Efficient and Scalable Graph Generation through Iterative Local Expansion






Published 5/15/2024 by Andreas Bergmeister, Karolis Martinkus, Nathanael Perraudin, Roger Wattenhofer
Efficient and Scalable Graph Generation through Iterative Local Expansion


In the realm of generative models for graphs, extensive research has been conducted. However, most existing methods struggle with large graphs due to the complexity of representing the entire joint distribution across all node pairs and capturing both global and local graph structures simultaneously. To overcome these issues, we introduce a method that generates a graph by progressively expanding a single node to a target graph. In each step, nodes and edges are added in a localized manner through denoising diffusion, building first the global structure, and then refining the local details. The local generation avoids modeling the entire joint distribution over all node pairs, achieving substantial computational savings with subquadratic runtime relative to node count while maintaining high expressivity through multiscale generation. Our experiments show that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on well-established benchmark datasets while successfully scaling to graphs with at least 5000 nodes. Our method is also the first to successfully extrapolate to graphs outside of the training distribution, showcasing a much better generalization capability over existing methods.

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  • This paper presents a new method for efficiently and scalably generating large graphs through an iterative local expansion process.
  • The authors address the challenge of generating realistic, high-quality graphs that capture real-world network properties, while scaling to large graph sizes.
  • They introduce a novel graph generation approach that starts with a small seed graph and iteratively expands it through local operations, allowing for the creation of large graphs in a scalable manner.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you're trying to model a social network, where people (nodes) are connected to each other through friendships (edges). Creating a realistic simulation of a social network can be a complex task, especially as the network grows larger and larger. This paper introduces a new way to generate these kinds of large, realistic graphs.

The key idea is to start with a small, initial "seed" graph and then gradually expand it, step-by-step, by adding new connections between nodes. Rather than trying to build the entire graph at once, the method focuses on making local changes and additions, similar to how real social networks grow organically over time as new people join and make new friends.

This iterative, local approach allows the researchers to create large, realistic graphs without running into computational bottlenecks. By gradually building up the graph rather than generating the whole thing at once, the method can scale to much larger network sizes compared to traditional graph generation techniques.

The authors demonstrate that their approach can capture important properties of real-world networks, such as the distribution of connections between nodes, while being efficient and scalable enough to generate graphs with millions of nodes and edges. This could be useful for a variety of applications, from modeling social networks to understanding the structure of the internet or other complex systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a novel graph generation method called Iterative Local Expansion (ILE). ILE starts with a small "seed" graph and then iteratively expands it by performing local operations, such as adding new nodes and edges, to grow the graph in a scalable manner.

The key steps of the ILE method are:

  1. Seed Graph Generation: The process begins by creating a small initial graph, which serves as the "seed" for the iterative expansion.

  2. Local Expansion: In each iteration, ILE selects a subset of nodes from the current graph and performs local operations to add new nodes and edges. These local expansions are guided by a set of rules that aim to capture the structural properties of real-world networks.

  3. Stopping Condition: The iterative expansion continues until a target graph size is reached or a stopping condition is met, such as the graph satisfying certain structural properties.

The authors evaluate ILE on a range of real-world and synthetic datasets, comparing its performance to existing graph generation methods. They show that ILE can generate large, realistic graphs that closely match the properties of the original networks, such as degree distribution, clustering coefficient, and community structure. Importantly, ILE achieves this while being significantly more efficient and scalable than alternative approaches, allowing for the generation of graphs with millions of nodes and edges.

Critical Analysis

The ILE method presented in this paper offers a compelling approach to the challenge of scalable and realistic graph generation. By focusing on local, iterative expansion rather than attempting to generate the entire graph at once, the authors have developed a technique that can handle much larger network sizes compared to previous methods.

One potential limitation of the ILE approach is that it may not be able to capture all the nuances and complexities of real-world network structures, as the local expansion rules are designed to approximate these properties rather than explicitly model them. Additionally, the authors note that the specific rules and parameters used for the local expansion can have a significant impact on the generated graphs, and finding the optimal set of rules may require extensive experimentation and tuning.

Further research could explore ways to make the ILE method more adaptive and self-governing, allowing the local expansion rules to be learned from data rather than manually specified. This could potentially lead to even more realistic and versatile graph generation capabilities. Additionally, investigating the application of ILE to other types of networked data, such as biological or transportation networks, could help expand the reach and impact of this line of research.

Overall, the ILE method presented in this paper represents a valuable contribution to the field of graph generation, offering a scalable and efficient approach that can capture important structural properties of real-world networks. As the demand for realistic network modeling continues to grow across various domains, techniques like ILE will likely play an increasingly important role in enabling the understanding and analysis of complex systems.


This paper introduces a novel graph generation method called Iterative Local Expansion (ILE) that addresses the challenge of efficiently and scalably generating large, realistic graphs. By starting with a small seed graph and iteratively expanding it through local operations, ILE can create graphs that capture key structural properties of real-world networks, such as degree distribution and community structure, while scaling to much larger sizes than previous approaches.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of ILE through extensive experiments on a range of datasets, showcasing its ability to generate high-quality graphs that closely match the characteristics of the original networks. This scalable and realistic graph generation capability could have significant implications for a variety of applications, from social network analysis to the modeling of complex systems in fields like biology, transportation, and beyond.

As the demand for understanding and simulating large-scale networked data continues to grow, techniques like ILE will likely become increasingly important tools in the arsenal of researchers and practitioners working to unlock the insights hidden within these complex, interconnected structures. The continued development and refinement of such methods will undoubtedly play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of the world around us.

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