Feasibility of State Space Models for Network Traffic Generation






Published 6/6/2024 by Andrew Chu, Xi Jiang, Shinan Liu, Arjun Bhagoji, Francesco Bronzino, Paul Schmitt, Nick Feamster
Feasibility of State Space Models for Network Traffic Generation


Many problems in computer networking rely on parsing collections of network traces (e.g., traffic prioritization, intrusion detection). Unfortunately, the availability and utility of these collections is limited due to privacy concerns, data staleness, and low representativeness. While methods for generating data to augment collections exist, they often fall short in replicating the quality of real-world traffic In this paper, we i) survey the evolution of traffic simulators/generators and ii) propose the use of state-space models, specifically Mamba, for packet-level, synthetic network trace generation by modeling it as an unsupervised sequence generation problem. Early evaluation shows that state-space models can generate synthetic network traffic with higher statistical similarity to real traffic than the state-of-the-art. Our approach thus has the potential to reliably generate realistic, informative synthetic network traces for downstream tasks.

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  • This paper explores the feasibility of using state space models to generate network traffic data for testing and evaluation purposes.
  • State space models are a class of mathematical models that can capture the dynamic behavior of complex systems, like network traffic.
  • The researchers investigate whether state space models can be used to realistically simulate network traffic patterns, without the need for extensive data collection.

Plain English Explanation

State space models are a type of mathematical model that can be used to understand and predict the behavior of complex systems over time. In this paper, the researchers examined whether these models could be used to generate artificial network traffic data that closely resembles real-world network traffic.

The motivation for this research is that collecting and curating large, representative network traffic datasets can be a time-consuming and challenging task. If state space models could be used to generate realistic synthetic traffic data, it could provide a more efficient way to test and evaluate network technologies and algorithms.

The researchers explored different approaches for building state space models of network traffic, looking at factors like the model structure, parameter estimation, and the ability to capture important statistical properties of real network traffic. They conducted experiments to assess how well the generated traffic data matched the characteristics of actual network traces.

Overall, the findings suggest that state space models have promise as a tool for network traffic generation, but there are also some limitations and challenges that need to be addressed. The paper provides insights into the feasibility of this approach and highlights areas for further research and development.

Technical Explanation

The paper investigates the use of state space models to generate realistic network traffic data. State space models are a class of mathematical models that can capture the dynamic behavior of complex systems over time, making them a potential fit for modeling network traffic patterns.

The researchers explore different state space model structures and parameter estimation techniques to determine the feasibility of using these models for network traffic generation. They assess the models' ability to capture key statistical properties of real-world network traffic, such as distributions of packet sizes, inter-arrival times, and throughput.

The experimental evaluation compares the characteristics of the generated traffic data to actual network traces, examining metrics like packet size distributions, autocorrelation, and power spectral density. The results indicate that state space models can reasonably approximate some aspects of network traffic, but also have limitations in fully capturing the complex dynamics and variability observed in real-world data.

The paper discusses the tradeoffs and challenges involved in using state space models for this purpose, such as the sensitivity of the models to parameter estimation, the difficulty in capturing long-range dependencies, and the need for further research to improve the fidelity of the generated traffic. The authors also suggest potential extensions, such as incorporating spatial-temporal aspects or leveraging alternative model structures to enhance the capabilities of state space-based network traffic generation.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thorough investigation into the feasibility of using state space models for network traffic generation, highlighting both the potential benefits and the limitations of this approach.

One key strength of the research is the rigorous experimental evaluation, which compares the generated traffic data to real-world network traces across a range of statistical properties. This helps to quantify the accuracy and fidelity of the state space models in capturing the complex dynamics of network traffic.

However, the paper also acknowledges that state space models struggle to fully capture certain aspects of network traffic, such as long-range dependencies and heavy-tailed distributions. This suggests that while state space models may be a useful tool for network traffic generation, they may need to be combined with other techniques or model structures to achieve more comprehensive and realistic results.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the computational efficiency and scalability of the state space modeling approach. As network traffic datasets can be extremely large and complex, the ability to generate synthetic data efficiently would be an important practical consideration.

Further research could explore the integration of state space models with other techniques, such as spatial-temporal models or deep learning-based approaches, to enhance the realism and flexibility of network traffic generation. Investigating the model's performance on diverse network scenarios and traffic patterns would also be valuable.


This paper presents an investigation into the feasibility of using state space models to generate synthetic network traffic data. The findings suggest that state space models have promise as a tool for this purpose, as they can reasonably capture certain statistical properties of real-world network traffic. However, the models also have limitations in fully capturing the complex dynamics and variability observed in actual network traces.

The research provides valuable insights into the tradeoffs and challenges involved in using state space models for network traffic generation, and highlights areas for further development and investigation. As the need for efficient and representative network traffic data continues to grow, this work contributes to the ongoing efforts to explore alternative approaches to dataset generation and simulation.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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