Explainability for Transparent Conversational Information-Seeking






Published 5/7/2024 by Weronika {L}ajewska, Damiano Spina, Johanne Trippas, Krisztian Balog
Explainability for Transparent Conversational Information-Seeking


The increasing reliance on digital information necessitates advancements in conversational search systems, particularly in terms of information transparency. While prior research in conversational information-seeking has concentrated on improving retrieval techniques, the challenge remains in generating responses useful from a user perspective. This study explores different methods of explaining the responses, hypothesizing that transparency about the source of the information, system confidence, and limitations can enhance users' ability to objectively assess the response. By exploring transparency across explanation type, quality, and presentation mode, this research aims to bridge the gap between system-generated responses and responses verifiable by the user. We design a user study to answer questions concerning the impact of (1) the quality of explanations enhancing the response on its usefulness and (2) ways of presenting explanations to users. The analysis of the collected data reveals lower user ratings for noisy explanations, although these scores seem insensitive to the quality of the response. Inconclusive results on the explanations presentation format suggest that it may not be a critical factor in this setting.

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  • This paper explores the importance of explainability in conversational information-seeking systems, where users engage in back-and-forth dialogues to find information.
  • The researchers investigate ways to make these systems more transparent and understandable to users, which can foster trust and improve the overall user experience.
  • The paper covers related work in the areas of explainable AI, human-machine interfaces, and conversational systems.

Plain English Explanation

Conversational information-seeking systems are a type of AI that allow users to ask questions and get answers through a back-and-forth dialogue, similar to talking to a knowledgeable person. However, these systems can be like black boxes - users may not understand how they work or why they provide certain responses.

This paper explores ways to make these systems more "explainable", so users can better understand the reasoning behind the system's actions. By increasing transparency, the researchers aim to build trust between the user and the system, leading to a more satisfying and productive interaction.

For example, imagine you're using a virtual assistant to research a topic. If the assistant could explain its thought process - like "I'm searching relevant databases and weighing multiple factors to provide the most relevant information" - you'd likely feel more confident in the answers you receive. This explainability can be especially important for sensitive or high-stakes decisions.

The paper reviews prior work on explainable AI and human-machine interfaces, drawing insights that could be applied to conversational information-seeking. The goal is to develop systems that are not just technically capable, but also understandable and trustworthy to the people using them.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by reviewing related research on explainable AI, incorporating explanations into human-machine interfaces, and achieving stability in explainable recommendation systems. These fields provide a foundation for understanding how to make conversational information-seeking systems more transparent and understandable to users.

The authors then discuss the unique challenges of achieving explainability in conversational settings. Unlike static information retrieval, these systems must maintain coherence and context across an ongoing dialogue. The researchers propose a framework for question generation, knowledge-driven dialog, and explainability evaluation to address these challenges.

Key elements of the framework include:

  • Generating clarifying questions to better understand the user's intent
  • Dynamically retrieving and presenting relevant knowledge to support the system's responses
  • Providing explanations for the system's reasoning and decision-making process

Through this approach, the authors aim to create conversational information-seeking systems that are not only capable, but also transparent and trustworthy to users.

Critical Analysis

The paper raises important considerations around the need for explainability in conversational information-seeking systems. As these systems become more sophisticated and integrated into our daily lives, it is crucial that users understand how they work and can trust the information they provide.

One potential limitation discussed is the trade-off between explanatory power and system complexity. Highly detailed explanations may be difficult to generate and present in a conversational format, potentially overwhelming users. The researchers acknowledge the need to strike a balance between transparency and usability.

Additionally, the paper does not address potential biases or errors that could be introduced into the system's reasoning and explanations. Further research may be needed to ensure the integrity and fairness of these systems, especially for high-stakes applications.

Overall, the proposed framework represents an important step towards more transparent and trustworthy conversational information-seeking systems. However, ongoing work will be necessary to refine the approach and address the challenges of real-world deployment.


This paper highlights the critical importance of explainability in conversational information-seeking systems. By making these systems more transparent and understandable to users, the researchers aim to foster trust and improve the overall user experience.

The proposed framework incorporates techniques for generating clarifying questions, dynamically retrieving relevant knowledge, and providing explanations for the system's reasoning. This approach represents an important advancement in the field, with potential applications across a wide range of domains that rely on AI-powered information-seeking.

As conversational AI systems become increasingly ubiquitous, ensuring they are not only capable, but also trustworthy and explainable, will be crucial for realizing their full potential to enhance human knowledge and decision-making. This paper provides a valuable foundation for future research and development in this critical area.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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