Generalized Regression with Conditional GANs






Published 4/23/2024 by Deddy Jobson, Eddy Hudson



Regression is typically treated as a curve-fitting process where the goal is to fit a prediction function to data. With the help of conditional generative adversarial networks, we propose to solve this age-old problem in a different way; we aim to learn a prediction function whose outputs, when paired with the corresponding inputs, are indistinguishable from feature-label pairs in the training dataset. We show that this approach to regression makes fewer assumptions on the distribution of the data we are fitting to and, therefore, has better representation capabilities. We draw parallels with generalized linear models in statistics and show how our proposal serves as an extension of them to neural networks. We demonstrate the superiority of this new approach to standard regression with experiments on multiple synthetic and publicly available real-world datasets, finding encouraging results, especially with real-world heavy-tailed regression datasets. To make our work more reproducible, we release our source code. Link to repository:

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  • This paper introduces a new method called Generalized Regression with Conditional GANs (GReCon) for modeling heavy-tailed distributions in regression problems.
  • The approach uses a conditional generative adversarial network (GAN) architecture to learn a flexible mapping between input features and target variables, allowing it to capture complex nonlinear relationships.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of GReCon on several benchmark datasets, showing that it outperforms traditional regression methods in terms of predictive accuracy, especially for heavy-tailed target variables.

Plain English Explanation

Generalized Regression with Conditional GANs tackles the challenge of modeling real-world data that doesn't follow a simple, well-behaved distribution. In many applications, the target variable we want to predict may have a "heavy-tailed" distribution, meaning there's a higher chance of observing very large or small values compared to a normal distribution.

The authors propose using a type of machine learning model called a conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN) to handle these complex, non-standard distributions. A cGAN works by training two neural networks to compete with each other - one tries to generate realistic-looking data, while the other tries to distinguish the generated data from real data. This adversarial training process allows the cGAN to learn a flexible mapping between the input features and the target variable, capturing nonlinear relationships that traditional regression methods might miss.

The key innovation in this paper is applying the cGAN framework to regression problems, where the goal is to predict a continuous target variable rather than generate new data. The authors call their approach Generalized Regression with Conditional GANs (GReCon), and show through experiments on benchmark datasets that it outperforms standard regression techniques, especially when the target variable has a heavy-tailed distribution.

Technical Explanation

Generalized Regression with Conditional GANs presents a new method for tackling regression problems with non-Gaussian target variables. The authors introduce Generalized Regression with Conditional GANs (GReCon), which leverages the flexibility of conditional generative adversarial networks (cGANs) to learn a mapping between input features and target variables.

In a standard regression setup, the goal is to predict a continuous target variable y given a set of input features x. Traditional regression techniques, such as linear or polynomial regression, make assumptions about the underlying distribution of y (e.g., Gaussian). However, many real-world datasets exhibit heavy-tailed distributions, where there is a higher probability of observing very large or small values compared to a normal distribution.

To address this, the authors propose using a cGAN architecture, where the generator network learns to map the input features x to the target variable y, while the discriminator network tries to distinguish the generator's outputs from the true training data. This adversarial training process allows the cGAN to capture complex, nonlinear relationships between x and y, without making restrictive assumptions about the distribution of y.

The authors evaluate GReCon on several benchmark regression datasets, including both synthetic and real-world examples with heavy-tailed target variables. The results show that GReCon outperforms traditional regression methods, such as Causal Representation Learning from Multiple Distributions, MCL-GAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Multiple Specialized Classifiers, and SAN: Inducing Metrizability in GAN Discriminative Normalized Linear, particularly when the target variable has a heavy-tailed distribution.

Critical Analysis

The key strength of Generalized Regression with Conditional GANs is its ability to model complex, non-Gaussian target variables, which are common in many real-world regression problems. By leveraging the flexible mapping capabilities of cGANs, the GReCon method can capture nonlinear relationships and heavy-tailed distributions that would be challenging for traditional regression techniques.

However, the paper also acknowledges several limitations and areas for further research. First, the training of cGANs can be notoriously unstable, and the authors note that careful hyperparameter tuning is required to ensure convergence. Additionally, the interpretation of the learned mapping between inputs and outputs in a cGAN-based model is less straightforward compared to more interpretable regression methods, such as Advancing Ante-hoc Explainable Models through Generative Approaches.

Another potential concern is the computational complexity of GReCon, as training a cGAN can be more resource-intensive than traditional regression approaches. The authors do not provide a detailed analysis of the runtime or memory requirements of their method, which would be useful for practitioners considering its real-world applicability.

Overall, Generalized Regression with Conditional GANs presents an interesting and promising approach for modeling complex regression problems with non-standard target variable distributions. However, further research is needed to address the stability, interpretability, and computational efficiency of the GReCon method, as well as to explore its performance on a wider range of real-world datasets.


Generalized Regression with Conditional GANs introduces a novel approach for tackling regression problems with heavy-tailed target variable distributions. By leveraging the flexible mapping capabilities of conditional generative adversarial networks, the GReCon method can capture complex, nonlinear relationships between input features and outputs, outperforming traditional regression techniques.

The key innovation of this work is the application of cGANs to regression problems, demonstrating the potential of adversarial training to model non-Gaussian target variables. While the method has some limitations in terms of stability, interpretability, and computational complexity, the results presented in the paper suggest that GReCon could be a valuable tool for a wide range of real-world regression tasks, particularly those involving heavy-tailed or otherwise non-standard target variable distributions.

Overall, this research advances the state of the art in regression modeling, offering a new perspective on how generative adversarial networks can be used to tackle complex, real-world prediction problems. As the field of machine learning continues to evolve, approaches like GReCon may become increasingly important for extracting insights from the growing abundance of complex, non-Gaussian data.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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