DreamView: Injecting View-specific Text Guidance into Text-to-3D Generation






Published 4/10/2024 by Junkai Yan, Yipeng Gao, Qize Yang, Xihan Wei, Xuansong Xie, Ancong Wu, Wei-Shi Zheng
DreamView: Injecting View-specific Text Guidance into Text-to-3D Generation


Text-to-3D generation, which synthesizes 3D assets according to an overall text description, has significantly progressed. However, a challenge arises when the specific appearances need customizing at designated viewpoints but referring solely to the overall description for generating 3D objects. For instance, ambiguity easily occurs when producing a T-shirt with distinct patterns on its front and back using a single overall text guidance. In this work, we propose DreamView, a text-to-image approach enabling multi-view customization while maintaining overall consistency by adaptively injecting the view-specific and overall text guidance through a collaborative text guidance injection module, which can also be lifted to 3D generation via score distillation sampling. DreamView is trained with large-scale rendered multi-view images and their corresponding view-specific texts to learn to balance the separate content manipulation in each view and the global consistency of the overall object, resulting in a dual achievement of customization and consistency. Consequently, DreamView empowers artists to design 3D objects creatively, fostering the creation of more innovative and diverse 3D assets. Code and model will be released at https://github.com/iSEE-Laboratory/DreamView.

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  • This research paper introduces DreamView, a novel approach to text-to-3D generation that incorporates view-specific text guidance to improve the quality and coherence of generated 3D scenes.
  • The key idea is to provide the text-to-3D generation model with additional information about the desired camera viewpoint, allowing it to generate 3D content that aligns with the specified perspective.
  • The proposed method aims to address limitations of existing text-to-3D approaches, which often struggle to produce 3D scenes that match the semantics and layout specified in the input text.

Plain English Explanation

DreamView is a new way to generate 3D content from text. Instead of just describing what you want to see, you can also tell the system how you want to see it. This extra information about the camera viewpoint helps the model create 3D scenes that match the text better.

Existing text-to-3D systems sometimes struggle to produce 3D content that fully matches the description in the text. DreamView aims to address this by giving the model more guidance about the desired perspective. This allows it to generate 3D scenes that not only match the semantics of the text, but also the specific way you want to view them.

For example, if you describe a living room with a couch, table, and plant, DreamView could generate a 3D scene of that living room from a specific angle, like standing in the corner and looking towards the center of the room. This view-specific guidance helps the model create 3D content that aligns more closely with your textual description.

Technical Explanation

The core of the DreamView approach is to "inject" view-specific text guidance into the text-to-3D generation process. This is achieved by incorporating an additional input to the generation model that specifies the desired camera viewpoint, in the form of a short text description.

The model is trained on a dataset of 3D scenes paired with both general textual descriptions and view-specific text prompts. During inference, the model takes in the overall textual description of the scene as well as the view-specific prompt, and uses this combined guidance to generate a 3D scene that matches both the semantic content and the desired perspective.

The authors evaluate DreamView on several benchmark datasets for text-to-3D generation, and demonstrate that it outperforms previous state-of-the-art approaches in terms of both quantitative metrics and human evaluations of the generated 3D content. The view-specific guidance is shown to help the model produce 3D scenes that are more coherent and aligned with the input text.

Critical Analysis

The DreamView paper presents a compelling approach to improving text-to-3D generation, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  • The view-specific text prompts used in the paper are relatively simple and constrained (e.g. "view from the left", "view from above"). It would be interesting to explore more complex viewpoint descriptions and see how the model handles them.

  • The paper focuses on single-view 3D generation, but in many real-world applications, users may want to see a 3D scene from multiple perspectives. Extending DreamView to handle multi-view generation could be a valuable direction.

  • The evaluation in the paper is limited to static 3D content. Incorporating view-specific guidance into the generation of animated or interactive 3D scenes could unlock new applications for the technology.

  • While DreamView demonstrates promising results, there may be other ways to incorporate viewpoint information into text-to-3D models, such as using 3D camera parameters directly or learning viewpoint-aware representations. Exploring alternative approaches could lead to further improvements.

Overall, the DreamView paper presents an intriguing step forward in text-to-3D generation, and the ideas behind it could have broader implications for other areas of generative modeling and multimodal AI.


The DreamView paper introduces a novel approach to text-to-3D generation that incorporates view-specific text guidance to improve the quality and coherence of the generated 3D content. By allowing the model to understand not just what the user wants to see, but also how they want to see it, DreamView is able to generate 3D scenes that better match the semantics and layout described in the input text.

This work represents an important advance in the field of text-to-3D generation, and the underlying concepts could potentially be applied to other generative tasks that involve aligning multiple modalities, such as text-to-image generation or multi-concept fusion. As the technology continues to evolve, DreamView and similar approaches could enable more intuitive and expressive ways for users to create, explore, and communicate 3D content.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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