Discovering Closed-Loop Failures of Vision-Based Controllers via Reachability Analysis






Published 4/11/2024 by Kaustav Chakraborty, Somil Bansal



Machine learning driven image-based controllers allow robotic systems to take intelligent actions based on the visual feedback from their environment. Understanding when these controllers might lead to system safety violations is important for their integration in safety-critical applications and engineering corrective safety measures for the system. Existing methods leverage simulation-based testing (or falsification) to find the failures of vision-based controllers, i.e., the visual inputs that lead to closed-loop safety violations. However, these techniques do not scale well to the scenarios involving high-dimensional and complex visual inputs, such as RGB images. In this work, we cast the problem of finding closed-loop vision failures as a Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) reachability problem. Our approach blends simulation-based analysis with HJ reachability methods to compute an approximation of the backward reachable tube (BRT) of the system, i.e., the set of unsafe states for the system under vision-based controllers. Utilizing the BRT, we can tractably and systematically find the system states and corresponding visual inputs that lead to closed-loop failures. These visual inputs can be subsequently analyzed to find the input characteristics that might have caused the failure. Besides its scalability to high-dimensional visual inputs, an explicit computation of BRT allows the proposed approach to capture non-trivial system failures that are difficult to expose via random simulations. We demonstrate our framework on two case studies involving an RGB image-based neural network controller for (a) autonomous indoor navigation, and (b) autonomous aircraft taxiing.

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  • Machine learning driven image-based controllers allow robots to take actions based on visual feedback from their environment.
  • Understanding when these controllers might lead to safety issues is important for using them in safety-critical applications.
  • Existing methods use simulation-based testing to find visual inputs that cause safety violations, but struggle with complex, high-dimensional visual inputs like RGB images.
  • This paper proposes a new approach that combines simulation-based analysis with Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) reachability methods to systematically find visual inputs that could lead to safety failures.

Plain English Explanation

Robots and other autonomous systems are increasingly using machine learning models that can process visual information, like camera images, to decide how to act. This is powerful, but it also raises safety concerns - what if the visual inputs the system sees lead it to take an action that violates safety, like crashing the robot?

The researchers in this paper wanted to develop a way to find these types of "vision-based safety failures" systematically, before deploying the systems in the real world. Existing approaches use simulation to test the system, but they struggle when the visual inputs are complex, like full-color images.

The key insight in this paper is to cast the problem of finding these safety failures as a "reachability" problem. Specifically, the researchers use a mathematical technique called Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) reachability to compute the set of states the system could reach that would violate safety.

By combining simulation-based testing with this HJ reachability analysis, the researchers can systematically find the visual inputs that could lead to safety failures, even for complex, high-dimensional visual data like RGB images. This allows them to uncover non-trivial safety issues that might be difficult to find through random simulation alone.

Technical Explanation

The core contribution of this paper is a new framework that blends simulation-based analysis with Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) reachability methods to systematically find visual inputs that could lead to safety violations in vision-based robotic control systems.

The researchers first define a model of the robotic system, including its dynamics, the vision-based controller, and the safety specifications. They then use simulation to generate a set of representative visual inputs and the corresponding system states.

Next, they leverage HJ reachability analysis to compute an approximation of the backward reachable tube (BRT) - the set of unsafe states that the system could reach under the vision-based controller. This BRT captures both trivial and non-trivial safety failures that may be difficult to uncover through simulation alone.

By analyzing the visual inputs that correspond to the unsafe states in the BRT, the researchers can identify the key characteristics of these "vision-based safety failures." This information can then be used to engineer corrective measures or robustness improvements for the vision-based controller.

The researchers demonstrate their framework on two case studies: an RGB image-based neural network controller for autonomous indoor navigation, and an autonomous aircraft taxiing task. Their results show that the combined simulation-HJ reachability approach can effectively detect and mitigate system-level anomalies that arise from vision-based control.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge that their approach relies on the accuracy of the system model and the safety specifications, which may be challenging to obtain in practice. Additionally, the HJ reachability computation can be computationally intensive, especially for high-dimensional state spaces.

While the case studies demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed framework, further evaluation on a wider range of robotic systems and real-world scenarios would be valuable to assess its broader applicability and scalability. The researchers also note that their current approach assumes a deterministic system model, and extending it to handle stochastic uncertainties could be an area for future research.

Overall, this paper presents a promising approach to the important problem of ensuring the safety of vision-based robotic control systems. The combination of simulation-based testing and HJ reachability analysis offers a systematic way to uncover safety-critical issues that may be difficult to expose through simulation alone, which could be a valuable tool for the safe deployment of these systems in the real world.


This paper introduces a novel framework that combines simulation-based analysis with Hamilton-Jacobi reachability methods to systematically find visual inputs that could lead to safety violations in vision-based robotic control systems. By computing an approximation of the backward reachable tube, the researchers can identify both trivial and non-trivial safety failures, which can then be analyzed to engineer corrective measures for the vision-based controllers.

The proposed approach addresses the scalability challenges of existing simulation-based techniques when dealing with high-dimensional and complex visual inputs, such as RGB images. The case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of this framework in uncovering safety issues for autonomous indoor navigation and aircraft taxiing tasks.

Overall, this research represents an important step towards ensuring the safe deployment of vision-based robotic systems in real-world, safety-critical applications. The insights and techniques presented in this paper could have significant implications for the future development and integration of these advanced control systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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