Generative Modeling of Regular and Irregular Time Series Data via Koopman VAEs






Published 5/14/2024 by Ilan Naiman, N. Benjamin Erichson, Pu Ren, Michael W. Mahoney, Omri Azencot
Generative Modeling of Regular and Irregular Time Series Data via Koopman VAEs


Generating realistic time series data is important for many engineering and scientific applications. Existing work tackles this problem using generative adversarial networks (GANs). However, GANs are unstable during training, and they can suffer from mode collapse. While variational autoencoders (VAEs) are known to be more robust to the these issues, they are (surprisingly) less considered for time series generation. In this work, we introduce Koopman VAE (KoVAE), a new generative framework that is based on a novel design for the model prior, and that can be optimized for either regular and irregular training data. Inspired by Koopman theory, we represent the latent conditional prior dynamics using a linear map. Our approach enhances generative modeling with two desired features: (i) incorporating domain knowledge can be achieved by leveraging spectral tools that prescribe constraints on the eigenvalues of the linear map; and (ii) studying the qualitative behavior and stability of the system can be performed using tools from dynamical systems theory. Our results show that KoVAE outperforms state-of-the-art GAN and VAE methods across several challenging synthetic and real-world time series generation benchmarks. Whether trained on regular or irregular data, KoVAE generates time series that improve both discriminative and predictive metrics. We also present visual evidence suggesting that KoVAE learns probability density functions that better approximate the empirical ground truth distribution.

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  • This paper introduces a novel generative modeling approach called Koopman Variational Autoencoders (Koopman VAEs) that can effectively model both regular and irregular time series data.
  • The Koopman VAE framework leverages the Koopman operator theory to capture the underlying dynamics of time series, enabling it to handle irregularly sampled data.
  • The model is evaluated on several time series datasets, demonstrating its ability to generate realistic samples and outperform existing techniques for irregularly sampled data.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new way to generate synthetic time series data, which are sequences of measurements collected over time. Time series data can be "regular", meaning the measurements are taken at fixed, evenly-spaced intervals, or "irregular", meaning the intervals between measurements vary.

Improved Tabular Data Generator VAE-GMM Integration and Learning Multi-Modal Generative Models via Permutation Invariant are examples of prior work on generating tabular and time series data, respectively. However, these models struggle to effectively capture the dynamics of irregular time series data.

The key innovation in this paper is the use of the Koopman operator theory to build a new type of variational autoencoder (VAE) called a Koopman VAE. The Koopman VAE can model the underlying patterns and relationships in time series data, even when the data is irregularly sampled. This allows the model to generate new, realistic-looking time series samples.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of the Koopman VAE on several benchmark time series datasets, showing that it outperforms existing techniques, particularly for irregular time series data. This could have applications in fields like finance, medicine, and climate science, where irregular time series data is common.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces the Koopman Variational Autoencoder (Koopman VAE), a generative modeling framework that can effectively capture the dynamics of both regular and irregular time series data.

The key innovation is the integration of the Koopman operator theory into the VAE architecture. The Koopman operator is a linear operator that can describe the evolution of nonlinear dynamical systems. By incorporating this framework, the Koopman VAE is able to model the underlying dynamics of time series data, even when the sampling is irregular.

Distributional Drift Adaptation in Temporal Conditional Variational Autoencoder and Mori-Zwanzig Latent Space, Koopman Closure for Nonlinear are examples of prior work that have leveraged the Koopman operator for time series modeling.

The Koopman VAE consists of an encoder that maps the input time series data to a latent representation, and a decoder that generates new time series samples from the latent space. The model is trained end-to-end using a variational inference approach.

The researchers evaluate the Koopman VAE on several benchmark time series datasets, including both regular and irregularly sampled data. The results show that the Koopman VAE outperforms existing techniques, particularly for irregularly sampled data, in terms of its ability to generate realistic samples.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to generative modeling of time series data, with a strong theoretical foundation in the Koopman operator theory. The integration of this framework into the VAE architecture is a novel contribution that addresses an important challenge in time series modeling.

One potential limitation is the computational complexity of the Koopman VAE, as the model needs to learn the Koopman operator in addition to the encoder and decoder networks. This may limit the scalability of the approach to very large or high-dimensional time series datasets.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the learned Koopman operator and its interpretability. Understanding the insights the Koopman operator can provide about the underlying dynamics of the time series data could be an interesting avenue for further research.

Fully Embedded Time Series Generative Adversarial Networks is another recent work that explores generative modeling of time series data using a different approach, which could be an interesting comparison to the Koopman VAE.


The Koopman Variational Autoencoder presented in this paper is a significant advancement in the field of time series generative modeling. By leveraging the Koopman operator theory, the model can effectively capture the dynamics of both regular and irregular time series data, outperforming existing techniques.

This work has the potential to benefit a wide range of applications, from finance and healthcare to climate science, where realistic synthetic time series data is in high demand. The authors have made an important contribution to the ongoing efforts to develop more powerful and flexible tools for time series data generation and analysis.

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