Generative AI-Based Text Generation Methods Using Pre-Trained GPT-2 Model






Published 4/3/2024 by Rohit Pandey, Hetvi Waghela, Sneha Rakshit, Aparna Rangari, Anjali Singh, Rahul Kumar, Ratnadeep Ghosal, Jaydip Sen



This work delved into the realm of automatic text generation, exploring a variety of techniques ranging from traditional deterministic approaches to more modern stochastic methods. Through analysis of greedy search, beam search, top-k sampling, top-p sampling, contrastive searching, and locally typical searching, this work has provided valuable insights into the strengths, weaknesses, and potential applications of each method. Each text-generating method is evaluated using several standard metrics and a comparative study has been made on the performance of the approaches. Finally, some future directions of research in the field of automatic text generation are also identified.

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  • This paper explores various techniques for automatically generating text, including traditional deterministic approaches and modern stochastic methods.
  • The researchers analyzed the strengths, weaknesses, and potential applications of different text generation methods, such as greedy search, beam search, top-k sampling, top-p sampling, contrastive searching, and locally typical searching.
  • The performance of these approaches was evaluated using standard metrics, and the findings provide valuable insights for the field of automatic text generation.
  • The paper also identifies future research directions in this area.

Plain English Explanation

Generating human-like text automatically is a complex challenge that researchers have been working on for years. This paper looks at a variety of techniques that can be used to create text without human input. Some of the approaches are more structured and predictable, while others take a more probabilistic approach.

The researchers tested out different text generation methods to see how well they perform. They looked at things like how coherent and diverse the generated text was, as well as how closely it matched human-written text. By comparing the strengths and weaknesses of each technique, the paper provides a useful guide for when and how to apply these text generation tools.

For example, some methods are good at producing consistent, on-topic text, while others can generate more varied and creative content. The researchers also identified areas where further improvements could be made to make the text generation even more natural and useful.

Overall, this work contributes to our understanding of the current state of automatic text generation and points the way toward future advancements in this rapidly evolving field.

Technical Explanation

The paper examines several text generation techniques, including:

  • Greedy search: A deterministic approach that selects the most probable word at each step.
  • Beam search: An extension of greedy search that considers multiple potential word sequences in parallel.
  • Top-k sampling: A stochastic method that randomly samples from the k most probable words.
  • Top-p sampling (nucleus sampling): A variation of top-k that samples from the smallest possible set of words that account for a specified probability mass.
  • Contrastive search: An approach that encourages the generated text to be different from a given reference text.
  • Locally typical search: A technique that aims to produce text that is "locally typical" rather than simply the most probable.

The researchers evaluated these methods using standard metrics like perplexity, BLEU score, and distinct n-grams, comparing their performance on text generation tasks. The analysis provided insights into the trade-offs between qualities like coherence, diversity, and fidelity to human-written text.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough and objective comparison of various text generation techniques, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. However, it is important to note that the evaluation was conducted on a limited set of datasets and tasks. The performance of these methods may vary depending on the specific application and domain.

Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into the ethical implications of automatic text generation. As these technologies become more advanced, there are concerns about their potential misuse, such as generating misinformation or impersonating real people. Future research should consider the societal impact and responsible development of text generation systems.

Another area for further exploration is the integration of these text generation techniques with other AI capabilities, such as language understanding and reasoning. Combining text generation with other natural language processing tasks could lead to more robust and versatile systems.


This paper provides a valuable contribution to the field of automatic text generation by systematically evaluating a range of techniques and offering insights into their strengths and weaknesses. The findings can inform the development of more advanced text generation systems, which have numerous potential applications in areas like content creation, language learning, and assistive technologies.

As the field continues to evolve, it will be important to address the ethical considerations and explore ways to integrate text generation with other AI capabilities to create more sophisticated and responsible language models. This research lays the groundwork for future advancements in this rapidly changing and impactful domain.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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