Even-if Explanations: Formal Foundations, Priorities and Complexity






Published 5/24/2024 by Gianvincenzo Alfano, Sergio Greco, Domenico Mandaglio, Francesco Parisi, Reza Shahbazian, Irina Trubitsyna



EXplainable AI has received significant attention in recent years. Machine learning models often operate as black boxes, lacking explainability and transparency while supporting decision-making processes. Local post-hoc explainability queries attempt to answer why individual inputs are classified in a certain way by a given model. While there has been important work on counterfactual explanations, less attention has been devoted to semifactual ones. In this paper, we focus on local post-hoc explainability queries within the semifactual `even-if' thinking and their computational complexity among different classes of models, and show that both linear and tree-based models are strictly more interpretable than neural networks. After this, we introduce a preference-based framework that enables users to personalize explanations based on their preferences, both in the case of semifactuals and counterfactuals, enhancing interpretability and user-centricity. Finally, we explore the complexity of several interpretability problems in the proposed preference-based framework and provide algorithms for polynomial cases.

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  • This paper discusses the formal foundations of counterfactual and semifactual explanations in the context of abstract argumentation.
  • It explores how these types of explanations can be used to provide insights into the reasoning behind decisions made by black-box machine learning models.
  • The research builds on previous work in the areas of counterfactual explanations, causality-aware local interpretable model-agnostic explanations, and even-ifs from if-onlys.

Plain English Explanation

The paper looks at how we can better understand the reasoning behind decisions made by complex machine learning models that are often treated as "black boxes." It focuses on two specific types of explanations: counterfactual and semifactual.

Counterfactual explanations answer the question "What would have to be different for the model to have made a different decision?" For example, "If the patient's blood pressure was lower, the model would have recommended a different treatment."

Semifactual explanations answer the question "What small changes could have led to a different decision?" For example, "If the patient's blood pressure was just slightly lower, the model would have recommended a different treatment."

By studying these types of explanations in the context of abstract argumentation (a way of modeling logical reasoning), the researchers aim to provide a formal foundation for using counterfactual and semifactual explanations to better understand and interpret the decisions of complex machine learning models. This could lead to more transparent and accountable AI systems that are easier for humans to understand and trust.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a formal framework for modeling counterfactual and semifactual explanations in the context of abstract argumentation. The authors define a novel semantics for these types of explanations and prove several theoretical properties, such as the existence of minimal explanations.

Specifically, the researchers introduce the concept of counterfactual attacks and semifactual attacks, which represent the relationships between arguments in an abstract argumentation system. These attacks capture the idea of "what-if" scenarios and how small changes to the arguments could lead to different conclusions.

The authors also define the notions of counterfactual admissibility and semifactual admissibility, which formalize the conditions under which a set of arguments can be considered a valid explanation for a given decision. They prove that there always exists a unique, minimal set of counterfactual and semifactual explanations.

The paper includes several illustrative examples and a comparison to related work, such as locally minimal probabilistic explanations and causality-aware local interpretable model-agnostic explanations.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous formal foundation for counterfactual and semifactual explanations in the context of abstract argumentation, which is a valuable contribution to the field of interpretable machine learning. The authors' definition of counterfactual and semifactual attacks, and the associated notions of admissibility, are intuitive and well-grounded in the existing literature.

One potential limitation of the research is that it focuses primarily on the theoretical aspects and does not include a detailed empirical evaluation of the proposed framework. While the authors mention potential applications to black-box machine learning models, the practical implementation and effectiveness of their approach in real-world scenarios are not fully explored.

Additionally, the paper does not address the potential challenges and limitations of using counterfactual and semifactual explanations, such as the difficulty of identifying the relevant features to change or the potential for these explanations to be misleading or incomplete. Further research may be needed to better understand the practical implications and potential pitfalls of these types of explanations.


This paper presents a formal framework for modeling counterfactual and semifactual explanations in the context of abstract argumentation. By defining the concepts of counterfactual and semifactual attacks, as well as the associated notions of admissibility, the researchers have laid the groundwork for using these types of explanations to better understand the reasoning behind decisions made by complex machine learning models.

While the theoretical aspects of the research are sound, the practical application and effectiveness of the proposed approach require further investigation. Nonetheless, this work contributes to the growing field of interpretable and accountable AI, which is crucial for building trust and transparency in machine learning systems.

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