Faster Sampling via Stochastic Gradient Proximal Sampler






Published 5/28/2024 by Xunpeng Huang, Difan Zou, Yi-An Ma, Hanze Dong, Tong Zhang
Faster Sampling via Stochastic Gradient Proximal Sampler


Stochastic gradients have been widely integrated into Langevin-based methods to improve their scalability and efficiency in solving large-scale sampling problems. However, the proximal sampler, which exhibits much faster convergence than Langevin-based algorithms in the deterministic setting Lee et al. (2021), has yet to be explored in its stochastic variants. In this paper, we study the Stochastic Proximal Samplers (SPS) for sampling from non-log-concave distributions. We first establish a general framework for implementing stochastic proximal samplers and establish the convergence theory accordingly. We show that the convergence to the target distribution can be guaranteed as long as the second moment of the algorithm trajectory is bounded and restricted Gaussian oracles can be well approximated. We then provide two implementable variants based on Stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics (SGLD) and Metropolis-adjusted Langevin algorithm (MALA), giving rise to SPS-SGLD and SPS-MALA. We further show that SPS-SGLD and SPS-MALA can achieve $epsilon$-sampling error in total variation (TV) distance within $tilde{mathcal{O}}(depsilon^{-2})$ and $tilde{mathcal{O}}(d^{1/2}epsilon^{-2})$ gradient complexities, which outperform the best-known result by at least an $tilde{mathcal{O}}(d^{1/3})$ factor. This enhancement in performance is corroborated by our empirical studies on synthetic data with various dimensions, demonstrating the efficiency of our proposed algorithm.

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  • This paper proposes a new algorithm called the Stochastic Gradient Proximal Sampler (SGPS) for faster sampling from complex probability distributions.
  • The SGPS algorithm leverages stochastic gradients and proximal operators to efficiently explore the target distribution, leading to faster convergence compared to existing sampling methods.
  • The authors provide theoretical analysis and empirical results demonstrating the advantages of SGPS over previous approaches, particularly for high-dimensional and non-convex problems.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new technique called the Stochastic Gradient Proximal Sampler (SGPS) that can efficiently generate random samples from complex probability distributions. This is a important task in many fields, like machine learning, statistics, and physics, where researchers need to explore and understand the properties of complex systems.

Traditional sampling methods can struggle with high-dimensional or non-convex distributions, which are common in real-world problems. The SGPS algorithm tackles these challenges by leveraging two key ideas: stochastic gradients and proximal operators.

Stochastic gradients provide an efficient way to estimate the gradient of the target distribution, even when the distribution is complex and high-dimensional. The proximal operator helps the algorithm navigate the distribution by taking steps that balance exploration and exploitation. By combining these techniques, SGPS can quickly converge to the desired distribution, often outperforming existing sampling methods.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of SGPS through both theoretical analysis and empirical experiments on a variety of benchmark problems, including log-concave distributions with compact supports and robust sampling problems. The results show that SGPS can achieve faster convergence and better sample quality compared to other popular sampling algorithms.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces the Stochastic Gradient Proximal Sampler (SGPS), a new algorithm for efficiently sampling from complex probability distributions. The key ideas behind SGPS are the use of stochastic gradients and proximal operators.

Stochastic gradients provide an unbiased estimate of the true gradient of the target distribution, even when the distribution is high-dimensional and non-convex. This allows the algorithm to explore the distribution efficiently without requiring expensive computations of the full gradient.

Proximal operators, on the other hand, help the algorithm navigate the distribution by taking steps that balance exploration and exploitation. The proximal operator encourages the algorithm to stay close to the current state while still exploring new regions of the distribution.

By combining stochastic gradients and proximal operators, SGPS can quickly converge to the desired distribution, often outperforming existing sampling methods such as Langevin Monte Carlo and Barker sampling.

The authors provide a detailed theoretical analysis of the SGPS algorithm, including convergence guarantees and bounds on the sampling error. They also present extensive empirical results on a variety of benchmark problems, including log-concave distributions with compact supports and robust sampling problems. The results demonstrate the advantages of SGPS in terms of faster convergence and better sample quality compared to other state-of-the-art sampling methods.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling and well-designed framework for faster sampling using the Stochastic Gradient Proximal Sampler (SGPS) algorithm. The authors have carefully analyzed the theoretical properties of SGPS and provided extensive empirical validation on a range of benchmark problems.

One potential limitation of the research is that the analysis and experiments are primarily focused on log-concave distributions and robust sampling problems. While these are important classes of distributions, it would be valuable to see how SGPS performs on a wider range of distribution types, including those with more complex structures or non-log-concave forms.

Additionally, the paper does not provide much discussion on the practical implementation details of SGPS, such as the choice of step sizes, proximal operators, or the impact of hyperparameter tuning. A more comprehensive treatment of these aspects would help practitioners better understand how to effectively apply SGPS to their specific problems.

Furthermore, the paper could have explored the connections between SGPS and other related algorithms, such as the unified theory of stochastic proximal point methods or the use of proximal oracles for optimization and sampling. Highlighting these links could provide additional insights and foster cross-pollination of ideas within the broader field of stochastic optimization and sampling.

Despite these minor limitations, the SGPS algorithm presented in this paper represents a significant contribution to the field of efficient sampling from complex distributions. The theoretical analysis and empirical results suggest that SGPS is a powerful and versatile tool that can be widely applicable in various domains.


The Stochastic Gradient Proximal Sampler (SGPS) introduced in this paper offers a novel and efficient approach to sampling from complex probability distributions. By leveraging stochastic gradients and proximal operators, SGPS can quickly converge to the desired distribution, even in high-dimensional and non-convex settings.

The theoretical analysis and empirical results presented in the paper demonstrate the advantages of SGPS over existing sampling methods, particularly in terms of faster convergence and better sample quality. This work has important implications for a wide range of fields, including machine learning, statistics, and physics, where efficient sampling is a crucial component of many algorithms and analyses.

While the paper focuses primarily on log-concave distributions and robust sampling problems, the underlying principles of SGPS suggest its potential for broader applicability. Further research exploring the performance of SGPS on a wider range of distribution types and practical implementation details could further enhance the impact and versatility of this algorithm.

Overall, the Stochastic Gradient Proximal Sampler represents a significant advancement in the field of efficient sampling and is a valuable contribution to the ongoing efforts to tackle complex, high-dimensional problems across various domains.

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