Efficient Learning of Quantum States Prepared With Few Non-Clifford Gates






Published 4/8/2024 by Sabee Grewal, Vishnu Iyer, William Kretschmer, Daniel Liang



We give a pair of algorithms that efficiently learn a quantum state prepared by Clifford gates and $O(log n)$ non-Clifford gates. Specifically, for an $n$-qubit state $|psirangle$ prepared with at most $t$ non-Clifford gates, our algorithms use $mathsf{poly}(n,2^t,1/varepsilon)$ time and copies of $|psirangle$ to learn $|psirangle$ to trace distance at most $varepsilon$. The first algorithm for this task is more efficient, but requires entangled measurements across two copies of $|psirangle$. The second algorithm uses only single-copy measurements at the cost of polynomial factors in runtime and sample complexity. Our algorithms more generally learn any state with sufficiently large stabilizer dimension, where a quantum state has stabilizer dimension $k$ if it is stabilized by an abelian group of $2^k$ Pauli operators. We also develop an efficient property testing algorithm for stabilizer dimension, which may be of independent interest.

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  • This research paper presents two efficient algorithms for learning the quantum state prepared by Clifford gates and a small number of non-Clifford gates.
  • The first algorithm is more efficient but requires entangled measurements across two copies of the quantum state.
  • The second algorithm uses only single-copy measurements, but has higher runtime and sample complexity.
  • The algorithms can learn any quantum state with a sufficiently large stabilizer dimension, which measures how much the state is stabilized by an abelian group of Pauli operators.
  • The paper also develops an efficient algorithm for testing the stabilizer dimension of a quantum state.

Plain English Explanation

In this paper, the researchers introduce two efficient algorithms that can learn the quantum state prepared using a certain type of quantum gates, known as Clifford gates, and a small number of other gates, called non-Clifford gates.

The quantum state they are trying to learn is represented by the symbol |ψ⟩ and is an n-qubit state, meaning it has n tiny quantum systems (called qubits) that store information. The state |ψ⟩ is prepared using at most t non-Clifford gates, where t is a small number.

The first algorithm the researchers present is more efficient, but it requires the ability to perform measurements that involve entanglement between two copies of the state |ψ⟩. Entanglement is a unique quantum mechanical property where the state of one quantum system depends on the state of another system, even if they are physically separated.

The second algorithm, on the other hand, only requires measurements on single copies of |ψ⟩, but it is less efficient in terms of the time it takes to run and the number of copies of |ψ⟩ it needs to use.

The researchers show that their algorithms can be used to learn any quantum state that has a large enough "stabilizer dimension." A quantum state has a stabilizer dimension of k if it is stabilized by an abelian group of 2^k Pauli operators, which are a special type of quantum operator.

The paper also presents an efficient algorithm for testing the stabilizer dimension of a quantum state, which could be useful for other research.

Technical Explanation

The researchers present two algorithms, called "agnostic tomography" algorithms, that can efficiently learn the quantum state |ψ⟩ prepared using at most t non-Clifford gates, where t is a small number.

The first algorithm, described in Section 3, uses entangled measurements across two copies of |ψ⟩ to achieve a runtime and sample complexity that scales polynomially in n, 2^t, and 1/ε, where ε is the desired accuracy in terms of trace distance. Trace distance is a measure of how different two quantum states are.

The second algorithm, described in Section 4, uses only single-copy measurements, but has a higher runtime and sample complexity that scales polynomially in n, 2^t, and 1/ε. This tradeoff in efficiency is due to the additional complexity of performing entangled measurements in the first algorithm.

The key insight underlying both algorithms is that quantum states with a large stabilizer dimension, i.e., those that are well-approximated by stabilizer states, can be learned efficiently. A quantum state has stabilizer dimension k if it is stabilized by an abelian group of 2^k Pauli operators.

The paper also develops an efficient property testing algorithm, described in Section 5, that can determine the stabilizer dimension of a given quantum state. This algorithm may be of independent interest for other research.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents strong theoretical results and efficient algorithms for learning quantum states prepared with Clifford gates and a small number of non-Clifford gates. The authors carefully analyze the tradeoffs between the two algorithms in terms of their runtime and sample complexity, which provides valuable insights for practitioners.

One potential limitation of the research is that it assumes the quantum state |ψ⟩ is prepared using a small number of non-Clifford gates. In practice, many interesting quantum states may require a larger number of non-Clifford gates to prepare, which could make the algorithms less efficient. The authors acknowledge this limitation and suggest that extending the algorithms to handle more general quantum states is an important direction for future research.

Additionally, the algorithms rely on the ability to perform certain quantum measurements, such as entangled measurements for the first algorithm. In practice, these types of measurements can be challenging to implement, especially for large-scale quantum systems. The feasibility of implementing the algorithms on real-world quantum hardware is an important consideration that the paper does not address in depth.

Overall, this research makes valuable contributions to the field of quantum computing by providing efficient algorithms for learning quantum states with large stabilizer dimensions. The insights and techniques developed in this paper could inform the design of future quantum algorithms and inspire further research in this area.


This paper presents two efficient algorithms for learning the quantum state prepared by Clifford gates and a small number of non-Clifford gates. The first algorithm is more efficient but requires entangled measurements, while the second algorithm uses only single-copy measurements at the cost of higher runtime and sample complexity.

The key insight behind these algorithms is that quantum states with a large stabilizer dimension, i.e., those that are well-approximated by stabilizer states, can be learned efficiently. The paper also introduces an efficient algorithm for testing the stabilizer dimension of a quantum state, which could be useful for other research.

While the paper makes important theoretical contributions, the practical implementation of these algorithms on real-world quantum hardware remains a challenge that requires further investigation. Nonetheless, the ideas and techniques developed in this research could have significant implications for the development of future quantum algorithms and the understanding of quantum states in general.

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