DPO Meets PPO: Reinforced Token Optimization for RLHF






Published 4/30/2024 by Han Zhong, Guhao Feng, Wei Xiong, Li Zhao, Di He, Jiang Bian, Liwei Wang
DPO Meets PPO: Reinforced Token Optimization for RLHF


In the classical Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) framework, Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) is employed to learn from sparse, sentence-level rewards -- a challenging scenario in traditional deep reinforcement learning. Despite the great successes of PPO in the alignment of state-of-the-art closed-source large language models (LLMs), its open-source implementation is still largely sub-optimal, as widely reported by numerous research studies. To address these issues, we introduce a framework that models RLHF problems as a Markov decision process (MDP), enabling the capture of fine-grained token-wise information. Furthermore, we provide theoretical insights that demonstrate the superiority of our MDP framework over the previous sentence-level bandit formulation. Under this framework, we introduce an algorithm, dubbed as Reinforced Token Optimization (texttt{RTO}), which learns the token-wise reward function from preference data and performs policy optimization based on this learned token-wise reward signal. Theoretically, texttt{RTO} is proven to have the capability of finding the near-optimal policy sample-efficiently. For its practical implementation, texttt{RTO} innovatively integrates Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) and PPO. DPO, originally derived from sparse sentence rewards, surprisingly provides us with a token-wise characterization of response quality, which is seamlessly incorporated into our subsequent PPO training stage. Extensive real-world alignment experiments verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

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  • This paper presents a novel reinforcement learning approach called "Reinforced Token Optimization for RLHF" (RTO-RLHF), which combines Deterministic Policy Optimization (DPO) and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) to optimize language models for alignment with human preferences.
  • The authors demonstrate that RTO-RLHF outperforms existing RLHF methods on various benchmarks, including token-level direct preference optimization and filtered direct preference optimization.
  • The key innovations of RTO-RLHF include a novel token-level optimization objective and the integration of DPO and PPO to leverage the strengths of both approaches.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way to train large language models (LLMs) to be more aligned with human preferences. This is an important problem because as LLMs become more powerful, it's crucial that they behave in ways that are beneficial to humans.

The authors' approach, called Reinforced Token Optimization for RLHF (RTO-RLHF), combines two existing techniques: Deterministic Policy Optimization (DPO) and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). DPO is good at optimizing the model at the individual token level, while PPO is better at maintaining the overall coherence and consistency of the model's outputs.

By combining these two methods, the authors create a more effective system for training LLMs to produce text that is aligned with human preferences. They show that RTO-RLHF outperforms other state-of-the-art RLHF methods on a variety of benchmarks.

The key innovation in RTO-RLHF is the way it optimizes the model at the individual token level, rather than just looking at the overall quality of the generated text. This allows the model to learn more fine-grained preferences and produce outputs that are more closely aligned with what humans want.

Technical Explanation

The RTO-RLHF approach combines DPO and PPO to optimize language models for alignment with human preferences. DPO is used to directly optimize the probability of generating each token in a way that aligns with human preferences, while PPO is used to maintain the overall coherence and consistency of the model's outputs.

The authors formulate a novel token-level optimization objective that combines the advantages of DPO and PPO. This objective encourages the model to generate tokens that are highly preferred by humans, while also ensuring that the overall distribution of generated text remains close to the original language model distribution.

The authors evaluate RTO-RLHF on a variety of benchmarks, including token-level direct preference optimization and filtered direct preference optimization. Their results show that RTO-RLHF outperforms these existing RLHF methods, indicating that the combined DPO and PPO approach is more effective at aligning language models with human preferences.

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a thorough analysis of the limitations and potential issues with RTO-RLHF. They acknowledge that the token-level optimization objective may be difficult to scale to very large language models, and that further research is needed to improve the computational efficiency of the approach.

Additionally, the authors note that the current implementation of RTO-RLHF assumes access to a well-curated dataset of human preferences, which may not always be available in real-world scenarios. More research is needed to explore how RTO-RLHF can be adapted to work with noisier or more limited preference information.

Finally, the authors highlight the importance of further investigating the long-term behavioral alignment of language models trained using RTO-RLHF, as there may be unexpected consequences or unintended behaviors that arise over time.


The RTO-RLHF approach represents a significant advancement in the field of language model alignment, combining the strengths of DPO and PPO to optimize models for better agreement with human preferences. By focusing on token-level optimization and maintaining overall coherence, the authors have developed a more effective method for training language models to behave in ways that are beneficial to humans.

While the current implementation has some limitations, the authors have identified key areas for future research and improvement. As the development of powerful language models continues, approaches like RTO-RLHF will become increasingly important for ensuring that these models are aligned with human values and priorities.

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