DriftRec: Adapting diffusion models to blind JPEG restoration






Published 4/4/2024 by Simon Welker, Henry N. Chapman, Timo Gerkmann



In this work, we utilize the high-fidelity generation abilities of diffusion models to solve blind JPEG restoration at high compression levels. We propose an elegant modification of the forward stochastic differential equation of diffusion models to adapt them to this restoration task and name our method DriftRec. Comparing DriftRec against an $L_2$ regression baseline with the same network architecture and state-of-the-art techniques for JPEG restoration, we show that our approach can escape the tendency of other methods to generate blurry images, and recovers the distribution of clean images significantly more faithfully. For this, only a dataset of clean/corrupted image pairs and no knowledge about the corruption operation is required, enabling wider applicability to other restoration tasks. In contrast to other conditional and unconditional diffusion models, we utilize the idea that the distributions of clean and corrupted images are much closer to each other than each is to the usual Gaussian prior of the reverse process in diffusion models. Our approach therefore requires only low levels of added noise and needs comparatively few sampling steps even without further optimizations. We show that DriftRec naturally generalizes to realistic and difficult scenarios such as unaligned double JPEG compression and blind restoration of JPEGs found online, without having encountered such examples during training.

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  • The researchers use advanced AI models called diffusion models to solve the problem of JPEG image restoration at high compression levels.
  • They propose a method called DriftRec that modifies the mathematical equations of diffusion models to better adapt them to this restoration task.
  • DriftRec is able to recover the distribution of clean images more faithfully compared to other state-of-the-art JPEG restoration techniques.
  • The approach only requires a dataset of clean and corrupted image pairs, without needing to know details about the corruption process.
  • DriftRec generalizes well to challenging real-world scenarios like unaligned double JPEG compression and restoration of images found online.

Plain English Explanation

JPEG image compression is a common way to reduce file sizes, but it can cause noticeable quality degradation, especially at high compression levels. The researchers tackled this challenge by using a powerful AI technique called diffusion models.

Diffusion models work by starting with pure noise and gradually transforming it into realistic-looking images. The researchers found a way to modify how these models work so they could undo the damage caused by JPEG compression, without needing to know the exact details of how the compression was done.

The key insight is that the distribution (or "shape") of the clean and compressed images is actually closer to each other than either one is to the typical distribution the diffusion model expects. By incorporating this idea, the researchers' DriftRec method is able to recover the clean image quality much better than other approaches, without introducing the blurriness that often plagues JPEG restoration.

Impressively, DriftRec works well even for very challenging real-world scenarios, like when the JPEG compression is applied multiple times in an unaligned way, or when restoring images found on the internet. This demonstrates the flexibility and power of the diffusion model-based approach.

Technical Explanation

The core of the researchers' contribution is an elegant modification to the mathematical equations that govern the forward (noise-adding) process in diffusion models. This allows the model to better handle the specific type of noise introduced by JPEG compression, compared to simply training on corrupted/clean image pairs.

Specifically, the researchers change the "drift" term in the stochastic differential equation that describes how the diffusion process moves the image distribution towards pure noise. This drift term now accounts for the fact that the corrupted and clean image distributions are closer together than either is to the standard Gaussian prior used in vanilla diffusion models.

Experiments show that DriftRec outperforms an $L_2$ regression baseline with the same network architecture, as well as state-of-the-art JPEG restoration techniques. DriftRec is able to more faithfully recover the distribution of clean images, avoiding the blurriness common in other methods.

The researchers also demonstrate DriftRec's ability to generalize to challenging real-world scenarios, such as unaligned double JPEG compression and restoration of internet images, without ever seeing such examples during training. This highlights the flexibility and broad applicability of the diffusion model-based approach.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough evaluation of DriftRec's performance, comparing it to strong baselines across a range of JPEG restoration benchmarks. The results convincingly demonstrate the advantages of the proposed modification to diffusion models.

That said, the paper does not delve into potential limitations or failure cases of the approach. For example, it would be valuable to understand how DriftRec's performance scales with the level of JPEG compression, or how it might handle more extreme types of image degradation beyond JPEG artifacts.

Additionally, while the researchers highlight DriftRec's ability to generalize, they do not explore the model's robustness to distribution shift or its sensitivity to the choice of training data. These are important considerations for real-world deployment of such restoration techniques.

Overall, the paper presents a compelling diffusion-based solution to the challenging JPEG restoration problem. Further exploration of the approach's limitations and robustness would help strengthen the understanding of its strengths and weaknesses.


The researchers have demonstrated the power of diffusion models for solving the problem of JPEG image restoration at high compression levels. Their DriftRec method is able to faithfully recover the distribution of clean images, outperforming state-of-the-art techniques and avoiding the common issue of blurriness.

Importantly, DriftRec requires only a dataset of clean and corrupted image pairs, without needing to know the details of the JPEG compression process. This makes the approach widely applicable to other restoration tasks beyond JPEG artifacts.

The researchers' insight to modify the mathematical structure of diffusion models to better match the corrupted and clean image distributions is a clever and effective solution. This highlights the flexibility and potential of diffusion models to tackle a variety of image processing challenges.

Overall, this work showcases the exciting advances in AI-powered image restoration and the continued progress in leveraging powerful generative models like diffusion for real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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