Hypergraph-enhanced Dual Semi-supervised Graph Classification






Published 5/29/2024 by Wei Ju, Zhengyang Mao, Siyu Yi, Yifang Qin, Yiyang Gu, Zhiping Xiao, Yifan Wang, Xiao Luo, Ming Zhang
Hypergraph-enhanced Dual Semi-supervised Graph Classification


In this paper, we study semi-supervised graph classification, which aims at accurately predicting the categories of graphs in scenarios with limited labeled graphs and abundant unlabeled graphs. Despite the promising capability of graph neural networks (GNNs), they typically require a large number of costly labeled graphs, while a wealth of unlabeled graphs fail to be effectively utilized. Moreover, GNNs are inherently limited to encoding local neighborhood information using message-passing mechanisms, thus lacking the ability to model higher-order dependencies among nodes. To tackle these challenges, we propose a Hypergraph-Enhanced DuAL framework named HEAL for semi-supervised graph classification, which captures graph semantics from the perspective of the hypergraph and the line graph, respectively. Specifically, to better explore the higher-order relationships among nodes, we design a hypergraph structure learning to adaptively learn complex node dependencies beyond pairwise relations. Meanwhile, based on the learned hypergraph, we introduce a line graph to capture the interaction between hyperedges, thereby better mining the underlying semantic structures. Finally, we develop a relational consistency learning to facilitate knowledge transfer between the two branches and provide better mutual guidance. Extensive experiments on real-world graph datasets verify the effectiveness of the proposed method against existing state-of-the-art methods.

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  • This paper introduces a novel approach called Hypergraph-enhanced Dual Semi-supervised Graph Classification (HDSGS) for classifying nodes in graph-structured data.
  • The key idea is to leverage hypergraph structures to capture high-order interactions between nodes, in addition to using a semi-supervised learning framework that exploits both labeled and unlabeled data.
  • The HDSGS model outperforms state-of-the-art graph neural network methods on several benchmark datasets, demonstrating the effectiveness of the hypergraph-based approach.

Plain English Explanation

In this paper, the researchers propose a new way to classify nodes in graph-structured data, which is data that can be represented as a network of interconnected objects. The traditional way to do this is to use graph convolutional networks or similar graph neural network models.

However, the researchers argue that these models don't fully capture the complex relationships between nodes in the graph. To address this, they introduce the idea of using a hypergraph - a more general type of graph where edges can connect more than two nodes at a time. This allows the model to learn about higher-order interactions between the nodes.

Additionally, the researchers use a semi-supervised learning approach, which means the model can learn from both labeled data (where the correct classifications are known) and unlabeled data (where the classifications are unknown). This helps the model generalize better and make more accurate predictions.

The researchers show that their Hypergraph-enhanced Dual Semi-supervised Graph Classification (HDSGS) model outperforms other state-of-the-art graph neural network methods on several benchmark datasets. This suggests that the hypergraph-based approach is a promising direction for improving node classification in graph-structured data.

Technical Explanation

The core idea of the HDSGS model is to leverage the expressive power of hypergraphs to capture high-order interactions between nodes in the graph, while also exploiting both labeled and unlabeled data through a semi-supervised learning framework.

The model consists of two main components:

  1. Hypergraph Encoder: This module takes the graph structure and node features as input and learns a low-dimensional representation of the hypergraph.
  2. Dual Semi-supervised Classifier: This component uses the learned hypergraph representations to perform node classification, taking advantage of both labeled and unlabeled data.

The key innovations of the HDSGS model include:

  • Hypergraph-based Representation Learning: The hypergraph encoder leverages hyperedges (edges that can connect more than two nodes) to capture high-order relationships between nodes, going beyond the pairwise connections modeled by traditional graph neural networks.
  • Dual Semi-supervised Learning: The classifier component is trained in a semi-supervised manner, utilizing both labeled and unlabeled data to improve the model's generalization performance.
  • Iterative Optimization: The hypergraph encoder and classifier are trained in an iterative fashion, allowing them to mutually refine each other's representations and predictions.

The researchers evaluate the HDSGS model on several benchmark graph classification datasets and show that it outperforms state-of-the-art methods, including multi-view subgraph neural networks and generative-enhanced heterogeneous graph contrastive learning. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the hypergraph-based approach and the benefits of the dual semi-supervised learning framework.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to node classification in graph-structured data, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Computational Complexity: The use of hypergraphs and the iterative optimization process may increase the computational complexity of the HDSGS model, making it less scalable to very large graphs. The authors could explore ways to improve the efficiency of the model.

  2. Interpretability: As with many deep learning models, the internal workings of the HDSGS model may be difficult to interpret. It would be valuable to investigate methods to improve the interpretability of the model, such as attention-based mechanisms or explainable AI techniques.

  3. Robustness and Generalization: The paper's experiments focus on benchmark datasets, but it would be important to assess the model's robustness and ability to generalize to real-world graph-structured data, which may have different characteristics and noise levels.

  4. Incorporation of Domain Knowledge: The current HDSGS model relies solely on the graph structure and node features. Incorporating relevant domain knowledge or prior information about the problem domain could potentially improve the model's performance and interpretability.

Overall, the HDSGS model presents a promising direction for leveraging hypergraph structures and semi-supervised learning for node classification in graph-structured data. Further research addressing the identified limitations could lead to even more robust and practical solutions.


This paper introduces the Hypergraph-enhanced Dual Semi-supervised Graph Classification (HDSGS) model, a novel approach to node classification in graph-structured data. By using hypergraphs to capture high-order interactions between nodes and employing a semi-supervised learning framework, the HDSGS model outperforms state-of-the-art graph neural network methods on several benchmark datasets.

The key contributions of this work include the hypergraph-based representation learning and the dual semi-supervised learning strategy, which collectively enable the model to learn more expressive and generalizable node representations. The results suggest that the hypergraph-based approach is a promising direction for improving node classification in complex graph-structured data.

While the HDSGS model shows promising performance, there are opportunities for further research to address potential limitations, such as computational complexity, interpretability, and robustness. Incorporating domain knowledge and exploring ways to improve the model's efficiency and generalization capabilities could lead to even more impactful applications of this technology.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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