DSHGT: Dual-Supervisors Heterogeneous Graph Transformer -- A pioneer study of using heterogeneous graph learning for detecting software vulnerabilities






Published 6/7/2024 by Tiehua Zhang, Rui Xu, Jianping Zhang, Yuze Liu, Xin Chen, Jun Yin, Xi Zheng



Vulnerability detection is a critical problem in software security and attracts growing attention both from academia and industry. Traditionally, software security is safeguarded by designated rule-based detectors that heavily rely on empirical expertise, requiring tremendous effort from software experts to generate rule repositories for large code corpus. Recent advances in deep learning, especially Graph Neural Networks (GNN), have uncovered the feasibility of automatic detection of a wide range of software vulnerabilities. However, prior learning-based works only break programs down into a sequence of word tokens for extracting contextual features of codes, or apply GNN largely on homogeneous graph representation (e.g., AST) without discerning complex types of underlying program entities (e.g., methods, variables). In this work, we are one of the first to explore heterogeneous graph representation in the form of Code Property Graph and adapt a well-known heterogeneous graph network with a dual-supervisor structure for the corresponding graph learning task. Using the prototype built, we have conducted extensive experiments on both synthetic datasets and real-world projects. Compared with the state-of-the-art baselines, the results demonstrate promising effectiveness in this research direction in terms of vulnerability detection performance (average F1 improvements over 10% in real-world projects) and transferability from C/C++ to other programming languages (average F1 improvements over 11%).

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  • Vulnerability detection is a crucial problem in software security that has been garnering increasing attention from academia and industry.
  • Traditional approaches rely on rule-based detectors that heavily depend on expert knowledge, requiring significant effort to generate rule repositories for large codebases.
  • Recent advancements in deep learning, particularly Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), have shown the feasibility of automatically detecting a wide range of software vulnerabilities.
  • Prior learning-based methods have either broken down programs into sequences of word tokens or applied GNNs to homogeneous graph representations (e.g., Abstract Syntax Trees) without distinguishing complex program entities (e.g., methods, variables).

Plain English Explanation

Software security is a vital concern, as vulnerabilities in software can be exploited by malicious actors. Traditionally, software security has been safeguarded by designated rule-based detectors, which rely on the expertise of software experts to generate rule repositories for large codebases. This process is time-consuming and requires significant effort.

Recent advancements in deep learning, particularly Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), have shown promise in automatically detecting a wide range of software vulnerabilities. These learning-based approaches have either broken down programs into sequences of word tokens or applied GNNs to homogeneous graph representations, such as Abstract Syntax Trees, without fully capturing the complex relationships between different program entities (e.g., methods, variables).

Technical Explanation

The researchers in this study explore the use of heterogeneous graph representation in the form of a Code Property Graph, which can better capture the diverse types of program entities and their interconnections. They adapt a well-known heterogeneous graph network with a dual-supervisor structure to tackle the corresponding graph learning task.

The researchers conducted extensive experiments on both synthetic datasets and real-world projects. Compared to state-of-the-art baselines, the results demonstrate promising effectiveness in vulnerability detection performance (average F1 improvements over 10% in real-world projects) and transferability from C/C++ to other programming languages (average F1 improvements over 11%).

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel approach to software vulnerability detection using heterogeneous graph representation and advanced deep learning techniques. The researchers' use of the Code Property Graph and the dual-supervisor structure for the graph learning task is a significant contribution to the field.

However, the paper does not address the potential limitations of the proposed approach, such as its scalability to very large codebases or its ability to handle complex software architectures. Additionally, the paper could have provided more details on the specific types of vulnerabilities detected and the potential impact on real-world software security.

Further research is needed to explore the robustness and generalizability of the proposed method, as well as its integration with existing software development and security practices.


This research paper presents a promising approach to software vulnerability detection using heterogeneous graph representation and advanced deep learning techniques. The results demonstrate significant improvements in vulnerability detection performance and the ability to transfer the model's capabilities across programming languages.

The study's findings highlight the potential of leveraging the rich contextual information captured by heterogeneous graph representations and the power of graph-based deep learning models in enhancing software security. As the demand for secure software continues to grow, this research paves the way for more intelligent and automated vulnerability detection systems, ultimately contributing to the development of more robust and secure software applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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