Elimination distance to bounded degree on planar graphs

Read original: arXiv:2007.02413 - Published 4/4/2024 by Alexander Lindermayr, Sebastian Siebertz, Alexandre Vigny
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  • The paper studies a graph parameter called "elimination distance to bounded degree," which was introduced in prior research on the graph isomorphism problem.
  • The main result is that the problem of determining the elimination distance of a planar graph to the class of graphs with a given degree bound is fixed-parameter tractable.
  • This means there is an algorithm that can solve the problem efficiently for planar graphs, with a running time that depends on the parameters but not the overall graph size.

Plain English Explanation

Graphs are mathematical representations of objects (nodes) and the connections between them (edges). The "elimination distance to bounded degree" is a way to measure how close a given graph is to having a strict limit on the number of connections each node can have (the degree).

Imagine you have a messy room and you want to tidy it up by putting things in boxes with a limit on how much can go in each box. The elimination distance would be a measure of how many items you'd need to move around to get everything organized into boxes of a certain size.

The key result here is that for planar graphs - graphs that can be drawn on a flat surface without any edges crossing - there is an efficient algorithm that can determine this elimination distance. This is important because planar graphs show up in many real-world applications, from transportation networks to circuit layouts. Being able to quickly analyze their structure by looking at the elimination distance could lead to insights and better design of these systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper focuses on the computational complexity of determining the "elimination distance to bounded degree" for a given graph G and degree bound d. Specifically, they show that this problem is fixed-parameter tractable on planar graphs.

The elimination distance of a graph G to the class of graphs with degree at most d is the minimum number of vertices that need to be removed from G so that the remaining graph has maximum degree at most d. The authors provide an algorithm that, given a planar graph G and integers d and k, decides in time f(k,d) * n^c whether the elimination distance of G to the class of degree d graphs is at most k, where f is a computable function and c is a constant.

The algorithm works by first simplifying the graph structure using a series of reduction rules. It then uses a dynamic programming approach to efficiently compute the elimination distance, leveraging the planar structure of the input graph. The key technical insight is how to design the dynamic program to handle the constraints imposed by the degree bound d.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a strong theoretical result by establishing the fixed-parameter tractability of the elimination distance problem on planar graphs. This is an important advance, as it shows that the problem can be solved efficiently in practice for realistic problem sizes, even as the degree bound d or the elimination distance k grow large.

That said, the paper does not explore the practical performance of the algorithm or provide any experimental evaluations. It would be helpful to see how the algorithm performs on real-world graph instances and compare it to alternative approaches. Additionally, the paper does not discuss potential applications or use cases that could benefit from this result.

Another area for further research could be extending the fixed-parameter tractability result to wider classes of graphs beyond just planar graphs. Exploring the limits of this tractability, perhaps by identifying graph properties that allow efficient elimination distance computation, could lead to a better understanding of the underlying complexity of the problem.


This paper makes an important theoretical contribution by establishing the fixed-parameter tractability of the elimination distance problem on planar graphs. This means there is an efficient algorithm that can solve this problem for real-world applications involving planar graphs, such as transportation networks or circuit layouts. While the paper does not provide a practical evaluation of the algorithm, the theoretical result is a significant step forward in our understanding of this graph parameter and its computational complexity. Further research exploring the applications and extensions of this work could yield valuable insights for graph-based modeling and analysis.

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