Diffusion Models as Stochastic Quantization in Lattice Field Theory






Published 5/10/2024 by Lingxiao Wang, Gert Aarts, Kai Zhou



In this work, we establish a direct connection between generative diffusion models (DMs) and stochastic quantization (SQ). The DM is realized by approximating the reversal of a stochastic process dictated by the Langevin equation, generating samples from a prior distribution to effectively mimic the target distribution. Using numerical simulations, we demonstrate that the DM can serve as a global sampler for generating quantum lattice field configurations in two-dimensional $phi^4$ theory. We demonstrate that DMs can notably reduce autocorrelation times in the Markov chain, especially in the critical region where standard Markov Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) algorithms experience critical slowing down. The findings can potentially inspire further advancements in lattice field theory simulations, in particular in cases where it is expensive to generate large ensembles.

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  • This work establishes a direct connection between generative diffusion models (DMs) and stochastic quantization (SQ).
  • The DM is used to generate samples from a prior distribution to effectively mimic a target distribution, by approximating the reversal of a stochastic process governed by the Langevin equation.
  • Numerical simulations demonstrate that DMs can serve as a global sampler for generating quantum lattice field configurations in two-dimensional φ^4 theory.
  • DMs can notably reduce autocorrelation times in the Markov chain, especially in the critical region where standard Markov Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) algorithms experience critical slowing down.
  • The findings can potentially inspire further advancements in lattice field theory simulations, particularly in cases where it is expensive to generate large ensembles.

Plain English Explanation

This research establishes a connection between two important concepts in machine learning and physics: generative diffusion models and stochastic quantization.

Generative diffusion models are a type of machine learning model that can generate new samples by learning to reverse a noisy process. The researchers show that these models can be used to create quantum lattice field configurations, which are important for simulating the behavior of quantum systems.

One key advantage of using diffusion models is that they can reduce the time it takes to generate these quantum configurations, especially in critical regions where traditional methods struggle. This is important because generating large ensembles of these configurations can be computationally expensive.

By demonstrating the effectiveness of diffusion models in this domain, the researchers hope to inspire further advancements in lattice field theory simulations and other areas where it's challenging to generate large datasets.

Technical Explanation

The researchers establish a direct connection between generative diffusion models (DMs) and stochastic quantization (SQ). DMs are used to generate samples from a prior distribution that effectively mimic a target distribution, by approximating the reversal of a stochastic process governed by the Langevin equation.

Through numerical simulations, the team demonstrates that DMs can serve as a global sampler for generating quantum lattice field configurations in two-dimensional φ^4 theory. Notably, they show that DMs can reduce autocorrelation times in the Markov chain, especially in the critical region where standard Markov Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) algorithms experience critical slowing down.

The researchers also explore techniques for efficient quantization and fine-tuning of diffusion models to improve their performance and practicality, as well as binarization approaches for further efficiency.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a promising demonstration of the potential for generative diffusion models to enhance lattice field theory simulations, particularly in challenging critical regions. However, the researchers acknowledge that further work is needed to fully realize the benefits of this approach.

One potential limitation is the computational cost of training and running the diffusion models, which may still be prohibitive for some applications. The researchers suggest exploring techniques for efficient quantization and fine-tuning to address this issue.

Additionally, the paper focuses on two-dimensional φ^4 theory, and it would be valuable to see the approach extended to more complex quantum field theories and higher dimensions to assess its broader applicability.

Overall, this work represents an exciting step forward in bridging the gap between machine learning and lattice field theory simulations, and the researchers have identified several promising directions for further research and development.


This study establishes a direct connection between generative diffusion models and stochastic quantization, demonstrating the potential for diffusion models to serve as effective global samplers for generating quantum lattice field configurations. The key advantages of this approach include the ability to reduce autocorrelation times, particularly in critical regions where traditional methods struggle.

The findings from this work can potentially inspire further advancements in lattice field theory simulations and other domains where generating large, high-quality datasets is computationally expensive. As the researchers continue to explore techniques for efficient quantization and fine-tuning of diffusion models, the practical applications of this approach are likely to expand in the future.

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