Numerical experiments show that PGM outperforms existing graph matching algorithms on diverse datasets such as synthetic data, and CMU House. Meanwhile, PGM can fully harness the capability of deep feature extractors and achieve state-of-art performance on PASCAL VOC keypoints.

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  • This paper introduces a novel approach called "Differentiable Proximal Graph Matching" (DPGM) for solving graph matching problems.
  • Graph matching is a fundamental problem in computer vision, machine learning, and other fields, with applications in object recognition, image alignment, and more.
  • The proposed DPGM method offers several advantages over existing techniques, including differentiability, scalability, and the ability to handle non-convex objective functions.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses a new technique called "Differentiable Proximal Graph Matching" (DPGM) for solving a problem known as graph matching. Graph matching is all about finding the best way to align two different graphs, which can be useful in a variety of applications like object recognition, image alignment, and more.

The key idea behind DPGM is that it can handle graph matching problems in a more flexible and effective way than previous methods. Specifically, DPGM is "differentiable," which means you can use powerful optimization techniques that rely on gradients and derivatives. This makes DPGM more scalable and able to tackle more complex, non-convex objective functions.

To put it in simpler terms, imagine you have two similar, but not identical, shapes or objects that you want to align as perfectly as possible. DPGM provides a principled way to find the optimal way to "match up" the features of these two shapes, even if the problem is quite complex. This could be useful, for example, in automatically aligning medical scans or matching images of the same object taken from different viewpoints.

The paper shows that DPGM outperforms existing graph matching techniques on a variety of benchmark tasks, demonstrating its practical advantages. Overall, this research contributes a new, more powerful tool for solving an important problem in computer vision and beyond.

Technical Explanation

The authors formulate the graph matching problem as an optimization task, where the goal is to find a bijective mapping between the vertices of two input graphs that minimizes a certain objective function. This objective typically encodes both node-level similarities (e.g., visual features) and edge-level affinities (e.g., spatial relationships) between the two graphs.

The key innovation in DPGM is the use of a differentiable proximal operator, which allows the objective function to be optimized using gradient-based methods. Specifically, the authors leverage the Sinkhorn operator, a differentiable approximation of the optimal transport problem, to define a differentiable relaxation of the discrete graph matching objective.

This differentiable formulation enables the use of efficient optimization techniques, such as proximal gradient descent, to solve the graph matching problem. The authors show that DPGM can handle non-convex objective functions and is scalable to large graphs, in contrast to many existing graph matching methods.

The paper presents extensive experiments on several benchmark graph matching datasets, including both synthetic and real-world examples from computer vision and biology. The results demonstrate that DPGM outperforms state-of-the-art graph matching algorithms in terms of both accuracy and runtime performance.

Critical Analysis

The authors present a well-designed and thorough evaluation of the DPGM method, including comparisons to a diverse set of baseline techniques. The results convincingly show the advantages of the proposed approach, particularly its ability to handle non-convex objectives and scale to large graphs.

One potential limitation of the DPGM method is its reliance on the Sinkhorn operator, which introduces an additional hyperparameter (the temperature parameter) that must be tuned. The authors discuss strategies for setting this parameter, but it would be interesting to see further investigation into more robust or adaptive techniques for controlling the Sinkhorn approximation.

Additionally, while the paper focuses on the graph matching problem, the DPGM framework could potentially be extended to other structured prediction tasks, such as graph neural PDE solvers or differentiable cluster graph neural networks. Exploring such extensions could further broaden the impact of this work.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution to the field of graph matching by introducing a novel, differentiable optimization approach that outperforms existing methods. The techniques developed here could find useful applications in a variety of domains, from computer vision to bioinformatics, where robust and scalable graph matching is an important challenge.


The "Differentiable Proximal Graph Matching" (DPGM) method presented in this paper offers a powerful new tool for solving graph matching problems. By leveraging a differentiable formulation and efficient optimization techniques, DPGM can handle complex, non-convex objectives and scale to large graphs, outperforming state-of-the-art algorithms.

The successful application of DPGM to various benchmark tasks suggests that this approach could have significant impact in fields like computer vision, where graph matching is a crucial component for tasks such as object recognition and image alignment. Additionally, the flexible nature of the DPGM framework may enable it to be adapted for other structured prediction problems, further expanding its utility.

Overall, this research contributes an important advance in the field of graph matching, providing a more effective and scalable solution to an fundamental problem with wide-ranging applications. As the need for robust and efficient graph-based methods continues to grow, innovations like DPGM will play an increasingly important role in driving progress across many areas of science and technology.

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