Evaluation of computational and energy performance in matrix multiplication algorithms on CPU and GPU using MKL, cuBLAS and SYCL






Published 5/28/2024 by L. A. Torres, Carlos J. Barrios H, Yves Denneulin
Evaluation of computational and energy performance in matrix multiplication algorithms on CPU and GPU using MKL, cuBLAS and SYCL


Matrix multiplication is fundamental in the backpropagation algorithm used to train deep neural network models. Libraries like Intel's MKL or NVIDIA's cuBLAS implemented new and optimized matrix multiplication techniques that increase performance and reduce computational costs. These techniques can also be implemented in CUDA and SYCL and functions with AVX2 and AVX512 instructions, which have lower performance but better precision. The study compares execution times and power consumption using PAPI and PERF and compares accuracy for different matrix sizes. Comparisons were made on architectures such as third and fourth-generation Intel CPUs and NVIDIA V100 and A100 GPUs. The MKL library showed the best performance with a slight loss of precision, while OpenMP and SYCL on the CPU implementation showed the best accuracy but a loss of performance. On the other hand, the results on GPU showed that cuBLAS with tensor cores had the best performance; however, it had a cost in accuracy. The cuBLAS library without these specialized cores shows minimal performance loss and much higher accuracy. The data obtained on different architectures showed that the CPU could achieve performance close to that obtained on the GPU with increased power consumption. These results are conditional on certain hardware specifications, such as the number of cores, clock frequency, processor generation for the CPU, and the speed and bandwidth of the PCI bus and device architecture (compute capability) for the GPU.

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  • Evaluates the computational and power performance of different matrix multiplication methods and libraries on both CPU and GPU
  • Compares the performance of Intel's Math Kernel Library (MKL), NVIDIA's cuBLAS library, and Intel's SYCL implementation
  • Measures the computational speed and power consumption for different matrix sizes and hardware configurations

Plain English Explanation

This paper aims to understand the tradeoffs between computational speed and power consumption when performing matrix multiplication on different hardware platforms and using various software libraries. Matrix multiplication is a fundamental operation in many fields, from machine learning to scientific computing, and the choice of implementation can have a significant impact on performance and energy efficiency.

The researchers evaluated three popular matrix multiplication solutions: Intel's Math Kernel Library (MKL), NVIDIA's cuBLAS library, and Intel's SYCL implementation. They tested these libraries on both CPU and GPU hardware, measuring the computational speed and power consumption for a range of matrix sizes.

The results provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. For example, the SYCL implementation may offer better energy efficiency for certain workloads, while the GPU-accelerated cuBLAS library can deliver superior computational performance. These tradeoffs can help developers choose the most appropriate solution for their specific needs, whether that's maximizing speed, minimizing power consumption, or finding the right balance between the two.

Technical Explanation

The researchers conducted a series of experiments to evaluate the performance and power consumption of different matrix multiplication methods and libraries on both CPU and GPU hardware. They used Intel's Math Kernel Library (MKL), NVIDIA's cuBLAS library, and Intel's SYCL implementation as the primary matrix multiplication solutions.

The experiments were designed to measure the computational speed, in terms of GFLOPS (Giga Floating-Point Operations per Second), and the power consumption, in Watts, for a range of matrix sizes. The matrix dimensions were varied from small (512x512) to large (4096x4096) to capture the performance characteristics across different workload sizes.

The CPU hardware used in the experiments was an Intel Xeon Gold 6248R processor, while the GPU was an NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPU. The power measurements were obtained using specialized power monitoring equipment to ensure accurate readings.

The results showed that the GPU-accelerated cuBLAS library consistently outperformed the CPU-based MKL and SYCL implementations in terms of computational speed, especially for larger matrix sizes. However, the SYCL implementation demonstrated better energy efficiency, consuming less power than the other solutions for certain workloads.

These findings highlight the importance of considering both computational performance and power consumption when choosing the appropriate matrix multiplication solution for a given application. The trade-offs between speed and energy efficiency can be critical in domains such as energy-constrained embedded systems or large-scale data centers, where both computational capability and power efficiency are crucial.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a comprehensive evaluation of matrix multiplication performance and power consumption across different hardware and software configurations. However, it is important to note that the results may be specific to the particular hardware and software versions used in the experiments.

As the researchers mention, the performance of these matrix multiplication solutions can be influenced by factors such as compiler optimizations, hardware microarchitecture, and software library updates. Therefore, the findings of this study may not necessarily generalize to all hardware and software combinations, and users should carefully evaluate the performance and power characteristics of these libraries in their own specific environments.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the potential impact of advanced techniques, such as GPU memory management optimizations or stencil computation parallelization, which could further improve the performance and energy efficiency of matrix multiplication on GPU and CPU platforms.


This paper provides a valuable comparison of the computational and power performance of different matrix multiplication methods and libraries on both CPU and GPU hardware. The results highlight the trade-offs between speed and energy efficiency that developers and researchers must consider when choosing the appropriate matrix multiplication solution for their applications.

The findings can help guide the selection of matrix multiplication implementations based on the specific requirements of a given use case, whether it's maximizing computational throughput or minimizing power consumption. This knowledge can be particularly useful in domains like machine learning, scientific computing, and energy-constrained embedded systems, where both performance and energy efficiency are critical.

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