False Sense of Security in Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)






Published 5/8/2024 by Neo Christopher Chung, Hongkyou Chung, Hearim Lee, Hongbeom Chung, Lennart Brocki, George Dyer
False Sense of Security in Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)


A cautious interpretation of AI regulations and policy in the EU and the USA place explainability as a central deliverable of compliant AI systems. However, from a technical perspective, explainable AI (XAI) remains an elusive and complex target where even state of the art methods often reach erroneous, misleading, and incomplete explanations. Explainability has multiple meanings which are often used interchangeably, and there are an even greater number of XAI methods - none of which presents a clear edge. Indeed, there are multiple failure modes for each XAI method, which require application-specific development and continuous evaluation. In this paper, we analyze legislative and policy developments in the United States and the European Union, such as the Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence, the AI Act, the AI Liability Directive, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) from a right to explanation perspective. We argue that these AI regulations and current market conditions threaten effective AI governance and safety because the objective of trustworthy, accountable, and transparent AI is intrinsically linked to the questionable ability of AI operators to provide meaningful explanations. Unless governments explicitly tackle the issue of explainability through clear legislative and policy statements that take into account technical realities, AI governance risks becoming a vacuous box-ticking exercise where scientific standards are replaced with legalistic thresholds, providing only a false sense of security in XAI.

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Legislative and Policy Developments

False Sense of Security

The paper discusses how recent legislative and policy developments around explainable AI (XAI) may give users a false sense of security. While regulations like the EU's AI Act aim to increase transparency and accountability of AI systems, the authors argue that these measures may not be sufficient to address the nuances and limitations of XAI.

Plain English Explanation

Governments and policymakers have been trying to make AI systems more transparent and easier to understand through new laws and regulations. For example, the European Union's AI Act requires AI systems to provide explanations for their decisions. However, the authors of this paper suggest that these efforts may give users a false sense of security about the reliability and trustworthiness of XAI systems.

The core issue is that even with increased transparency, there are still many limitations and challenges with current XAI techniques. Explainable AI systems can still have biases, make mistakes, or provide incomplete or misleading explanations. Additionally, the level of detail in XAI explanations can sometimes reduce user agreement with the system's outputs. So while regulations may mandate explanations, users may have a false belief that these explanations are comprehensive and reliable.

Technical Explanation

The paper argues that recent legislative and policy developments around XAI, such as the EU's AI Act, may give users a misleading sense of security about the transparency and reliability of AI systems. While these regulations require AI systems to provide explanations for their decisions, the authors contend that current XAI techniques still have significant limitations.

For example, XAI systems can suffer from biases, mistakes, and incomplete or potentially misleading explanations. Furthermore, providing more detailed explanations can sometimes reduce user agreement with the system's outputs, potentially undermining trust.

The authors argue that the nuances and constraints of XAI are not fully addressed by current legislative efforts, which may give users an inaccurate perception of the trustworthiness and reliability of AI systems.

Critical Analysis

The paper raises valid concerns about the limitations of current XAI techniques and how legislative efforts may create a false sense of security around the transparency and reliability of AI systems. The authors rightly point out that even with increased explanations, XAI systems can still suffer from biases, mistakes, and incomplete or misleading outputs.

Additionally, the finding that more detailed explanations can sometimes reduce user agreement is an important consideration that policymakers should take into account. Overly complex or technical explanations may not actually increase user trust and understanding as intended.

However, the paper does not delve deeply into potential solutions or alternative approaches to address these challenges. Further research is needed to understand how to design XAI systems and regulations that can truly enhance transparency and accountability without creating a false sense of security.


This paper highlights a critical issue with current legislative and policy efforts around explainable AI (XAI) - the risk of creating a false sense of security among users. While regulations like the EU's AI Act aim to increase transparency, the authors argue that the limitations and nuances of XAI are not fully addressed.

Even with mandated explanations, XAI systems can still suffer from biases, mistakes, and incomplete or misleading outputs. Additionally, providing more detailed explanations does not necessarily increase user trust and agreement. These challenges suggest that policymakers need to carefully consider the practical realities and constraints of XAI when crafting regulations.

Overall, this paper serves as an important caution against complacency and over-reliance on XAI as a solution for AI transparency and accountability. Continued research and a more nuanced approach will be essential to ensure that legislative efforts around XAI truly enhance public trust in these powerful technologies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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