EAGLE: Eigen Aggregation Learning for Object-Centric Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation






Published 4/8/2024 by Chanyoung Kim, Woojung Han, Dayun Ju, Seong Jae Hwang
EAGLE: Eigen Aggregation Learning for Object-Centric Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation


Semantic segmentation has innately relied on extensive pixel-level annotated data, leading to the emergence of unsupervised methodologies. Among them, leveraging self-supervised Vision Transformers for unsupervised semantic segmentation (USS) has been making steady progress with expressive deep features. Yet, for semantically segmenting images with complex objects, a predominant challenge remains: the lack of explicit object-level semantic encoding in patch-level features. This technical limitation often leads to inadequate segmentation of complex objects with diverse structures. To address this gap, we present a novel approach, EAGLE, which emphasizes object-centric representation learning for unsupervised semantic segmentation. Specifically, we introduce EiCue, a spectral technique providing semantic and structural cues through an eigenbasis derived from the semantic similarity matrix of deep image features and color affinity from an image. Further, by incorporating our object-centric contrastive loss with EiCue, we guide our model to learn object-level representations with intra- and inter-image object-feature consistency, thereby enhancing semantic accuracy. Extensive experiments on COCO-Stuff, Cityscapes, and Potsdam-3 datasets demonstrate the state-of-the-art USS results of EAGLE with accurate and consistent semantic segmentation across complex scenes.

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Figure 1:
We introduce EAGLE, Eigen AGgregation LEarning for object-centric unsupervised semantic segmentation.
(a) We first leverage the aggregated eigenvectors, named EiCue, to obtain the semantic structure knowledge of object segments in an image. Based on both semantic and structural cues from the EiCue, we compute object-centric contrastive loss to learn object-level semantic representation. (b) A visual comparison between EAGLE and other methods. Our object-level semantic segmentation results robustly identify objects with complex semantics (e.g., blanket with vivid stripe patterns) by exploiting strong semantic structure cues from EiCue.

Figure 1: We introduce EAGLE, Eigen AGgregation LEarning for object-centric unsupervised semantic segmentation. (a) We first leverage the aggregated eigenvectors, named EiCue, to obtain the semantic structure knowledge of object segments in an image. Based on both semantic and structural cues from the EiCue, we compute object-centric contrastive loss to learn object-level semantic representation. (b) A visual comparison between EAGLE and other methods. Our object-level semantic segmentation results robustly identify objects with complex semantics (e.g., blanket with vivid stripe patterns) by exploiting strong semantic structure cues from EiCue.

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A. Additional Material: Project Page & Presentation Video

B. Additional Evaluation Results

Additional Experiments

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