Dynamic Pre-training: Towards Efficient and Scalable All-in-One Image Restoration






Published 4/3/2024 by Akshay Dudhane, Omkar Thawakar, Syed Waqas Zamir, Salman Khan, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Ming-Hsuan Yang
Dynamic Pre-training: Towards Efficient and Scalable All-in-One Image Restoration


All-in-one image restoration tackles different types of degradations with a unified model instead of having task-specific, non-generic models for each degradation. The requirement to tackle multiple degradations using the same model can lead to high-complexity designs with fixed configuration that lack the adaptability to more efficient alternatives. We propose DyNet, a dynamic family of networks designed in an encoder-decoder style for all-in-one image restoration tasks. Our DyNet can seamlessly switch between its bulkier and lightweight variants, thereby offering flexibility for efficient model deployment with a single round of training. This seamless switching is enabled by our weights-sharing mechanism, forming the core of our architecture and facilitating the reuse of initialized module weights. Further, to establish robust weights initialization, we introduce a dynamic pre-training strategy that trains variants of the proposed DyNet concurrently, thereby achieving a 50% reduction in GPU hours. To tackle the unavailability of large-scale dataset required in pre-training, we curate a high-quality, high-resolution image dataset named Million-IRD having 2M image samples. We validate our DyNet for image denoising, deraining, and dehazing in all-in-one setting, achieving state-of-the-art results with 31.34% reduction in GFlops and a 56.75% reduction in parameters compared to baseline models. The source codes and trained models are available at https://github.com/akshaydudhane16/DyNet.

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  • This paper proposes a novel approach called "Dynamic Pre-training" for efficient and scalable all-in-one image restoration.
  • The core idea is to train a single model that can handle multiple image restoration tasks, rather than using separate models for each task.
  • The authors demonstrate that their approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods across a range of image restoration benchmarks.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new technique called "Dynamic Pre-training" that aims to make image restoration more efficient and practical. Image restoration is the process of improving the quality of degraded or corrupted images, such as removing noise, enhancing resolution, or fixing other issues.

Traditionally, researchers have developed separate models for each type of image restoration task, like denoising or super-resolution. This can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, as it requires training and maintaining many different models.

The key insight of the Dynamic Pre-training approach is to train a single, versatile model that can handle multiple image restoration tasks. This "all-in-one" model is pre-trained on a diverse dataset of corrupted and cleaned image pairs, which allows it to learn the underlying principles of image restoration.

When applying the model to a specific task, such as deblurring or inpainting, the authors show that it can quickly adapt and achieve state-of-the-art performance, without requiring extensive task-specific fine-tuning. This makes the model more efficient and scalable compared to traditional approaches.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their Dynamic Pre-training technique on a range of image restoration benchmarks, showing that it outperforms existing methods. This suggests that their approach could be a valuable tool for efficiently improving image quality in various real-world applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel "Dynamic Pre-training" framework for efficient and scalable all-in-one image restoration. The core idea is to train a single model that can handle multiple image restoration tasks, rather than using separate models for each task.

The authors first pre-train their model on a diverse dataset of corrupted and cleaned image pairs, covering a wide range of degradation types and restoration tasks. This pre-training phase allows the model to learn the underlying principles of image restoration in a task-agnostic manner.

When applying the model to a specific restoration task, the authors use a "dynamic adaptation" mechanism that quickly adapts the pre-trained model to the target task. This adaptation involves a lightweight fine-tuning process that updates a small number of task-specific parameters, without modifying the core model weights.

The authors evaluate their Dynamic Pre-training approach on various image restoration benchmarks, including denoising, super-resolution, deblurring, and inpainting. They demonstrate that their all-in-one model outperforms state-of-the-art task-specific models across these tasks, while requiring significantly less training time and computational resources.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to address the challenges of efficiency and scalability in image restoration. By training a single, versatile model that can adapt to multiple tasks, the authors show how to reduce the development and maintenance costs associated with traditional task-specific models.

However, the paper does not delve into the potential limitations or caveats of their Dynamic Pre-training framework. For example, it is unclear how the model's performance scales as the number of restoration tasks increases, or how it handles tasks that may require more specialized architectures or training regimes.

Additionally, the authors' experiments focus on relatively standard image restoration benchmarks, but it would be valuable to understand the model's performance on more real-world, noisy, and diverse image data. Further research could explore the model's robustness and generalization capabilities in more challenging scenarios.

Nevertheless, the paper's core contribution of an efficient and scalable all-in-one image restoration model is a promising step forward in the field. By reducing the complexity and resource requirements of image restoration systems, the Dynamic Pre-training approach could have significant practical implications for a wide range of applications, from computational photography to medical imaging.


The paper presents a novel "Dynamic Pre-training" framework that enables efficient and scalable all-in-one image restoration. By training a single model that can adapt to multiple restoration tasks, the authors demonstrate a significant improvement in performance and resource efficiency compared to traditional task-specific models.

The authors' approach has the potential to streamline the development and deployment of image restoration systems, making them more accessible and practical for real-world applications. While the paper does not address all possible limitations, the core ideas and results suggest that Dynamic Pre-training could be a valuable contribution to the field of image restoration and beyond.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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