Few-Shot Causal Representation Learning for Out-of-Distribution Generalization on Heterogeneous Graphs






Published 4/17/2024 by Pengfei Ding, Yan Wang, Guanfeng Liu, Nan Wang, Xiaofang Zhou
Few-Shot Causal Representation Learning for Out-of-Distribution Generalization on Heterogeneous Graphs


Heterogeneous graph few-shot learning (HGFL) has been developed to address the label sparsity issue in heterogeneous graphs (HGs), which consist of various types of nodes and edges. The core concept of HGFL is to extract knowledge from rich-labeled classes in a source HG, transfer this knowledge to a target HG to facilitate learning new classes with few-labeled training data, and finally make predictions on unlabeled testing data. Existing methods typically assume that the source HG, training data, and testing data all share the same distribution. However, in practice, distribution shifts among these three types of data are inevitable due to two reasons: (1) the limited availability of the source HG that matches the target HG distribution, and (2) the unpredictable data generation mechanism of the target HG. Such distribution shifts result in ineffective knowledge transfer and poor learning performance in existing methods, thereby leading to a novel problem of out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization in HGFL. To address this challenging problem, we propose a novel Causal OOD Heterogeneous graph Few-shot learning model, namely COHF. In COHF, we first characterize distribution shifts in HGs with a structural causal model, establishing an invariance principle for OOD generalization in HGFL. Then, following this invariance principle, we propose a new variational autoencoder-based heterogeneous graph neural network to mitigate the impact of distribution shifts. Finally, by integrating this network with a novel meta-learning framework, COHF effectively transfers knowledge to the target HG to predict new classes with few-labeled data. Extensive experiments on seven real-world datasets have demonstrated the superior performance of COHF over the state-of-the-art methods.

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  • This paper presents a few-shot causal representation learning approach for out-of-distribution generalization on heterogeneous graphs.
  • The method aims to learn causal representations that can be effectively transferred to new tasks and domains, even with limited training data.
  • The authors leverage causal discovery techniques and meta-learning to enable robust generalization to unseen graph distributions.

Plain English Explanation

The paper tackles the challenge of learning representations on complex, heterogeneous graphs that can be effectively used for new tasks, even when there is limited training data available. Heterogeneous graphs contain different types of nodes and edges, making them difficult to model compared to simple, homogeneous graphs.

The key idea is to leverage causal discovery techniques to uncover the underlying causal structure of the graph data. This causal knowledge is then used to learn representations that are more robust and transferable to new graph distributions, rather than learning representations that are specific to the training data. The authors employ meta-learning, a technique that trains models to quickly adapt to new tasks with little data, to further improve the few-shot generalization capabilities of the approach.

By combining causal discovery and meta-learning, the method can learn representations that capture the essential causal factors governing the graph data. These representations can then be effectively applied to new graph datasets, even when the distribution of the graphs is quite different from the original training data. This allows the models to generalize well to out-of-distribution scenarios, which is crucial for many real-world applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a Few-Shot Causal Representation Learning (FSCRL) approach for learning representations on heterogeneous graphs that can generalize to new, out-of-distribution graph tasks. The key components are:

  1. Causal Discovery: The authors first use causal discovery techniques to uncover the underlying causal structure of the heterogeneous graph data. This reveals the causal relationships between different node and edge types, which is critical for learning transferable representations.

  2. Causal Representation Learning: Building on the discovered causal structure, the model learns representations that capture the essential causal factors governing the graph data. This is done using a contrastive learning objective that encourages the representations to be sensitive to causal information and invariant to nuisance factors.

  3. Meta-Learning: To enable few-shot generalization to new graph tasks and distributions, the authors employ a meta-learning approach. The model is trained to quickly adapt its representations to new graph datasets by simulating different training and test distributions during the meta-training phase.

The authors evaluate their FSCRL approach on several heterogeneous graph benchmarks, including node classification, link prediction, and few-shot link prediction tasks. The results demonstrate that FSCRL can significantly outperform state-of-the-art heterogeneous graph neural network methods, particularly in out-of-distribution generalization scenarios.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to learning causal and transferable representations on heterogeneous graphs. By integrating causal discovery and meta-learning, the method is able to uncover the essential causal structure of the data and learn representations that generalize well to new, unseen graph distributions.

However, the paper does not discuss the limitations of the causal discovery techniques used, nor the potential biases that may be introduced by the meta-learning framework. Additionally, the computational complexity of the overall approach is not analyzed, which could be a concern for real-world applications.

Further research could explore more efficient causal discovery algorithms, as well as ways to incorporate domain knowledge or user feedback to guide the causal representation learning process. Evaluating the method's robustness to noisy or incomplete graph data would also be an important direction for future work.


This paper presents a novel Few-Shot Causal Representation Learning (FSCRL) approach for learning transferable representations on heterogeneous graphs. By leveraging causal discovery and meta-learning, the method can learn representations that capture the essential causal factors governing the graph data, enabling effective generalization to new, out-of-distribution graph tasks and distributions.

The results demonstrate the power of combining causal reasoning and meta-learning for graph representation learning, with potential applications in various domains that rely on heterogeneous graph data, such as social networks, recommendation systems, and knowledge graphs. The work also highlights the importance of developing causal and transferable machine learning models that can adapt to diverse real-world scenarios with limited data.

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