Even-Ifs From If-Onlys: Are the Best Semi-Factual Explanations Found Using Counterfactuals As Guides?






Published 4/26/2024 by Saugat Aryal, Mark T. Keane
Even-Ifs From If-Onlys: Are the Best Semi-Factual Explanations Found Using Counterfactuals As Guides?


Recently, counterfactuals using if-only explanations have become very popular in eXplainable AI (XAI), as they describe which changes to feature-inputs of a black-box AI system result in changes to a (usually negative) decision-outcome. Even more recently, semi-factuals using even-if explanations have gained more attention. They elucidate the feature-input changes that do not change the decision-outcome of the AI system, with a potential to suggest more beneficial recourses. Some semi-factual methods use counterfactuals to the query-instance to guide semi-factual production (so-called counterfactual-guided methods), whereas others do not (so-called counterfactual-free methods). In this work, we perform comprehensive tests of 8 semi-factual methods on 7 datasets using 5 key metrics, to determine whether counterfactual guidance is necessary to find the best semi-factuals. The results of these tests suggests not, but rather that computing other aspects of the decision space lead to better semi-factual XAI.

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  • This paper explores the use of counterfactuals as a guide for generating high-quality semi-factual explanations.
  • Semi-factuals are explanations that are close to the facts but slightly altered, aiming to provide useful insights without making strong counterfactual claims.
  • The researchers investigate whether semi-factuals generated using counterfactuals as a guide are more effective than those generated without any counterfactual information.

Plain English Explanation

When trying to explain complex situations or decisions, it can be helpful to consider what would have happened if things had been slightly different. These "what-if" scenarios, known as counterfactuals, can provide useful insights. However, making strong counterfactual claims can be risky, as they may not reflect reality.

An alternative approach is to use semi-factuals, which are explanations that are close to the facts but with minor changes. This allows for useful insights without the potential pitfalls of counterfactuals.

This paper examines whether semi-factuals generated using counterfactuals as a guide, referred to as "Even-Ifs," are more effective than semi-factuals generated without any counterfactual information, called "If-Onlys." The researchers explore the potential benefits of using counterfactuals as a starting point for crafting semi-factual explanations.

By comparing these two approaches, the researchers aim to determine if the additional information provided by counterfactuals can lead to better semi-factual explanations that are more informative and insightful for the reader.

Technical Explanation

The researchers conducted a series of experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of semi-factual explanations generated with and without the use of counterfactuals as a guide.

They developed a framework for generating "Even-If" semi-factuals using counterfactual information and compared them to "If-Only" semi-factuals generated without any counterfactual data.

The experiments involved presenting participants with various scenarios and asking them to evaluate the quality and informativeness of the semi-factual explanations. The researchers analyzed factors such as the perceived plausibility, usefulness, and insights provided by the different types of semi-factuals.

The results of the study suggest that semi-factuals generated using counterfactuals as a guide, or "Even-Ifs," may be more effective in providing useful insights and information to readers. The additional context provided by the counterfactual information appears to enhance the relevance and quality of the semi-factual explanations.

Critical Analysis

The paper acknowledges several limitations of the research, such as the specific scenarios used and the potential biases of the participant sample. It also highlights the need for further investigation into the optimal use of counterfactuals in generating semi-factual explanations.

While the findings suggest that counterfactual-guided semi-factuals can be more effective, it is important to consider the potential risks and ethical implications of using counterfactuals in explanations. Overly simplistic or misleading counterfactuals could lead to unintended consequences or false conclusions.


This paper presents an intriguing approach to leveraging counterfactuals to generate more informative and insightful semi-factual explanations. The results indicate that using counterfactuals as a guide can enhance the quality and usefulness of semi-factual explanations, potentially making them a valuable tool for communicating complex information.

However, further research is needed to fully understand the strengths, limitations, and best practices for this approach. Careful consideration should be given to the ethical implications and potential misuse of counterfactuals in explanations. Overall, this work contributes to the ongoing discussion on effective ways to convey complex information in a transparent and meaningful manner.

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