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Enhancing the General Agent Capabilities of Low-Parameter LLMs through Tuning and Multi-Branch Reasoning






Published 4/1/2024 by Qinhao Zhou, Zihan Zhang, Xiang Xiang, Ke Wang, Yuchuan Wu, Yongbin Li
Enhancing the General Agent Capabilities of Low-Parameter LLMs through Tuning and Multi-Branch Reasoning


Open-source pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit strong language understanding and generation capabilities, making them highly successful in a variety of tasks. However, when used as agents for dealing with complex problems in the real world, their performance is far inferior to large commercial models such as ChatGPT and GPT-4. As intelligent agents, LLMs need to have the capabilities of task planning, long-term memory, and the ability to leverage external tools to achieve satisfactory performance. Various methods have been proposed to enhance the agent capabilities of LLMs. On the one hand, methods involve constructing agent-specific data and fine-tuning the models. On the other hand, some methods focus on designing prompts that effectively activate the reasoning abilities of the LLMs. We explore both strategies on the 7B and 13B models. We propose a comprehensive method for constructing agent-specific data using GPT-4. Through supervised fine-tuning with constructed data, we find that for these models with a relatively small number of parameters, supervised fine-tuning can significantly reduce hallucination outputs and formatting errors in agent tasks. Furthermore, techniques such as multi-path reasoning and task decomposition can effectively decrease problem complexity and enhance the performance of LLMs as agents. We evaluate our method on five agent tasks of AgentBench and achieve satisfactory results.

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  • This paper explores methods to enhance the general agent capabilities of low-parameter large language models (LLMs) through tuning and multi-branch reasoning.
  • The researchers investigate techniques to improve the performance of smaller LLMs on a variety of tasks, addressing the challenge of developing capable agents with limited computational resources.
  • The paper presents a novel approach that combines model tuning and a multi-branch reasoning architecture to boost the general agent capabilities of low-parameter LLMs.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities across a wide range of tasks, from language generation to task completion. However, these powerful models often require significant computational resources, making them challenging to deploy in resource-constrained environments.

This paper explores strategies to enhance the general agent capabilities of smaller, low-parameter LLMs. The researchers propose a novel approach that combines model tuning and a multi-branch reasoning architecture to boost the performance of these more compact models.

The key idea is to leverage targeted fine-tuning and a multi-branch reasoning system to expand the capabilities of low-parameter LLMs. By customizing the models for specific tasks and incorporating parallel reasoning pathways, the researchers aim to unlock the potential of these smaller, more efficient models, making them better suited for real-world applications with limited computational resources.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a two-pronged approach to enhancing the general agent capabilities of low-parameter LLMs. First, the researchers employ targeted fine-tuning techniques to adapt the models for specific tasks or domains, allowing them to perform better on those tasks compared to their pre-trained counterparts.

Additionally, the researchers introduce a multi-branch reasoning architecture, where the LLM's outputs are fed into multiple specialized reasoning branches. Each branch is responsible for a particular aspect of the task, such as reasoning about game dynamics or [evaluating the reasoning behavior of the agent. By combining the outputs of these parallel branches, the model can make more informed and nuanced decisions, enhancing its overall capabilities.

The paper also explores the coordination aspects of these multi-branch reasoning systems, investigating how the various branches can work together effectively to solve complex problems.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed approach to improving the general agent capabilities of low-parameter LLMs, addressing an important challenge in the field of AI and machine learning. The combination of targeted fine-tuning and multi-branch reasoning appears to be a promising strategy for unlocking the potential of smaller, more efficient models.

However, the paper acknowledges some limitations of the proposed approach. The researchers note that the performance gains achieved through their methods may be task-specific, and the optimal configuration of the multi-branch reasoning system may vary depending on the problem domain. Additionally, the paper suggests that further research is needed to fully understand the nuances of the multi-branch reasoning architecture and its impact on agent coordination and decision-making.

It would be valuable for future studies to explore the scalability of this approach, investigating how well it can be applied to a wider range of tasks and domains. Researchers may also want to consider the potential tradeoffs between the increased complexity of the multi-branch reasoning system and the overall computational efficiency of the low-parameter LLM.


This paper presents a novel approach to enhancing the general agent capabilities of low-parameter LLMs, addressing a critical challenge in the field of AI. By combining targeted fine-tuning and a multi-branch reasoning architecture, the researchers have developed a strategy to unlock the potential of smaller, more efficient language models, making them better suited for real-world applications with limited computational resources.

The insights and techniques discussed in this paper have the potential to contribute to the ongoing efforts to develop capable and versatile AI agents that can operate effectively in a wide range of settings, regardless of the available computational power. As the demand for energy-efficient and cost-effective AI solutions continues to grow, this research could pave the way for more accessible and impactful AI applications across various industries and domains.

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