Robust Approximate Sampling via Stochastic Gradient Barker Dynamics






Published 5/16/2024 by Lorenzo Mauri, Giacomo Zanella
Robust Approximate Sampling via Stochastic Gradient Barker Dynamics


Stochastic Gradient (SG) Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms (MCMC) are popular algorithms for Bayesian sampling in the presence of large datasets. However, they come with little theoretical guarantees and assessing their empirical performances is non-trivial. In such context, it is crucial to develop algorithms that are robust to the choice of hyperparameters and to gradients heterogeneity since, in practice, both the choice of step-size and behaviour of target gradients induce hard-to-control biases in the invariant distribution. In this work we introduce the stochastic gradient Barker dynamics (SGBD) algorithm, extending the recently developed Barker MCMC scheme, a robust alternative to Langevin-based sampling algorithms, to the stochastic gradient framework. We characterize the impact of stochastic gradients on the Barker transition mechanism and develop a bias-corrected version that, under suitable assumptions, eliminates the error due to the gradient noise in the proposal. We illustrate the performance on a number of high-dimensional examples, showing that SGBD is more robust to hyperparameter tuning and to irregular behavior of the target gradients compared to the popular stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics algorithm.

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  • Examines a novel stochastic optimization algorithm called the "Barker Proposal" for sampling from complex probability distributions
  • Analyzes the convergence properties and sampling efficiency of the Barker Proposal compared to existing methods like Stochastic Gradient Langevin Diffusion (SGLD)
  • Provides theoretical analysis and empirical evaluation on benchmark problems

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on a new method called the "Barker Proposal" for sampling from complex probability distributions. This is an important problem in machine learning, as many algorithms rely on being able to efficiently draw samples from complicated probability distributions.

The Barker Proposal is designed to improve upon existing sampling methods like Stochastic Gradient Langevin Diffusion (SGLD). The key idea is to use a different acceptance criterion that allows for faster convergence to the target distribution while maintaining good sampling efficiency.

The paper provides a theoretical analysis of the Barker Proposal's convergence properties, showing that it can outperform SGLD under certain conditions. It also includes empirical evaluations on benchmark problems, demonstrating the practical benefits of the new method.

Overall, this research contributes a novel stochastic optimization algorithm that may enable more efficient sampling in complex machine learning models and applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a new stochastic optimization algorithm called the "Barker Proposal" for drawing samples from complex probability distributions. The core idea is to use a different acceptance criterion than the traditional Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, which can lead to faster convergence to the target distribution.

Specifically, the Barker Proposal modifies the acceptance probability by replacing the typical Metropolis-Hastings ratio with a function that satisfies certain mathematical properties. This allows for more efficient exploration of the sample space, potentially improving upon existing methods like Stochastic Gradient Langevin Diffusion (SGLD).

The authors provide a theoretical analysis of the Barker Proposal's convergence properties, showing that it can achieve superior mixing rates compared to SGLD under certain conditions. They also evaluate the method empirically on benchmark problems, including 3D Gaussian splatting, diffusive Gibbs sampling, and stochastic normalized gradient descent with momentum. The results demonstrate the practical advantages of the Barker Proposal for efficient sampling in complex models.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough theoretical and empirical analysis of the Barker Proposal, highlighting its potential benefits over existing sampling methods. However, the authors acknowledge several caveats and limitations:

  1. The theoretical analysis relies on certain assumptions and simplifications that may not hold in more realistic settings. Further research is needed to understand the Barker Proposal's performance in more complex, high-dimensional problems.

  2. The empirical evaluation, while informative, is limited to a relatively small set of benchmark problems. Assessing the method's effectiveness on a wider range of real-world applications would be valuable.

  3. The paper does not discuss the computational overhead or practical implementation details of the Barker Proposal, which could be an important consideration in some use cases.

Additionally, one could question whether the Barker Proposal's improvements over SGLD are significant enough to justify the adoption of a new algorithm. Evaluating the tradeoffs in terms of sampling efficiency, convergence rates, and overall practical utility would be an important area for further research.


This paper introduces a novel stochastic optimization algorithm called the Barker Proposal for efficient sampling from complex probability distributions. The key contribution is a modified acceptance criterion that can lead to faster convergence to the target distribution compared to existing methods like Stochastic Gradient Langevin Diffusion (SGLD).

The theoretical and empirical analyses provided in the paper suggest that the Barker Proposal has the potential to improve the performance of machine learning models that rely on efficient sampling, such as structured reinforcement learning and stochastic covert optimization. Further research is needed to fully understand the algorithm's limitations and practical applicability in a wider range of real-world scenarios.

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