Effective Adapter for Face Recognition in the Wild






Published 4/5/2024 by Yunhao Liu, Yu-Ju Tsai, Kelvin C. K. Chan, Xiangtai Li, Lu Qi, Ming-Hsuan Yang



In this paper, we tackle the challenge of face recognition in the wild, where images often suffer from low quality and real-world distortions. Traditional heuristic approaches-either training models directly on these degraded images or their enhanced counterparts using face restoration techniques-have proven ineffective, primarily due to the degradation of facial features and the discrepancy in image domains. To overcome these issues, we propose an effective adapter for augmenting existing face recognition models trained on high-quality facial datasets. The key of our adapter is to process both the unrefined and enhanced images using two similar structures, one fixed and the other trainable. Such design can confer two benefits. First, the dual-input system minimizes the domain gap while providing varied perspectives for the face recognition model, where the enhanced image can be regarded as a complex non-linear transformation of the original one by the restoration model. Second, both two similar structures can be initialized by the pre-trained models without dropping the past knowledge. The extensive experiments in zero-shot settings show the effectiveness of our method by surpassing baselines of about 3%, 4%, and 7% in three datasets. Our code will be publicly available.

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  • Tackles the challenge of face recognition in the wild, where images often suffer from low quality and real-world distortions
  • Traditional approaches of training models directly on degraded images or using face restoration techniques have proven ineffective
  • Proposes an effective adapter for augmenting existing face recognition models trained on high-quality facial datasets

Plain English Explanation

The paper addresses the problem of face recognition in real-world situations where the images used may be of low quality or distorted. Traditional methods, such as training models directly on these low-quality images or enhancing them using face restoration techniques, have not been effective. This is mainly due to the degradation of facial features and the differences between the enhanced images and the original ones.

To overcome these issues, the paper introduces an adapter that can be used to improve existing face recognition models that were trained on high-quality facial datasets. The key idea is to process both the original low-quality images and the enhanced versions using two similar structures, one fixed and the other trainable.

This dual-input system has two main benefits. First, it helps minimize the gap between the original and enhanced images, as the enhanced version can be seen as a complex non-linear transformation of the original by the restoration model. Second, both the fixed and trainable structures can be initialized using pre-trained models, allowing the system to retain the knowledge learned from the high-quality datasets.

The experiments show that this approach outperforms the baselines by a significant margin (around 3%, 4%, and 7% in three different datasets) in a zero-shot setting, where the model is tested on images it has not seen during training.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes an adapter that can be used to augment existing face recognition models trained on high-quality facial datasets. The key idea is to process both the original low-quality images and the enhanced versions using two similar structures, one fixed and the other trainable.

The fixed structure is initialized using a pre-trained face recognition model, while the trainable structure is initialized using a pre-trained image restoration model that can enhance the low-quality images. The outputs of these two structures are then concatenated and fed into a final face recognition module.

This dual-input system has several advantages. First, it helps minimize the domain gap between the original and enhanced images, as the enhanced version can be seen as a complex non-linear transformation of the original by the restoration model. Second, both the fixed and trainable structures can be initialized using pre-trained models, allowing the system to retain the knowledge learned from the high-quality datasets.

The extensive experiments in a zero-shot setting show that this approach outperforms the baselines by a significant margin (around 3%, 4%, and 7% in three different datasets). The authors also mention that their code will be publicly available.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and promising approach to address the challenge of face recognition in the wild. The use of a dual-input system that processes both the original low-quality images and their enhanced counterparts is an interesting solution to the domain gap issue.

However, the paper does not provide much detail on the specific image restoration model used or its performance characteristics. Additionally, the paper does not explore the potential limitations of this approach, such as the computational overhead of running two separate models or the impact of the restoration model's own errors on the final face recognition performance.

It would also be valuable to see how this approach compares to more recent diffusion-based or dynamic pre-training techniques for improving face recognition in the wild. A more in-depth discussion of the potential real-world implications and limitations of the proposed method would help readers evaluate its overall significance and potential for further development.


This paper presents an effective adapter for augmenting existing face recognition models to improve their performance on low-quality and distorted images in the wild. By processing both the original and enhanced images using a dual-input system, the method helps to minimize the domain gap and leverage the knowledge from pre-trained models.

The extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, outperforming the baselines by a significant margin in zero-shot settings. While the paper could benefit from more detailed analysis and comparisons to other state-of-the-art methods, the proposed adapter represents a promising step forward in addressing the challenge of face recognition in real-world, unconstrained environments.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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