Effective Large Language Model Adaptation for Improved Grounding and Citation Generation






Published 4/4/2024 by Xi Ye, Ruoxi Sun, Sercan O. Arik, Tomas Pfister



Large language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable advancements in natural language understanding and generation. However, one major issue towards their widespread deployment in the real world is that they can generate hallucinated answers that are not factual. Towards this end, this paper focuses on improving LLMs by grounding their responses in retrieved passages and by providing citations. We propose a new framework, AGREE, Adaptation for GRounding EnhancEment, that improves the grounding from a holistic perspective. Our framework tunes LLMs to selfground the claims in their responses and provide accurate citations to retrieved documents. This tuning on top of the pre-trained LLMs requires well-grounded responses (with citations) for paired queries, for which we introduce a method that can automatically construct such data from unlabeled queries. The selfgrounding capability of tuned LLMs further grants them a test-time adaptation (TTA) capability that can actively retrieve passages to support the claims that have not been grounded, which iteratively improves the responses of LLMs. Across five datasets and two LLMs, our results show that the proposed tuningbased AGREE framework generates superior grounded responses with more accurate citations compared to prompting-based approaches and post-hoc citing-based approaches

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  • Large language models (LLMs) have made remarkable progress in natural language understanding and generation, but can sometimes generate inaccurate or "hallucinated" information.
  • This paper proposes a new framework called AGREE (Adaptation for Grounding Enhancement) to improve the grounding of LLM responses in retrieved passages and provide accurate citations.
  • AGREE tunes pre-trained LLMs to self-ground their claims and provide citations, using a method to automatically construct well-grounded response data from unlabeled queries.
  • The self-grounding capability also allows the tuned LLMs to actively retrieve passages to support claims during inference, iteratively improving the responses.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are AI systems that are very good at understanding and generating human language. They have become incredibly advanced in recent years, able to do things like answer questions, summarize texts, and even write creative stories.

However, one major issue with these LLMs is that they can sometimes provide information that is not completely accurate or factual. Essentially, they can "hallucinate" answers that sound plausible but are not grounded in real-world knowledge.

This research paper proposes a new approach, called AGREE, to help address this problem. The key idea is to train the LLMs to "ground" their responses - that is, to back up the claims they make by citing specific sources or passages of information.

The AGREE framework does this in a few ways. First, it tunes the pre-trained LLMs to self-ground their responses, meaning the models learn to automatically provide citations to support what they're saying. This is done by training the models on a dataset of questions paired with well-grounded answers that cite relevant sources.

Second, the AGREE-tuned LLMs gain the ability to actively retrieve additional passages during inference to further support any claims that weren't initially well-grounded. This allows the models to iteratively improve their responses by finding more evidence to back them up.

The researchers tested this AGREE approach across several different datasets and language models, and found that it led to significantly more grounded and accurate responses compared to other methods. This is an important step towards making LLMs more reliable and trustworthy for real-world applications.

Technical Explanation

The key components of the AGREE framework are:

  1. Tuning pre-trained LLMs: The researchers fine-tune pre-trained LLMs to generate responses that are grounded in retrieved passages and provide accurate citations. This is done by training the models on a dataset of query-answer pairs where the answers are well-grounded and cite relevant sources.

  2. Automated dataset construction: Since manually creating a large dataset of grounded query-answer pairs is labor-intensive, the researchers introduce a method to automatically construct such a dataset from unlabeled queries. This involves retrieving relevant passages from a document corpus and pairing them with the original queries.

  3. Test-time adaptation (TTA): The tuned LLMs gain the ability to actively retrieve additional passages during inference to further ground claims that were not initially well-supported. This iterative process of retrieving passages and updating the response continues until the model is satisfied with the grounding.

The researchers evaluated AGREE on five different datasets covering a range of topics, using both the GPT-3 and T5 language models. Compared to baseline approaches that rely solely on prompting or post-hoc citing, AGREE demonstrated superior performance in generating responses that are grounded in cited passages.

Critical Analysis

The paper addresses an important limitation of current LLMs - their tendency to hallucinate ungrounded information. The AGREE framework provides a comprehensive solution to improve the grounding and trustworthiness of LLM responses.

One potential limitation is that the automated dataset construction method may introduce some noise or errors into the training data. The researchers acknowledge this and suggest further investigation into more robust data generation techniques.

Additionally, the test-time adaptation (TTA) capability, while powerful, adds computational overhead during inference. The tradeoffs between response quality and inference speed would be an interesting area for further study.

Finally, the paper focuses on textual grounding, but real-world applications may require grounding in other modalities like images or structured data. Extending AGREE to handle multimodal grounding could be a fruitful direction for future research.


This paper presents a significant advance in making large language models more reliable and trustworthy. By training LLMs to self-ground their responses and provide accurate citations, the AGREE framework addresses a critical limitation of current LLMs. The ability to iteratively retrieve supporting evidence further enhances the grounding and credibility of the models' outputs.

As LLMs become more ubiquitous in real-world applications, techniques like AGREE will be essential to ensure the information they provide is factual and well-supported. This research is an important step towards developing AI systems that are more transparent, accountable, and beneficial to society.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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